I'm kinda lost on what's been actually ruled out, what connects to what clue, etc. so apologies if my guess was already scuttled or not. What about Invasion of the Body Snatchers for the Johnny Bananas clue?
- Older movie that I'm pretty sure nobody has mentioned
- The GIF itself looks like Johnny Bananas making the same face as the famous Donald Sutherland scream from the movie.
- Legacy keeps using smiley faces in post, but only in regards to this clue. Could just be a coincidence, but it's very pod peopleish.
- I think one post he mentioned the word anyone in italics, i.e. "they could be anyone"
- Someone mentioned Men in Black, which he said was a good idea, which fits aliens hiding as people. Also, he edited that post to include Frank the Pug, alien disguised as a talking dog in a suit. No suited dogs in Body Snatchers, but there is Banjo: