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Halloween Horror Nights 2024 (USH) - Speculation & Rumors

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Yeah I’ll admit that’s where my mind went to as well
lots of gore, I doubt they would do the more erotic themes of the movie but that’s ok. We can just have cenobites killing victims in each scene lol
Depending on which movie, we could have some cool costumes (like part 3) I think that’s the most disturbing one.
Posting this here as I have to other groups in particular. A rumor specifically for USH's Halloween Horror Nights, and not one people quite expect.

Been hearing from those familar, that USH is looking to add purpose-built structures for the park's seasonal events. I have not heard if it is directly related to sprungs in the type of structure, or the conversion of pre-existing structures like SS20/22 and SS21/23. Current belief (with reason, as it seems there are group meetings occurring around the area) is H-Lot, which is currently being used as a storing area for Grinchmas.


(photo credit is by @HydraGen2299 for taking these from a publicly accessed area)

Adding to the rumor a small bit more as of last I have gained incite with two bits:

I am 95% certain that the Purpose-Built Venues are happening, and I am going to say to my understanding--the Purpose-Built Venues are in-fact Sprungs. Assuming if they maintain the orientation of past H-Lot Houses, the two new venues will be able to completely take those positional without any issue or loss of space.

I am confident enough to say that there is much more than smoke going on now; and I am excited to see the end result with y'all.
so--I am gonna deposit this thought and leave it for people to think on; but how would people feel if USH's focus this year on budgets was ontop of the Purpose-Built Venues and UBE finally getting converted to a black box venue (as Murdy has been talking about wanting to do), they also in turn use one of the three adjacent soundstages next to SS22?

That being of Soundstage 20, Soundstage 21, and Soundstage 23.

If they have been considering upping the game of scale; perhaps they might see going to 9 as a means of allowing more for people to do ontop of what is there? It also could allow them to have more control of the cluster; for once the park is ready to expand down there in turn.
so--I am gonna deposit this thought and leave it for people to think on; but how would people feel if USH's focus this year on budgets was ontop of the Purpose-Built Venues and UBE finally getting converted to a black box venue (as Murdy has been talking about wanting to do), they also in turn use one of the three adjacent soundstages next to SS22?

That being of Soundstage 20, Soundstage 21, and Soundstage 23.

If they have been considering upping the game of scale; perhaps they might see going to 9 as a means of allowing more for people to do ontop of what is there? It also could allow them to have more control of the cluster; for once the park is ready to expand down there in turn.
I could see that. What I could also see is one of those stages being converted into queue space like how Orlando used one of the stages for queue space for Bloodmoon last year.

As for UBE, since Evil Dead/Horror Hotel is being completely taken apart (At least so we hear), this might be their chance to do a true black box venue. Question is, would they keep the short interior queue?
I could see that. What I could also see is one of those stages being converted into queue space like how Orlando used one of the stages for queue space for Bloodmoon last year.
I actively agree that it feels like something that should be done already. If only to help ease congestion and to potentially let more walking space down there; but it feels like a obvious thing that could be really plentiful (Especially in the hot/warm September period).
I actively agree that it feels like something that should be done already. If only to help ease congestion and to potentially let more walking space down there; but it feels like a obvious thing that could be really plentiful (Especially in the hot/warm September period).
Would it also be too much to ask for AC inside the houses? T-Pad gets pretty horrid in there.
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With Beetlejuice 2 coming out this Fall, you think it could be our exclusive IP? Or is there still bad blood from the rights holders from a
I wish but I just want the first one I don’t have any faith in that sequel whatsoever. I’m not sure if there is still bad blood? The only one we know for sure is that Halloween 3 is gone for like the foreseeable future according to Murdy on twitter. Honestly money talks. Last year we all thought Netflix wasn’t on good terms with universal and look what happened? Stranger things have happened
Just going to throw this out there... Creature From The Black Lagoon was a victim of budget cuts in the 2018 house. He has yet to rise from the depths since then. I'd prefer Orlando NOT to be involved with the creative process just to simplify marketing, especially after "Unmasked". That was a disgrace compared to previous installments. Anyway...

Released: February 12th 1954

CFTBL celebrates it's 70th anniversary this year. I feel like it'd be the perfect time to give us a visit to the old Monsterquarium! (<--- HHN Hollywood 1997 reference)

From the little bit of info that can be dug up about that Pre-hiatus 2.0/Murdy house, it was random AF & in the Waterworld venue!
"What lurks at the bottom of this murky slimy foggy watering hole? Our advice is you don't stick your hand in to find out"

It's been 27 years since Universal had this house & apparently the experience was a unique in its theming. There were many of aquariums, some using dry-for-wet and some using actual water, containing quite an assortment of different static props, mechanical monsters (including two made by Total Fabrication, a moving squid, appropriate since these guys also made the (motorless) motorized octopus from Ed Wood, and a huge devil fish head that would fly at guests, chomping away, in the last corridor of the maze, and human scareactors such as a mermaid. One featured a guy in an open-front tank who would complain about how he couldn't get out to go to the bathroom, and then while yelling that he couldn't hold it any longer, he'd squirt you.

I'd be curious to see what Murdy could do with this IP, especially if given an "Original" treatment instead of retelling. I'd expect a lot of hanging seaweed & blue/green lighting. Different scents are a given.

2019's house was like a side-quest because Murdy didn't think to do a direct follow-up to 2018 (until 2020/2021). 2022's house kinda continued the story, except for Orlando's insistence on including the Wolfman. Then 2023 just dropped the ball in every way possible (but that is a rant for another time because I can easily make it be relatable spec content lol).
Unironically it's why I kind of would want to see a "Jungle" story, but with Gillman represented almost as if he was a "Predator"-type creature.

We follow a group of adventurers trying to find proof of a fabled seaman, to only be hunted down and killed in varying ways. Show Gillman as something that should not be pursued, should not be seen or found in any way.
Unironically it's why I kind of would want to see a "Jungle" story, but with Gillman represented almost as if he was a "Predator"-type creature.

We follow a group of adventurers trying to find proof of a fabled seaman, to only be hunted down and killed in varying ways. Show Gillman as something that should not be pursued, should not be seen or found in any way.
Not me hoping they STILL have the giant steroid Creature puppet from the failed musical lol...

Finale ....we all get eaten & the final scare is skeletal victim corpses.
Not me hoping they STILL have the giant steroid Creature puppet from the failed musical lol...

Finale ....we all get eaten & the final scare is skeletal victim corpses.
That'd be Jon Fu's dream XD

In all seriousness--I'd have it so we are being told of a story that is meant to act as an omen, to not pursue and not go after it. It's unironically what @HydraGen2299 convinced me is what's happening with the Latin American house; of Chupacabra.

But whereas I think that is gonna be a "Boy who Cried Wolf", as it feels disingenious to only have one iteration of that fabled creature, I'd love if it was just flat out told to us like a story for Gillman. Something that adventurers are told not to do, albeit like Gremlin rules.
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*cough* QUEUE VIDEO *cough* or just have a narrated warning on loop. Maybe have it be like a static break in queue music.

As for Parisian Courtyard, with our luck, Chupucabra will end up just being Netflix's "Chupa"
As for Parisian Courtyard, with our luck, Chupucabra will end up just being Netflix's "Chupa"

When I think of Chupacabra, @HydraGen2299 and I talked about it and the genius that I think is at hand; is the potential to showcase how the story can shift and change depending on the context.

Not that far off, from La Llorona.

I think also with the clues Murdy has given us, makes me think that this is going to be a story, rooted in finding that of whatever the "Chupacabra" truly is. Is it a dog like creature? Is it an alien, that picks up people to never be seen again for it's consumption? or a bipedal creature, that doesn't want to be found and will kill anyone who sees it? Is it something in-between? I think having the Old Man's Obsessions that is mentioned in the clues, alongside having it be at an angle that is not far off from The Boy Who Cried Wolf.

An approach, that allows you to tell the full extents of how people have perceived the legend of Chupacabra. One that is central with a key story in tow too. A Fiesta de Chupacabra type idea feels a bit off, especially considering where USH is; but a exploration of the legend and it's iterations feels right with Monstruos, El Cucuy, and La Llorona all being key in that area.

*cough* QUEUE VIDEO *cough* or just have a narrated warning on loop. Maybe have it be like a static break in queue music.
Narrated warnings on loop would be a great aspect, or even a Killer Klowns/Monstruos situation with an actor infront of the house mimicking their words/body movement with dialogue present.
Still say Murdy should bring back 2014's SZ "Skullz" as a house. That was a Wendigo concept on the lower lot that lacked in props, but still provided scares. It's right up there with his folklore trend...

Speaking of, I'm honestly surprised we haven't gotten an urban legend themed house based on spooky Irish folklore (outside of Leprechaun's Holidayz cameo).

I know the bean counters would riot over doing original content despite it'd save them IP acquiring money & breathe new life into the event. So far the Mexican/Latin America content has been a hit. And say what you will about Pandora's Box, but it gave us a twisted mythology original.

Also can we please "borrow" from Singapore's HHN archive!? ....Orlando technically did last year, from a certain point of view
Talking on this with that of peeps on the TPS crew, and I wanna speculate something that would be kind of great.

Get rid of "Scarezones". I think we could do some real fun with the 60th Anniversary coming up, to have roaming hoardes representing specific periods of the Revival era HHN. From Exterminatorz to Klownz, from Demon City to Toyz, go hard with it as if you have ghouls popping up everywhere from the moment you enter, to Decision Hub next to Hogsmeade and Springfield (and save French Street as an extension for the Latin American house when it comes to a roaming area for character actors.
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