I have had some crap experiences in Express.. and it's usually always at the same place - whatever house is in the parade building (the one where Legends Collide was last year). Something about that location - they simply seem to forget or don't understand how to move the express line along. However, I also understand the massive amounts of people they are trying to push through, and not every person working on balancing those lines is going to understand. It happens. It won't prevent me from buying express with my FFP because I don't think I could make it very long if I had to stand in regular lines for hours and hours. I'm too old for that sh*t.
I think the problem with Express comes because Uni knows what a cash cow it is, and they are simply greedy as most big corporations are. The proper way to do Express is charge your big fee to include it with FFP because those are guaranteed. Then, you have to do the math and figure out how many individual express passes realistically make sense for each night after considering how many were sold with FFP. It gets to a point where if you keep selling them, they lose value to the customer because it's not really "express" anymore... it;s more like purgatory instead of hell for the guests. Again, big corporation probably doesn't care that they piss people off because they know we will keep buying the passes to avoid the hell that is the regular lines. The solution would require the big corporation to do what is right for their customer instead of trying to gouge every penny. We know that won't happen.
I saw a comment above that there may be another annoucnement this week.. some think it's monsters and others ST. I saw someone say they think ST won't be announced until more towards end of July? That seems crazy to me. Why would you hold out on a HUGE IP like that until just shy of a month before opening night?
What are the odds we actually get something this week? I would think rather good odds since next week is a holiday week, and we don't normally get anything during a holiday week.