Halloween Horror Nights XX: Twenty Years of Fear | Page 137 | Inside Universal Forums

Halloween Horror Nights XX: Twenty Years of Fear

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Ledgendary Truth- Good house all they need is a couple more actors 7.5/10
PhyscoScareapy- Was a good house had a good theme to it good actors 8.5/10
Hades- The best house of the night amazing sets and the actors were at the best and had great costumes and arent afraid to get in your face 10/10
ZombieGeddon-It was a good house would be better in the dark 7.5/10
Orfanage- this was a good one they need a couple more actors 8/10
Havoc- One of the best houses the sets were amazing the actors try there hardest to scare you the actors look all pisted and arent afraid to get in your face 10/10
Catacombs- Great house they try to keep you closed in as possible great sets great scares the actors arent afraid to get in your face 9.5/10
The Hallowed Past- Good house actors pop out at you alot great sets 9/10
The scarezones, were great lots of actors good sets 9/10
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Guys i have 3 questions:
About how long were the lines yesterday?
On october 9th do u think that there would be express passes available at the ticket counters or should i buy in advance?
And has anyone seen the brian brushwood show? how is it?
Guys i have 3 questions:
About how long were the lines yesterday?
On october 9th do u think that there would be express passes available at the ticket counters or should i buy in advance?
And has anyone seen the brian brushwood show? how is it?

The lines yesterday were perfect, I think the longest I waited was 20 min for one house, the rest I got right in. Towards the end of the night Ofanage did have a 45 min wait though.
I am really sorry! But i just have some questions!
Is it possible to see all of the cool effects in one walk-through of Legendary Truth?
Whats the finale to Hallow'd Past?
How is ZombieGeddon fun?
I am really sorry! But i just have some questions!
Is it possible to see all of the cool effects in one walk-through of Legendary Truth?
Whats the finale to Hallow'd Past?
How is ZombieGeddon fun?

Here's some answers:

It is possible but it is definitely easy to miss one or two effects in one run. I ended up seeing them all except for the chair effect in one run (saw it during my 2nd run)

Hallow'd Past's finale is Jack hiding off to a side and popping out, causing some good scares depending on the timing.

ZombieGeddon, in my opinion, is fun due to the atmosphere. The queue video definitely sets a humorous atmosphere for the house. When you get inside it does a get more serious but there are still some humorous elements that the scareactors bring.
The lines yesterday were perfect, I think the longest I waited was 20 min for one house, the rest I got right in. Towards the end of the night Ofanage did have a 45 min wait though.

oh alrite thx

--- Update ---

october 9th is the weekend b4 hell weekend :/ do the lines get too long on this weekend?
My house rankings and why.
1. Catacombs - Had to be the scariest house I've ever been in. I have never run or drop to the floor in any other house any year but this house had me doing just that. The actors were pulling it full force and held nothing against me. The costumes were scary and the house looked amazing from beginning to end. Top house of the year by far. A+
2. ZombieGeddon - Amazing house. It had great jokes and then (at night) had some great scares. I went through this house twice, once during the day and once at night, during the day the house is really a humor house all the way through because you can see the zombies and all of the laughs that they put in this house. At night that sense of sight is not as prevalent which makes the house take on a scarier tone with some really great scares. A+
3. Havoc - When I went into the event I thought that this house would be a snoozer. Little did I know that the cast was really going to be fully into it and brought some great scares. The house was loaded with scares some coming literally one after the other from all sides. Not to mention the best tent facade I've ever seen. A
4. Orfanage - If I had only this house in the day this house would probably be further down the list close to 7 or 8. At night this house definitely deserves its spot in the top 4. This house was scary and really has a scary atmosphere that I felt was done better than LT. The scares were done nicely and even on my second run I was still getting scares that made me genuinely scared, (most of the night I laughed after being scared). The only downside was that it was The Skool with Cindy and she added nothing, the rest of the house had the scares to back it up though. A (at night C during the day)
5/6. Hallowd' Past and Hades - I couldn't decide for these two houses so I'll just make them interchangeable. Each of them had good scares and great sets. Hallowd' Past had great sets and great scares. There were some rooms that left me a bit disappointed but some great scares all around. Hades looked great and I got scared. The costumes were superb and I enjoyed what the house had to offer. It may have been because I only did this house once (mainly because someone threw up in it so it had to be closed for a while) but it was not as memorable as the top 4. A-
7. Psychoscareapy - Not much going here. It may have been the cast but I really didn't receive any scares in here. I didn't feel like I was in a run down asylum, but more of a bunch of dark halls with some pale people. C
8. Legendary Truth - A snooze fest. Walked through this house twice and was almost bored both times. There were no scares. Some of the effects were cool but nothing that I hadn't seen done better elsewhere. Highly disappointed especially with this being one of my most anticipated. D
Hey guys, I see all of your reviews and I am quite happy & pumped-up for this year. But I have one question that needs a second opinion / answer other than mine that my mom keeps asking:

