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HBO's Game of Thrones

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if Bran is going to change the past anymore, Hodor proves it's already been done, so I'm curious to clues throughout the series... A theory is that the three eyed Raven was responsible for turning the mad king insane
the same theories also point to bran being "Bran the builder" and he goes back and ensures that the wall (and winterfell) are built in the first place.
I think the biggest point from "hold the door" is that bran can not only influence the past, but change it. This opens the door to a whole host of possibilities, including the three eyed Raven actually being bran trying to rectify past mistakes, like turning aerys mad for example
Not so, it is a closed loop, nothing is actually changed because the past event always included Bran's presence, it is basically an anomaly.
Personally I love the Arya storyline, then, I like odd esoteric stuff.
I am wandering, this new priestess of fire, she is good looking, but I am afraid
she might be a hag
Not so, it is a closed loop, nothing is actually changed because the past event always included Bran's presence, it is basically an anomaly.
but is it? It's an old staple of time travel to have a causal paradox, which is what this, so far, appears to be. But it could be a looped causal paradox where by going back repeatedly to repair previous mistakes you can change the past. So if the three eyed Raven is indeed Bran trying to "fix" mistakes made my his earlier self then it is indeed possible, at some future point, for bran to influence change in what has already occurred. For instance he could warg back and warn himself not to get touched by the white walker, thus negating most of this weeks episode.
but another time travel trope is that going back in time repeatedly to change things only makes things worse and there are always unintended consequences when you change anything. Is it possible the mad king wasn't hearing voices to "burn them all," but someone was trying to give him instructions to try and "help."
Watching a rerun right now. Why did the Stark girl ever want to join up with the faceless cult? I cannot recall her motivation to be beaten up constantly. The only thing I recall is that she hid her sword in the rocks on the shore.
The faceless man had helped her, and given her the coin and told her if she ever needed help to give it a bravosi and say valor morgulis. They took her to the faceless men. She basically needed someone/something to believe in/belong to

Thanks. I figured I had missed that she had a darker motivation. But yeah, her only companion is now gone so she is looking for structure and safety and I guess that is all... for now ... and then there's the hidden sword, Needle?
She hid needle because it was a present, it's the last possession that Arya has.
As a faceless person she would have no possessions and would have to give up needle, so she hid it.

Edit: I suppose there was also the darker motivation of wanting to learn how to kill all the names off her list, she saw how easily the faceless man did it and so........
Remember, she saved him from death also, so he owed her, and she had him kill some people, that's where he first revealed his magic and ability to kill lots of people in impossible ways.

I'm wondering if it wasn't a set up from the start, because how in the world could he have been captured? Maybe he sought her out. In the books she possesses the ability to warg like Bran, and even warrged into alley cats while she was blind and into her missing dire wolf.
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Ok, remember, I don't catch names well at all so bare with me.

Is the swinging fireball guy saving the girl and the dragged cripple a new character. I thought it was Jon Snow at first.

Are the a-hole lord/king father and kindly mother and estates of Sam new characters?

What was up with Queen Lanister with the King and all the religious talk? Is she conniving like she promised to her brother?

And that twist with the priest on the steps... that baffled me. What army was it that followed bro Lanister to the base of the steps?

And the needle appears just after I wondered about it!

And the blood wedding king, that was a shock to see him again. I have the most shallow understanding of all these stories and plot points! What is Blackfish and what is River Run?

It was nice to see a lil heat between bro and sis Lanister. I cannot figure out where the plot is going.

The dragon... yeeesh. That was a brief scene. Are the 7 Kingdoms everything... the whole known world? And Dragon Lady wants it? (I loved how the dragon's spines jiggled!)
Ok, remember, I don't catch names well at all so bare with me.

Is the swinging fireball guy saving the girl and the dragged cripple a new character. I thought it was Jon Snow at first.

Are the a-hole lord/king father and kindly mother and estates of Sam new characters?

What was up with Queen Lanister with the King and all the religious talk? Is she conniving like she promised to her brother?

And that twist with the priest on the steps... that baffled me. What army was it that followed bro Lanister to the base of the steps?

And the needle appears just after I wondered about it!

And the blood wedding king, that was a shock to see him again. I have the most shallow understanding of all these stories and plot points! What is Blackfish and what is River Run?

It was nice to see a lil heat between bro and sis Lanister. I cannot figure out where the plot is going.

The dragon... yeeesh. That was a brief scene. Are the 7 Kingdoms everything... the whole known world? And Dragon Lady wants it? (I loved how the dragon's spines jiggled!)

1. That's Bran and Jon's uncle, Ned's brother, Benjamin, who was a ranger for the Night's Watch and why Jon went to the wall. He disappeared quickly in the first season went he went out to investigate the Wight Walker sightings.

2. Yes.

3. Probably...I think.

4. That was the Queens family's army.

5. Blackfish is another uncle, but on the mom's side, River Run was her family's kingdom and promised to king A-hole for killing Robb Stark and his pregnant wife. Blackfish escaped that night and raised an army.
The CGI for The Hobbit was so out of control it took me right out of the story. Avatar blended nicely, I don't know what's going on nowadays where everything looks fake. I've been noticing CGI looking worse and worse since Avatar. World Of Warcraft and Gods Of Egypt look like video games.

I have a strong feeling we're eventually going to see Dany vs Jon Snow and she's going to be the villain.