I think we might just because we don't know who our icon is yet.I'm really impressed with the website we have so far, it's definitley a complete turn around from last year. Maybe we will get our elaborate storyline with the full update Jake.
I may be behind here but has anyone been on the website and experienced the new games where you compete with others? I was on last night and was picking cards and every one of the old games was gone but there were new games where you competed with another online person, usually taking terms choosing something until someone found the item. I got new cards this way when I won. Also on the card house there were flashing circles now you could click on that gave some cool backstory to HR Bloodngutz and the cemetary house with lady hawthorn story. Now this morning every card you pick puts you back into the old games with no new competition games? weird, but interesting!
For those who will not have a chance to visit this year please check these out. Also if they have been shared excuse my tardiness. Videos from the houses have been posted on the HHN website under the attractions page.
Honestly I hope they do a better site for 22. 21 was a horrible site..
I think the best were
16 and 18
I think the worst site was 20. That just seemed like a step in a very generic direction.