I'm saving an official review until the event is over, and definitely won't be going into spoilers, but after opening night here is where I stand so far in house rankings - best to worst (I fully expect these to shift around at least a little by the end though...):
1) Hades - costume design in this house is epic
2) Horror Nights - simply for the classic HHN vibe
3) Legendary Truth - a bit more "outside the box" than what we expect from an HHN house
4) Psychoscareapy - not the best of the series, but great design
5) The Orfanage - I've been hearing general negative reviews for this one, but honestly I dig it
6) Catacombs - Feels weird for this one to be all the way down at #6 considering how generally awesome it was. Only reason would be there's not much variety... it generally is the same scene from beginning to end. Still great though.
7) Zombiegeddon - This one could shift up with a few more runs, but so far... meh.
8) Havoc - Decent scares, but not very creative.
And I have to touch on Bill & Ted: I haven't heard a single positive word on it from anyone. But personally I honestly didn't think it was bad. Maybe not the best, but it felt consistent to what I expect at least. (But, admittedly, I had a nice beer buzz kicking when I attended - which could only help I guess
