Okay, real talk.
For the most part, those who are "in the know" compare notes quite often. I do it, others do it. It's how we confirm stuff for ourselves and each other. I'll admit, I need it more than others because I do not have any direct connections with Universal people who know. This can cause a bit of an echo chamber because, again for the most part, most of us don't know who sources information for each other. One source could be giving the same information to the same people, who are talking to each other, and actually confirming nothing. It's like when someone post an idea on one website, another website repeats the idea, then the original site takes their posting as confirmation. It's important to know that context.
TWD being in a soundstage threw me, and others, for a bit of a loop. I think an echo chamber formed on the location aspect of our information. As a result, I started asking a lot of questions. And all I got from it was more questions. So in the interest of transparency, I want to categorize my confidence in my list. Everything I was sure on, I'm not so sure anymore.
This year has gotten VERY interesting.
100% Confident
The announced (Exorcist)
The announced: Second coming (TCM)
The Announced: The returning (TWD)
90% Confident
The unannounced: The return (Parade)
The unannounced: Claustrophic jewel
75% Confident
The unannounced: The expected
The unannounced: The requeling
No effing clue
The unknown
Shall not be named