Halloween Horror Nights XX: Twenty Years of Fear | Page 136 | Inside Universal Forums

Halloween Horror Nights XX: Twenty Years of Fear

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I'm almost done uploading my pictures. I'm wondering, should we have a review thread for spoilers and pictures? or should we just post it all here? Also, I have over 80 pictures :p Should I post all of them or just some highlights and link to the album on my photobucket?

Did anyone else here do the Pass holder preview?

I did. It was worth it for getting houses done, but there were no scareactors in the scarezones during that time... That upset me because I wanted to take that time for pictures with the characters in those SZ, so I left it till the end... and then my camera died... I was pissed...

OMG, I just love the new VIP Lounge. They didn't have any presentations going on inside of it yesterday, but I could have stayed in there forever just looking at the memorabilia. I had a tight schedule because it was media night, but I did a 20+ picture slide show so you can judge whether it's worth the $9.95 upcharge: http://exm.nr/dueLhn It was mostly props from recent years, but of course you can see plenty of old stuff in Hallowed Past. I wish I could just hang out in the first part of that house for an hour or so.

I was already planning to go, but now I know for sure it looks great! :D Thanks for the pics! :rep:

What is this someone told me about a red button is PS??

There's a red button that when you press it something fun happens! I pressed it :D Won't spoil it, but there's some cool effects and a little something extra :D

I noticed in one of the houses (I think it was Psychoscareapy) a very obvious light switch in a hallway that was totally accessible to us. I didn't switch it, now I wish I had after hearing about this "red button". Maybe it was nothing, but I remember thinking how obviously accessible it seemed to be, yet very unassuming.

After I read about the red button on Jake's review, I went and switched every switch and touched anything that looked like something interactive, with the exception of something that looked like a fire alarm pull, in Havoc or PS, I can't remember, but I didn't dare touch it, even though thinking about it, they wouldn't have a working fire alarm switch in a house... not one we can pull, at least... Anyways, none of the switches or buttons did anything except for the red button in PS. As I remember it, it was more near the end of the house, maybe about 3/4 of the way in.

About to head out to head out, gonna pre game a little at nascar cafe, if you guys see me say hi...6'4" guy with a frankenstein tshirt. also follow my twitter @MarcVyrus.

I was planning on going again tonight but my friend bailed on me, so the soonest I'm going back is next week. I'll be watching out for your tweets!

PS: Some other unique effects I remember from LT: (highlight)
*The "possessed" dresser that shook and the drawers opened and closed like crazy
*The ghost behind the wall. Instead of having a wall, they had a cloth with the same design as the wall paper. For the scare, a black light goes off behind it revealing a scareactor that is flying back and forth. (EDIT: I think this one is the same one Tbad is talking about the ghost in front or beside you.)

There's more, but they're not as unique as the ones already mentioned. Like during the courtyard scene, the same one from the game on the website, there's statues and then scareactors that look like statues that come alive.

PS: I missed the "ghost underneath you" scare Tbad is talking about :( Maybe next time...

PPS: Also in my case, when going through the Treaks and Foons section of Hallow'd Past, there was only one Foon guy and he did not move an inch :shrug: Maybe he did move, who knows... I actually missed a lot of scares and characters in Hallow'd Past... Can't wait to do it again!
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No problem!

SPOILER ALERT: All of the following is written in white and including only spoilers about Legendary Truth.

Here's what I noticed in my two runs:

I may be missing something but that is what I recall at the moment. If you have any other questions about anything, feel free to ask. :thumbs:

Thanks so much! Mad respect! Are any one of those effects the "finale" of the house?
Oh btw I saw the pins. There are two.

I forgot all about looking for the pins. There was so much going on... I did snap a pic of some at one of the merch stops:


And also on the map-pamphlet I saw pics of two pins, the one above "light-up event pin," and one of Fear "artist signature series pin."
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Thanks so much! Mad respect! Are any one of those effects the "finale" of the house?

I don't believe so but I'm not positive. If you guys have any questions about any of the houses or B&T, feel free to ask.

