Bored this afternoon, halfway through the event, so I figured it would be fun to check Net Promoter Scores for HHN31. Not actual GSATs, but a decent indicator at least of what super-fans are feeling. Used every review with full rankings, top 1 - 3 plus one, bottom 4 minus one.
-18 Spirits of the Coven -- flop of the event, no question
-17 Hellblock Horror
-14 Blumhouse
-2 Halloween -- probably the least total votes, so mostly middle of the road, but those who felt strongly lean toward ranking it lower
-1 Bugs
0 Chupacabra
+1 Weeknd -- these three seem polarizing, many votes both ways
+6 Monsters Collide
+8 Descendants of Destruction -- I think can fairly be called a sleeper hit
+18 Dead Man's Pier -- no shock, one detractor and I think one middle vote, rest put in top 3