Halloween Horror Nights 25 Discussion | Page 152 | Inside Universal Forums

Halloween Horror Nights 25 Discussion

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Sorry, but this is straight up BS. That house was a perfect representation of one of the best horror movies ever made. It captured the tone perfectly and literally brought the film to life. Even with the biggest house in the history of the event (at the time) they couldn't make a Walking Dead house sniff Halloween.
Did you read what I wrote? I said, remove Michael & the Iconic sounds. The IP is what made that house what it was...

Imagine the Halloween House went the same path as the Scream House.

What I'm saying is is that these IP's are successful, they're wanted and they're here to stay.
Are they allowing either sealed water bottles or empty bottles into HHN once they begin the full security check? I remember last year I could not bring water in and wanted to check if this year is any different.
Sealed water bottles are a definite 100% yes (done this twice already). I'm not sure about empty.
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Current wait times:

FVJ, Insidious, and M&M: 45
AWIL and Purge: 25
ASylum: 15
TWD: 10
Body Collectors and Run: 5

Let's see if tonight's posted waits are actually accurate
Im gunna monitor the times tonight to help plan out tomorrow. Granted with the AP event tomorrow I expect TWD and Purge to be higher earlier.
Waits tonight were surprisingly light, most stayed around 30-45 mins throughout and the most popular houses (FVJ, Insidious, TWD) hitting 75 mins at some point but then coming down. Hopefully the rest of the weekend follows suit.
Waits tonight were surprisingly light, most stayed around 30-45 mins throughout and the most popular houses (FVJ, Insidious, TWD) hitting 75 mins at some point but then coming down. Hopefully the rest of the weekend follows suit.

Awesome! Are you having a good time tonight?
This leads to the question, are IPs needed anymore at HHN due to all the marketing and commercials being mostly original content? I personally think one or two big IPs are needed just for extra points but I think this is the start of a new era where IPs and original content can live together in harmony without one taking over the other
Seeing how Freddy Vs Jason and Insiduous are getting the longest waits and all the hype and positive feedback... I say yes, IPs are definitely needed

(Besides the originals this year seem to have the lowest times most days, Run and Alice were the lowest I saw tonight, and last Saturday)

Even the purge and Walking Dead are getting some higher numbers than Run ever does. later at night the Carnage house goes down to 45 minutes but Freddy Vs Jason never goes below 60 minutes at least...

everyone is still going to the IP houses the most
Had an absolute blast, left about an hour ago cause we still have tomorrow and Saturday as well. It was a beautiful night tho, drizzled for about 20 mins and then it was clear and cool the rest of the night, not too crowded. Very good.

Nice me and my girlfriend are driving up from Miami tomorrow. Staying at the Hard Rock for the first time for three nights. Got our ROF Express passes and day time park to park passes. I'm pretty pumped for this. Going to be celebrating her birthday.
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Current wait times:

FVJ, Insidious, and M&M: 45
AWIL and Purge: 25
ASylum: 15
TWD: 10
Body Collectors and Run: 5

Let's see if tonight's posted waits are actually accurate

Im gunna monitor the times tonight to help plan out tomorrow. Granted with the AP event tomorrow I expect TWD and Purge to be higher earlier.

I've been tracking the app all night. I don't have my computer with me but I can upload a pic of it all later.

I don't think they were accurate.
And I wish Express got their own time separate from the regular line. express is messing it up.
Walking Dead said 10 minutes but I had to wait almost 35. the only people that waited 10 minutes was express.
Purge said 25 minutes, but line was 50 minutes waiting.
Even Alice in Wonderland which was a short line, (5 minutes) the line really was 30 minutes. (same thing happened in Run, line said 20, waited 45)

I understand the lines cannot be the Exact time down to the seconds or anything. But today's lines were off by at least 20-30 minutes.
Those times were more accurate for the Express lines.

it would be much easier if they could have Both wait times separate from each other.
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Nice me and my girlfriend are driving up from Miami tomorrow. Staying at the Hard Rock for the first time for three nights. Got our ROF Express passes and day time park to park passes. I'm pretty pumped for this. Going to be celebrating her birthday.

Sounds great, you guys will have an absolute blast. Perhaps we will run into each other. 305 boys out here (well my college years anyway).
I think 25 just proved that the general public loves icons no matter what. I really hope a new one shows up next year, hopefully with an actual personality to atleast try and match up to jack

Can someone explain the massive obsession some seem to have for icons?

Jack is over-played (way worse than Walking Dead [and hardly original]).

Eddie is dead.
Caretaker is my favorite and probably the most original.
The Director was a way of getting familiar faces into the event.
The Storyteller? Oh joy.
Even Terra Queen? Wtf. She didn't speak. Only communicated thru Eelmouth (again, wtf.) I will say, however, her henchmen were HOT and her Sacrifice show only picked frat boys.
Bloody Mary? Ok. Whatever.
Fear? Neato.
Lady Luck? Oh yeah. What a success.
The Usher? Another way of getting familiar movie faces into the event.

Realistically? The track record for icon success versus failure is pretty even.

I just don't get it....? And I've been attending for 15 years. My favorite year 2004 had zero icon. Hell, it had terrible marketing too. What's your Breaking Point?

Direct all that money that would be put into these efforts into the houses. I think that's what happened on '04 and is what made it such a pure joy.

I think people let their nostalgia cloud reality.

well, Icon or not, even 2012- 2014 had a "main zombie" in the ads. They had that Deer Walker and that burning walker. Like it or not, even when they had no Icons they still had a "Main" monster in the Billboards and the maps (the publix stand etc)

I never understood what was so bad about having a Main Character as the face of the event... What if they don't call it Icons and they don't make a big backstory for them or anything, but just create a main character for people to recognize and to see at the park?

Also, Just because Fear and Lady Luck sucked, I don't understand why they had to quit icons all together. what if the Icon for 2013 was a Walking dead survivor? what if the Icon for 2014 was related to the Purge? Icons are kind of nice because of the familiarity they create. (Those two might be too specific but Purge and Walking dead had a big presence those two years)

Forget about backstories and forget about "Tying the event together" what about just having one recognizable face to show on the advertising and to have at the park where people can take pics?

Like I said, The Deer walker kind of had that "Icon" job since he was both in the billboard, the maps and in the park as well. People could take pics with the deer walker after they saw his billboard. It was a familiar character people could see in person.... Just saying.
So how were the wait times tonight overall?
FVJ never let down until the last half hour, it was consistently at an hour.
Insidious was consistently 60-75 minutes and let down in the last hour.
M&M reached 55 or 60 at one point but it pretty much stayed 30-45.
Asylum was always 30-45, probably because of Carnage emptying into it.
The Purge ranged anywhere from 30-60.
TWD consistently ranged from 30-45.
Run reached 55 minutes around 8 or so but after 10-11-ish it became dead.
AWIL had the lowest waits overall, I never saw it go over 35.
Body Collectors reached 45 at it's peak, otherwise it remained 30 or less.