Halloween Horror Nights 24 Discussion | Page 94 | Inside Universal Forums

Halloween Horror Nights 24 Discussion

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Went last night...few things (obviously not my full review)

No Sacrifice show

Ladies seemed to be very covered in Dusk, many were wearing hoods, not sure if this is a regular thing..

Considering BGW had to remove severed heads from one of their houses because of the whole ISIS thing..I would say that people are very sensitive this year..
This really feels weird to me. Especially as a foreigner... Americans can be sooo sensitive with some things (swearing, gore, everything that might remotely have something to do with sexuality) but stuff equally as offensive is totally allowed and no problem at all (I´m talking guns here, just as an example)... I think I´ll never understand that ;) Don´t want to offend you or anything... but I´ll never get that. Boobies in public is a big no-go but 16-year-olds are allowed to drive cars and even young kids can get shooting lessons... and then some guts at a HORROR event during HALLOWEEN is a problem?
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This really feels weird to me. Especially as a foreigner... Americans can be sooo sensitive with some things (swearing, gore, everything that might remotely have something to do with sexuality) but stuff equally as offensive is totally allowed and no problem at all (I´m talking guns here, just as an example)... I think I´ll never understand that ;) Don´t want to offend you or anything... but I´ll never get that. Boobies in public is a big no-go but 16-year-olds are allowed to drive cars and even young kids can get shooting lessons... and then some guts at a HORROR event during HALLOWEEN is a problem?

Our biggest issue in our country is the special interest groups. So you have the NRA that is for putting guns in everyone's hand that drives the lack of gun laws in our country and then you have the mothers against something that cause no swearing, no guts at horror events, etc. That is why what you see seems to compete with each other.
This really feels weird to me. Especially as a foreigner... Americans can be sooo sensitive with some things (swearing, gore, everything that might remotely have something to do with sexuality) but stuff equally as offensive is totally allowed and no problem at all (I´m talking guns here, just as an example)... I think I´ll never understand that ;) Don´t want to offend you or anything... but I´ll never get that. Boobies in public is a big no-go but 16-year-olds are allowed to drive cars and even young kids can get shooting lessons... and then some guts at a HORROR event during HALLOWEEN is a problem?

Our biggest issue in our country is the special interest groups. So you have the NRA that is for putting guns in everyone's hand that drives the lack of gun laws in our country and then you have the mothers against something that cause no swearing, no guts at horror events, etc. That is why what you see seems to compete with each other.

It's also a religious thing, not trying to say anything bad about religion at all, But the reason guns are okay but Boobs are taboo is because of how nudity is seen as immoral and sinful. nudity over here seems to be worse than so many things.
On TV you can show violent movies where people kill each other all the time, they can even show some gory stuff, but anything naked and the channel will have to pay a fine and issue an apology. so you can have someone cut the head of another person in a movie and no one really minds, but if they show a nude woman they will have to apologize to everyone for it :lol::lol:
You know what it is. I feel like America is turning into a country full of sensitive "felines". People get so offended by other peoples opinions and actions. If you don't like something, look the other way or don't go. Nowadays events and things need to be tailored for everyone and that's not how it should be. Something's aren't meant for everybody. In the news the other day, they aired how someone wrote a swastika on a box and they were making such a big deal. It's not right and I don't believe in that. However, why get offended. Just know that the person that did it is an idiot and move on. For example, let's say I have a business and I am a Christian so I want to put up a Christmas tree. But now if I do, I need to represent every other religion just to be "fair" or respectful. That's bull crap. Don't you see how companies and business now just say "Happy Holidays" and don't even decorate that much anymore. They don't even call them Christmas trees but holiday trees. Same for halloween, the selection of decorations and halloween supplies at target is smaller than years past. End Rant
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So... people complained about the sacrifice show? I watched a video of it yesterday and it just seemed like typical mystery and gore. I can't find a thing wrong with this and don't get it. I'll have to check.
Last night was a really good night. The rain held off and it wasn't busy at all. Did all the houses and Giggles, Dollhouse and halloween twice. Longest line we waited for was 50 mins.

So... people complained about the sacrifice show? I watched a video of it yesterday and it just seemed like typical mystery and gore. I can't find a thing wrong with this and don't get it. I'll have to check.

Here are some pics of the projector. Sorry they are ****. From my phone and the line was moving fast.



There were two glass windows. The bottom one was the projector. Not sure what the top one was.
Our biggest issue in our country is the special interest groups.

Very true, and every group always imagines that their concern is the most stressing, the most legit. But well, that is how the mind works, we always imagine that our opinions are truth.

- - - Updated - - -

Will the Sacrifice at Bayou be brought back? I was going to go again Thursday but was feeling a tad under the weather.
Nice to hear that they amped AvP up a bit and that the tunnel is still used, I love that tunnel, they should do a Descent house one day in which one is constantly forced to walk in different positions. (I know, would be a nightmare for crowd control lol and the drunks would constantly bump in everything)
Very true, and every group always imagines that their concern is the most stressing, the most legit. But well, that is how the mind works, we always imagine that our opinions are truth.

Reminds me of the Movie PCU, used to be a very funny movie now it's just sad how true it is.
Just did the survey and told them while the walking dead house was good this year they need to stop because it's the same thing every year. And God forbid they have to do it again, the top priority is to pack it with actors because that's the reason it works this year. I honestly would prefer American horror story because each year is completely different. It could be a long term partnership that wouldn't get stale. I would have loved a murder house house and an asylum house. And freakshow seems like it would be suitibly freaky. Here is hoping for next year.
Reminds me of the Movie PCU, used to be a very funny movie now it's just sad how true it is.

wow, that was quite an interesting discussion from what i´ve read. Never thought I´d start a discussion like this...

The thing with those interest groups is, no matter where they are (we have quite a lot of them here aswell), at least those here don´t care for results. They just care for making a point. A couple of theme parks in Germany have this problem with environmentalist groups. They want to expand, but enviromentalists go in and want some changes to the plan. So the park agrees to the changes to move on, and they demand more. It´s crazy. And then, there´s those people (and I think they exist everywhere) that just can´t stand others having fun. That can´t move on and ignore what they don´t like but rather try and destroy it. And if they find something in the laws that could help them, they´ll use it. It´s just some typical human thing.. but I will never understand those people - are they feeling better when others don´t feel good anymore? Is that some sort of satisfaction that I don´t get ?

Anyways, I don´t care. I will enjoy myself at Universal no matter what, and if some guys think a bit of guts will make it worse for anyone - not for me. I´ll have a beer on them and their miserable lifes and then I will go on and enjoy myself ;)

Still it´s sad for HHN of course.
I find it very strange that the sacrifice show has gone, given the graphic nature of the event and pretty much everything else at the park. Saying that, and I feel I get into this discussion on a theme park discussion forum every year, but some of the responses in this thread are a little over the top. Nobody is cancelling Christmas, or Halloween. At the end of the day, it's Universal you should be frustrated about in this case as much as 'special interest groups', whoever they are in this case. They're a multi-billion dollar corporate conglomerate, and when they make these decisions, it's all in the name of $$$. So whilst I agree that anybody complaining about this silly sideshow lacks perspective, you should be able to trust Universal to put their foot down. Of course you can't, because it's not in their very special interest of making the most money possible.
I find it very strange that the sacrifice show has gone, given the graphic nature of the event and pretty much everything else at the park. Saying that, and I feel I get into this discussion on a theme park discussion forum every year, but some of the responses in this thread are a little over the top. Nobody is cancelling Christmas, or Halloween. At the end of the day, it's Universal you should be frustrated about in this case as much as 'special interest groups', whoever they are in this case. They're a multi-billion dollar corporate conglomerate, and when they make these decisions, it's all in the name of $$$. So whilst I agree that anybody complaining about this silly sideshow lacks perspective, you should be able to trust Universal to put their foot down. Of course you can't, because it's not in their very special interest of making the most money possible.
You never know what's going to set someone off...heck Bill and Ted was canceled over in Hollywood and it was for one line...Universal has to be careful unfortunately..there's a lot of stuff they can't do that they used to with HHN
I find it very strange that the sacrifice show has gone, given the graphic nature of the event and pretty much everything else at the park. Saying that, and I feel I get into this discussion on a theme park discussion forum every year, but some of the responses in this thread are a little over the top. Nobody is cancelling Christmas, or Halloween. At the end of the day, it's Universal you should be frustrated about in this case as much as 'special interest groups', whoever they are in this case. They're a multi-billion dollar corporate conglomerate, and when they make these decisions, it's all in the name of $$$. So whilst I agree that anybody complaining about this silly sideshow lacks perspective, you should be able to trust Universal to put their foot down. Of course you can't, because it's not in their very special interest of making the most money possible.

