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Halloween Horror Nights XX: Twenty Years of Fear

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Just came back from HHN and I got so much more scares out of my second time going, the group of 9 high schoolers who had never been to HHN before probably contributed to that, I had so much fun, Catacombs was my favorite house of the night, would have been Hades but I didnt get to see it due to time constaints. Zombiegedden was much better at night.
Just a few pictures from my visit.




I went Friday night and loved it. I had two friends go with me who'd never gone before so it was fun to get them into it. Legendary Truth was INSANE.

But I wanted to address something in particular. I was watching Bill and Ted, and my side hurt halfway through the show. I realized it was from laughing so much and wondered why on earth there are so many negative comments towards it. I honestly belive it was very well written and performed. All the actors were very much on their game that night and delivered their lines with ease.
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I went Friday night and loved it. I had two friends go with me who'd never gone before so it was fun to get them into it. Legendary Truth was INSANE.

But I wanted to address something in particular. I was watching Bill and Ted, and my side hurt halfway through the show. I realized it was from laughing so much and wondered why on earth there are so many negative comments towards it. I honestly belive it was very well written and performed. All the actors were very much on their game that night and delivered their lines with ease.

I agree 100%, the show was hilarious, every single person in my group was laughing the entire time.
I agree 100%, the show was hilarious, every single person in my group was laughing the entire time.

That's the thing about Bill and Ted, you could go and have a problem one night, then the following night they changed up the jokes and improved more... Last show last night the Hollywood exec didn't have his mic on when he entered... and they jokes about "always remember your mic" when they were reading from the "approved" list... lol

Also they keep trimming minor things for the better stuff, Night one "the doctor" lasted longer, my 2nd night he was trimmed but got his exit music, my 3rd night he didn't get his exit music anymore. just an example of trimming to enhance the show.
I love that about the whole event...seeing things change and get enhanced or patched up or whatever might be necessary. I've noticed changes in the houses too; we need to see Bill & Ted again as we haven't seen it since the first weekend. We've been so house focused this year that we never seem to make it to B & T. Are they still coming out for photos at the end?
Hhn xx

Ok so I went to Halloween Horror Nights XX last saturday, It was really crazy but I felt it was a bit underwhelming and it lacked actors in some houses, ill start reviewing the houses and also asking some things too.

Hallowd Past: Good house, pretty short but it was one of the scariest of the night. I loved when jason is whith the cainsaw right after the spinning tunnel, it really got me. Also the doctor was creepy. The mirror room and Alice in wonderlando were pretty lame, but the boat part was amazing, It was one of the house ive had more fun 9/10

Catacobms: First I want to ask (when i know I went trough a house in a cast change) It was around 9:00 or maybe earlier maybe later when I got in this house, and it was very empty. I only saw like 3-4 bird things and 1 mummy, the end was pretty cool with the effects and sounds but i though it would be scarier as everyone said. P.S. I have to say the costumes were amazing also the ambience thats why it got a 8/10

Havoc: Craziest house of the night!! It wass super long, Lots of scares and jumps, very loud house, amazing. 10/10

Orfanage: Dont let people reviews blind you. This house was one of th best of the night. It was a eerie, scary atmosphere in the House, good scares. It was the first house of the night I screamed out loud. Actors had crazy costumes and cindy was pretty cool too, I dont know too much of her but she was scary as hell singing and screamig. The room with baby cribs 360 was very very weird also was the fire part you felt like literally dead or going through a real haunted house. Amazing house 10/10

Zombiegeddon: This House was really vivid the cast was on point. They were giving their all, Ive recieved most of scares and also could see the crashing float effect. the final was cool and covered up with zombies. This house is gettin 9/10 because is not very memorable.

Hades: Intense! Thats the prefect word to describe the house, I dont know if I felt it or not but can someone tell me when was the shaking floor part?? Spoiler:The medusa room was really scary, also some statue dudes were coming out everywhere. Also Ive recieved a good scare from a cyclope (check spelling). The fecade is awesome, from beggining to end very intense 10/10

PS: Ive got in this house like at 1:00am. In LT at 1:30am so I want to say acotrs in PS were amazing compared to LT and it was late, and they were giving their all, The begining was creepy: guy crying on the floor with scissor in his eyes. The house was good but not scary enough I give it a 7/10

Legendary Thruth: Ok first of all this house is supposed to be top with the effects and all that, I didnt seen any. I missed it badly. The house was short, I felt underwhelming and empty, the masks of the acots looked like the jabbawockeez, not scary at all. The screams, sounds and atmosphere was the best though. Ill give props to the statue girl was really doing good in october 9, but other actors were lame. I saw actors standing aside doing nothing. Ive good a really good scare when I was watching some computers in a hallway then a guy comes out and It got so close that his robe touched my face and when i looked to the other side a picture of a kid with his mouth open(very creepy) and stobe lights. I really wished Ive passed through this house earlier maybe it was better. Only because of the ambience and some effects I could see I give it 7/10. Still it was a bit better than PS because the story of LT is way better.
I have a question of this house: When was the part of the moving chair? Did the girl screaming sound was the ghost floating? Where was it? Any other effect I missed? I really was into this house too bad it was so late.

From best to worst:

2.Hallowd Past
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I love that about the whole event...seeing things change and get enhanced or patched up or whatever might be necessary. I've noticed changes in the houses too; we need to see Bill & Ted again as we haven't seen it since the first weekend. We've been so house focused this year that we never seem to make it to B & T. Are they still coming out for photos at the end?

Sometimes Bill & Ted do.
Part 1
Heres my review
Event night attended: 10/1 and 10/8
Best to worst
1.Havoc: Dogs of War= Strongest house of the event, Lots of scares, great sets, ''Loud atmosphere" and good length.
Atmosphere: 9.5/10
Sets and Detail: 9/10
Scares: 10/10
Overall: 9.5/10

2.Horror Nights: The Hallow'd Past= Strong house, good selection of past horror nights, plenty of scares that made me jump! and a good recall on horror nights past!
Atmosphere: 8/10
Sets and Detail: 10/10
Scares: 9/10
Overall: 9/10

3.Hades: The Gates of Ruin= Very intense atmosphere, great scares, repetitive sets but still good.
Atmosphere: 10/10
Sets and Detail: 7.5/10
Scares: 9.5/10
Overall: 9/10

4.Catacombs: Black Death Rising= Interesting house, sets are "okay", descent scares maybe two or three scares that made me jump, creepy atmosphere.
Atmosphere: 7/10
Sets and Detail: 8.5/10
Scares: 8.5/10
Overall: 8/10

5.Zombiegeddon= Love the energy and humor, some scary scenes, chaotic atmosphere and love the start of humor that ends in strong scares.
Atmosphere: 8/10
Sets and Detail: 7/10
Scares: 8/10
Overall: 8/10

6.Legendary Truth: The Wyandot Estate= A favorite to walkthrough, very cool special effects, somewhat descent scares sort of lacking in that department.
Atmosphere: 8/10
Sets and Detail: 9.5/10
Scares: 5/10
Overall: 7.5/10

7.PsychoScareapy: Echoes of Shadybrook= Amazing detail and creepy atmosphere, okay scares maybe jumped once in the entire three times walking through.
Atmosphere: 8/10
Sets and Detail: 8/10
Scares: 5.5/10
Overall: 6.5/10

8.The Orfange: Ashes to Ashes= Its honestly not a great house but is definitly a good house, somewhat scares (actually jumped two times), weak sets, descent length for a jaws house.
Atmosphere: 7/10
Sets and Detail: 4/10
Scares: 6.5/10
Overall: 5/10

Part 2 coming soon
A video from Behind the Thrills on how the Boo Camp went, its pretty neat, and maybe someone from here gets invited next year.

Ledgendary Truth
Hallow'd Past

This is my official list for the houses...Legendary Truth was amazing. I got some of the best scares of my life in there. The under the floor scare was impressing to say the least. Unfortunately I didn't get too see the Captain Howdy part in action but that was a really cool idea. I hope we see more houses like this in the future. Hallow'd Past was stunning. The props were nostalgic. The Orfanage was a disappointment...I think it was too short. Though the creepy soundtrack was a plus. This year's event was pretty great, but I still think last year's was one to compete with.
erin, you had Havoc rated that low really? It was one of my favorite, and has been a favorite on here the whole event. What happenned in your run through?
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