I love the Orfanage, it was one of my favorite houses even when it was light outside. The sets were so amazing, I loved the floating girl, and the storyline was very easy to follow. Catacombs and Havoc have to be the best tent house pair in HHN history, I thought for a second I was walking through a soundstage in both. The sets in these houses were some of the best I have ever seen and the lenght was perfection. The tent houses are the smallest in size yet happen to be the longest houses, which is very odd, Havoc was probably the longest house this year which is why I loved it so much. Btw, this is kind of off subject but does anyone know what the longest house in the history of HHN was, Screamhouse in 2006 was the longest one I think Ive been in and I have been going since 2006.