As for the rest of my review, it's been extremely shortened due to my laptop's mouse glitching up and erasing it twice now. Here's a shortened version of Part 2:

Hades- This house was very enjoyable. I received one of the best scares ever in it too. We see a minotaur (I think?) in one room and don't think much of him. When we turn the corner and *BAM* he is in our face and scares us for 10 seconds straight. It. Was. Amazing. Rating: 8.5/10

Saws and Steam- Great zone. Plenty of props and a lot of room for the scareactors to work with. Rating: 8/10

20 YoF and Fear Revealed- These zones were amazing! Plenty of stuff for the fans to look at, plenty of scareactors and a good amount of scares. My only thing with these zones, was the fact that I felt that they might have well have been one megazone. They were so close together and so similar that I don't think that most guests could tell the difference anyhow. Not a complaint, just a thought I've had. Anyone else feel this way? :shrug: Ratings: 9/10

Zombie Gras- Disappointing IMO. The zone lacked scares (for me), didn't have many props and just didn't float my boat. The only thing that I really like was the constant, large fireballs. Rating: 6/10

Esquerto Muerele- Very disappointed in this zone. It had a lot of props and sets to work with but I felt that the scareactors didn't take advantage of them. I didn't see anyone get scared in this zone and neither did I. Rating: 4/10

The Coven- This zone was interesting. I received several scares and really enjoyed the detail. I especially liked the guy being burned at stake yelling at guests for not helping. Rating: 7/10

Bill and Ted- I don't understand the hate for this year's show. I loved it. Was it as good as last years? No. Was it funny and enjoyable? Absolutely. The biggest complaint I've heard was the lack of continuity. Who cares? It's a Halloween event's comedy show. It's not supposed to be a Hollywood film. Enjoy it for what it is and don't take it too seriously and you'll enjoy it. Rating: 8.5/10
I'm probably going to be asking questions forever, lol! I know it's super hard to remember the houses from beginning to end so I just wanted to say thanks for everyone's contributions towards helping me imagine what these houses are like, hahaha! Anyways, a few more questions:

Does Fear make an appearance in the Hallow'd Past?
I've heard the facade of Hades is incredible. What is it (lmao!)?
Saws 'n' Steam seemed to be set-up for a mini-show, did that ever happen?
I'm probably going to be asking questions forever, lol! I know it's super hard to remember the houses from beginning to end so I just wanted to say thanks for everyone's contributions towards helping me imagine what these houses are like, hahaha! Anyways, a few more questions:

Does Fear make an appearance in the Hallow'd Past?
I've heard the facade of Hades is incredible. What is it (lmao!)?
Saws 'n' Steam seemed to be set-up for a mini-show, did that ever happen?

No problem! Here are your answers:
Fear surprisingly, does not make an appearance in Hallow'd Past.

The facade for Hades is Hades' face, similar to the image on the website on a smaller scale, with fog and red lighting.

It seems like the stage/prop out front of Saws 'n' Steam does not have a mini-show. It's not really any speaking from what I've seen but just actors doing certain things. I'm not 100% on this one though, I was more in the alley everytime I passed it.
Tbad, you're the man. Last question everybody, I promise, where do you enter the "Wyandot Estate"? Through the front door? The garage? That facade is insanely awesome and I'm just wondering how close you get to it.
Tbad, you're the man. Last question everybody, I promise, where do you enter the "Wyandot Estate"? Through the front door? The garage? That facade is insanely awesome and I'm just wondering how close you get to it.

No problem, man! Glad to help. The answer is below.

You enter Wyandot Estate through the front door and yes, you do go up the stairs. There is a wheelchair ramp to the right for those who cannot use the stairs.

EDIT: Jymmymack- (Highlight) After doing some searching on YouTube, there actually is a little mini-show in front of Saws n' Steam. Sorry for the confusion, as I missed it yesterday.
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I am in line for Orfanage guys i saw giant and I uploaded a pic to my twitter @MarcVyrus so far so good and I got a good buzz right now :lol:
No problem!

SPOILER ALERT: All of the following is written in white and including only spoilers about Legendary Truth.

Here's what I noticed in my two runs:

One room has an effect where a bright light flashes and a "ghost" is rolling around underneath you and can be seen through plexiglass.

A few other rooms have an effect where a ghost appears to be floating besides or in front of you. I was unable to figure out if it was a real person or a hologram-like figure. I believe it was a scareactor though.

Lastly, one room has you walk in a U-shape and as you reach the other side of the U, air shoots out at you several times as if a ghost is surrounding/near you.

