I just think the overall thought of the spec map in the beginning was nice, it was a fresh idea not so fresh but it got annoying because like you said a bit there, everyone started to make their spec map not like a Wishful thinking one they went full in with spec maps and having a pissing contest and of course many started to believe their own hype because they had someone "in the know", that crap isn't cute. Sit and wait like every other fan of the event, don't spread false hope to people like that, speculation is good but I'll say it again.
I'm not too old but old enough lol that back in my day I didn't need a spec to be excited for an HHN event and have determine whether I travel or not, I bide my time and enjoyed myself even enjoyed Howl O Scream's build, spec maps are getting a bit out of control, just give a break, its not needed every year, do it once in a few years. Back to the event, should be a good decent year.