so what if lets say I did Dracula and lets say that Dracula offends me because my wife happens to be from Romania or something, or that clowns are my trigger,
should Universal close both Dracula and Giggles because we got upset? what if someone else complains about the "nudity" in Dusk? or what if another person complains about the doll house or Roanoke?
I know I'm being sarcastic, but if that were to happen, and let's say for the sake of argument they got a bunch of complaints of those 4 houses and the gore, would Universal have to close 4 attractions because some groups were offended? Im not even specifying any group in real life lol, but what if a group against evil clowns boycotted universal? It actually makes me curious and not just being sarcastic to prove a point, but if they got enough complaints, would they close a house?
so what if lets say I did Dracula and lets say that Dracula offends me because my wife happens to be from Romania or something, or that clowns are my trigger,
should Universal close both Dracula and Giggles because we got upset? what if someone else complains about the "nudity" in Dusk? or what if another person complains about the doll house or Roanoke?
I know I'm being sarcastic, but if that were to happen, and let's say for the sake of argument they got a bunch of complaints of those 4 houses and the gore, would Universal have to close 4 attractions because some groups were offended? Im not even specifying any group in real life lol, but what if a group against evil clowns boycotted universal? It actually makes me curious and not just being sarcastic to prove a point, but if they got enough complaints, would they close a house?

I don't think they would ever do a house that it so bad they have to close it...it would have to really strike a chord with people...the only thing close to that was in 2001 when the event was taken down a few notches because of 9/11...otherwise the event remains a fantasy-horror driven event..little things will come up but the event will keep moving
I think different rules apply with scare zones and houses. Houses are purely optional so if you are scared of clowns and go into giggles then it's your own damn fault. However when it comes to scare zones there isn't an option you must go through them. You could say it's your own damn fault again for going to horror nights but then again some could just go for rides in the dark and didn't know scare zones were a thing. I personally believe the sacrifice was cancelled due to it's placement but if someone did complain there had to be a really good reason why or else it wouldn't have been an opinion to take it down in the first place
It's also a religious thing, not trying to say anything bad about religion at all, But the reason guns are okay but Boobs are taboo is because of how nudity is seen as immoral and sinful. nudity over here seems to be worse than so many things.
On TV you can show violent movies where people kill each other all the time, they can even show some gory stuff, but anything naked and the channel will have to pay a fine and issue an apology. so you can have someone cut the head of another person in a movie and no one really minds, but if they show a nude woman they will have to apologize to everyone for it :lol::lol:

Religion can be another special interest group. I was only listing a couple. But I agree, it is these groups that are against XYZ (in your case religion and nudity) that cause issues. I am not saying I am for or against any of these groups, but I think as a country we probably need to start listening to the majority and stop listening to the minority interest groups. I think if we did this our laws would be much different. For example, gay marriage would be legal across the whole country because the majority of Americans are for it.

Oh and I agree with the other poster, no one is cancelling Christmas or Halloween. The theme parks do a TON of Christmas and Halloween decorations with no backlash. It is really up to the individual business owner or corporation. I used to own a business and we decorated for Christmas, no one complained or approached us as to why we did not have Jewish decorations too. It is a made up crisis that certain news stations have blown out of proportion. I have seen no less decorations for Christmas over the years in fact more and more places are decorating even earlier. As for less Halloween decorations being sold, that is all supply and demand. Have you seen Target at their after Halloween sales? They have a crap load of stuff leftover, because when the economy is down less people are buying luxury items like this. So since last year they had X amount leftover, this year they carry less. Not the full amount less, but they will carry less. That is how a smart business operates. When the economy is better and people are buying more of this stuff, then Target will stock more stuff.
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Hey looking for any answers here.. i'm trying to buy my HHN tickets through my Annual Pass discount offer and it continues to say invalid log in even though i just did it for my girlfriend with her AP log in a couple of days ago and it worked fine its not working for me and i've tried to buy my ticket using her AP my AP and my friends AP all keep saying invalid log in when you type the AP ID and Pin.. anyone else also having this problem? tickets are for the 4th and ive been having the issue since Saturday late afternoon