I may be missing something but that is what I recall at the moment. If you have any other questions about anything, feel free to ask. :thumbs:

You missed (highlight to read) the chair that comes to life.
I'm working on a full review of last night that I'm not sure where to post, but for right now I wanted to give my initial ratings. I am gonna give two ratings for each experience, one for design & creativity and another for scare factor. I want to point out that I missed out on many of the scares and creative elements, so my ratings will probably change by the end of the event.

The Houses
Horror Nights: The Hallow'd Past Design and Creativity 9.5/10 - Scare factor 5/10
Catacombs: Black Death Rising Design and Creativity 7/10 - Scare factor 7/10
Havoc: Dogs of War Design and Creativity 8/10 - Scare factor 8/10
The Orfanage Design and Creativity 6/10 - Scare factor 3/10
ZombieGeddon Design and Creativity 7/10 - Scare factor 8/10
Hades: The Gates of Ruin N/A
PsychoScareapy Echoes of Shadybrook Design and Creativity 10/10 - Scare factor 9/10
Legendary Truth The Wyandot Estate Design and Creativity 10/10 - Scare factor 7/10

The ScareZones
HHN: 20 Years of Fear Design and Creativity 9/10 - Scare factor 7/10
Fear Revealed Design and Creativity 10/10 - Scare factor 5/10
Zombie Gras Design and Creativity 6/10 - Scare factor 5/10
Saws and Steam Design and Creativity 9/10 - Scare factor 8/10
The Coven Design and Creativity 7/10 - Scare factor 7/10
Esqueleto Muerte Design and Creativity 9/10 - Scare factor 2/10

The Shows
Bill and Ted’s Excellent Halloween Adventure 6/10
Brian Brushwood: Menace and Malice N/A

Full review coming soon!

All my pics from last night are here! I wasn't sure whether to post any here in case it'd spoil something for someone :shrug:
Does anyone know what song was being played in Escuelto Muerto?
Someone said it sounded like a Midnight Syndicate song, but whatever it was, I loved it.
TBad said:
Yes, it is in a soundstage. It is located in front of HRRR on the map because that is where the line begins

And then it is a short/long walk (depending on the time of night) to the actual entrance of the house....by the end of the night my feet are begging me not to go back thru the SS houses :D
Went Last Night and I had an AWESOME time! Below is the order I went during the event, and my reviews.

Hallow'd Past: This was my most anticipated house going into the event and I have to say I didnt like it at all. It was extremely short (shortest house of the night) and just wasn't as good as all of the other houses. Have to say though one of my biggest scares of the night came from this house when I was walking out, just about to go outside of the building when jack popped out of knowhere. Thats the only reason I give it a 6/10.

Catacombs: This house was one of the best of the night, the sets were amazing and the scareactors were doing really good, I didn't find the sets repetitive and loved the lenght of this house. Overall 8/10

Havoc: Dogs of War- 3rd favorite of the night, this house was amazingly detailed and I just couldnt get over the awesome sets, the scareactors were really giving it their all, and it had a great length. 9/10

ZombieGeddon- This is another house that didn't live to my expectations, the detail of the facade was good but that was it for the house, maybe it was because I went during the day but the sets were cheap and I just didnt like this one. 6/10

The Orfanage- I don't see why people are saying this house was so bad, the sets were AMAZING! It had some good scares and I think it was the best house I have ever been in, in the JAWS queue. I loved the part with the cargo net, and the floating girl and I this was easily my 2nd favorite house of the night. 9.5/10

Hades:- The best house of the night! I think this is one of my favorite houses ever! The sets were amazing, the costumes were unreal, and the scareactors were not afraid to get in your space. The Medusa was so awesome, and it felt like this house went on forever, the entrance was one of the best of the night. 10/10

PsychoScareapy Echoes of Shadybrook- Great scares, good sets, overall good house. I like the parts with the strobe window, and jail cell, you just couldnt figure out what was real and what wasnt. 8/10

Legendary Truth The Wyandot Estate- Facde was amazing! The detail of this house was awesome, and the plexy glass floor with the ghost was cool, got some good scares, overall great house 8/10

Bill and Ted was Hilarious! This show is worth the price of admission! I really dont understand why people were saying it was so bad, it had everyone! The girl who played snooki, and the girl who played justin beiber, were so funny! I think this is my favorite Bill and Ted so far (been going since 2006). I laughed the entire show as well as the rest of the audience. 10/10

The Scarezones were really good this year, and I made Cindy scare the crap out of my dad:happy:, one of the best moments of the night! Scarezones combined 9/10
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