How is this year compare to previous years?

The reasion behind this question is because she is tired of hearing from Universal that each year gets better and better.
Hey guys, I see all of your reviews and I am quite happy & pumped-up for this year. But I have one question that needs a second opinion / answer other than mine that my mom keeps asking:

How is this year compare to previous years?

The reasion behind this question is because she is tired of hearing from Universal that each year gets better and better.

Its better than last year.
I never thought I would be saying this but a tent house was my favorite. Catacombs was steps above every single other house on Friday night. It's the only one we did twice. We were able to do all houses and then catacombs again as well as all the rides that were open. I missed B&T but oh well.
I'm seeing that the least anticipated houses are great while the most anticipated houses are getting negative reviews. It all goes down to opinions and how you are hyping up the house. Hades is my least anticipated (dont ask me why :lol:) and will probably end up being one of my favorites.
I'm seeing that the least anticipated houses are great while the most anticipated houses are getting negative reviews. It all goes down to opinions and how you are hyping up the house. Hades is my least anticipated (dont ask me why :lol:) and will probably end up being one of my favorites.

I was thinking the exact same thing but this house is awesome, you will not be disappointed!
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None of them disappointed me but few of them really stood out. I felt like the usher nazis were worse then ever before on Friday. Usually, I can create space between me and the group in front of me but that was not gonna happen.
Guys i have 3 questions:
About how long were the lines yesterday?
On october 9th do u think that there would be express passes available at the ticket counters or should i buy in advance?
And has anyone seen the brian brushwood show? how is it?

Last nights lines, as dmkrc5 mentioned, were great. The longest wait I saw posted was 30 minutes, but BriMan and I did all houses (except ZG) and never waited more than about 15 minutes. At one point we did Hallow'd Past, Catacombs, and Havoc all with essentially no line.

We saw one of the Brian Brushwood show (I get confused if it was the Menace show or Malice show), and it was essentially the same as his show in '08. But I haven't seen the second show yet (the new one). He does two shows of each per night.
After going for my first time last night :happy: I have to say I was definetly not dissapointed with anything. All the houses I went in were scary and most of the Zones were too, with one standing out in particular. However I was a little shocked at the amount of alcohol being sold, and therefore, the amount of drunks.

I was actually able to get in early with my Preferred AP without a reservation, wich really helped with wait times early on.
Had two good nights Friday/Saturday, was very glad i made it to opening weekend. Thought the houses were overall well done, and thanks to my FFP+PLUS+EP i'll be able to do many many more run throughs.
I just got back from Orlando and currently uploading all the pictures from this past weekend. Expect them later tonight, or tomorrow. :thumbs:
I just got back from Orlando and currently uploading all the pictures from this past weekend. Expect them later tonight, or tomorrow. :thumbs:

Awesome! I can't wait to check em out :thumbs: I've really enjoyed looking at everyone's pics. I had a hard time taking pictures myself. At first the lines in houses were so short that I couldnt even stand for 10 seconds to take a picture of a facade, then the fog, then the staff telling me to put the camera away... It was a pain... and then my camera died :lol: I can't wait to go back, though. I still need to get my pictures with most of the icons. I only got pics with Jack, Cindy and the Director.

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