HHN 24: Most Anticipated House | Inside Universal Forums

HHN 24: Most Anticipated House

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Which haunted house is your most anticipated?

  • The Walking Dead: The End of the Line

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  • Dracula Untold: Reign of Blood

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Platinum Member
Jul 1, 2010
For the fun of comparing again in September and November ...


1) AvP - AWiL set a high bar last year, hoping this at least matches it

2) Roanoke - the historical houses are generally strong (Catacombs, Poe, Nightengales), and I've been intrigued by the Lost Colony since I saw In Search Of... as a kid

3) Giggles & Gore - love dark comedy done right; would be #2 but for its reported short length

4) Dollhouse of the Damned - clever concept, but will depend entirely on the execution

5) Dracula Untold - scoff all you want, that trailer made me think this might have potential, especially being in a soundstage

6) FDtD - Demon Cantina may still be my #1 house of all time. Not sure anything can live up to my nostalgia at this point. Also afraid it will be neutered to the point of seeming silly.

7) Halloween - I respect the movie but don't really love it; other than the theme song outside, I fear this will play out as generic slasher in suburbia house

8) TWD - So played out. At least hoping the nail the mega mart scene.
Voted FDTD. Hoping for a well themed introductory scene before any vampires and gore. Drinking saloon with a dancing Salma look-alike and big boa :doggie:
1. Roanoke - The setting intrigues me and I expect something along the lines of Nightingale's which was awesome.

2. Dollhouse of the Damned - I have heard this might be the dark horse house of the year so my anticipation is up.

3. Alien vs. Predator - If done well, this could be amazing.

4. Halloween - The close quarters of a tent will make this feel just like the movie.

5. Giggles and Gore - Though it is supposed to be short, my friend is terrified of clowns so I cannot wait to see her go through this one.

6. Dracula Untold - This one edges out FDTD because I imagine it will be more period-centric and I have no idea what to expect so I will most likely get scared in here

7. From Dusk Til Dawn - I like the movie and what I have seen of the show, but the above houses just sound better or seem more likely to catch me off guard.

8. The Walking Dead - It's a megahouse based on what I have been told is a pretty cool season so this should be fun. Also, like Dracula I have not seen this season so they have the advantage of the unexpected when it comes to scaring me (which they did not have last year).
1. Alien vs Predator - Based on the AWIL, this has already push my excitement level!

2. Halloween - This could go really great, or really bad. I hope there's more then just boo-hole myers out in each scene.

3. Roanoke - History houses most of the time go well. Can't wait for the surprise at the end.

4. TWD - They've so much improved since the start of WD-HHN houses. So I believe(hope) the biggest will stay true.

5. From Dusk Till Dawn - I like the movie and the series. So I expecting good effects and big sets.

6. Giggles and Gore - Clowns don't scare me and the comedy house has been so/so with me.

7. Dollhouse of the Damned - Dolls just don't do it for me. So I'm hoping to be surprise.

8. Dracula Untold - Not expecting very much. Some caves and some scares. Nothing to see here.
1 - Alien v Predator: Alien puppetry alone puts it as my most anticipated

2 - Dollhouse of the Damned: Dolls are creepy. Creepy little girls are creepy. Sounds good.

3 - Roanoke: A strong historical concept should make for a great house.

4 - Halloween: A classic A&D have been dying to get their hands on. They showed last year with AWIL what the results of that are.

5 - Giggles and Gore: A strong concept, but rumored length knocks it out of the top 4.

6 - Dracula Untold: Could have some great sets and effects, but I'm not sold overall.

7 - Walking Dead: Shear size keeps this from being last.

8 - Dusk Till Dawn: Not feeling the concept.

I honestly think every house will at the very least be good.
1. Halloween - First classic house for me (of course AWIL could be considered a classic)
2. Alien v Predator - If puppets are like last year, should be great.
3. Walking Dead - Im sure it will be one the bottom for most here, but looking forward it. Plus I think it will be the best of the three WD houses.
4. Dusk Till Dawn - Like the movie, show ok so far. But the more I see the show there is lots of material to use.
5a. Giggles and Gore - Favorite of the three original concepts.
5b. Roanoke - Really like the concept as well.
7. Dollhouse of the Damned - Not a big doll fan. I see this one being the scariest for me, but not the most impressive.
8. Dracula Untold - Might be good, but have not looked into yet. Its the only one I am not super excited for.
From most to least anticipated

1.Giggles and gore- when I heard it was going to be the shortest house in HHN history my anticipation dropped but after thinking about it who cares? It's such a cool idea and from the concept art it looks especially gross and gory. Also who doesn't love killer clowns? Definitely my most anticipated

2.From dusk till dawn- the movie is one of my favorites and the show rocked just as hard. Expecting crazy elaborate sets, awesome temples and sexy vampires as far as the eye can see. Definitely a top pick for me

3.Halloween- boy it's nice to finally see this one being implemented into a house. Myers is iconic and I seriously couldn't be happier that it's turning into a house especially after seeing that facade. Too excited

4.dollhouse of the damned- hell yeah scary dolls!!! The creepiness factor can only go up at that point. Hopefully the sets can match the costumes

5.roanoke- very excited to see how this one will turn out. Neat concept for any history buff but hopefully it isn't bland when it comes to the natives themselves.

6.AVP- oh I can hear the fanboys screaming now. Listen I know it'll be spectacular costume and puppet wise but man I really hate the AVP movies especially after my recent watch. Don't like the concept and that kinda kills it for me on it's own

7.dracula untold- you've all heard me rant about this so I'll keep it to a minimum. Based on a movie not out yet and the movie will probably suck. Here's hoping to elaborate sets and costumes

8.walking dead- WOAH what a twist!!! Yeah it's the biggest house of all time but I'm so unbelievably sick of the walking dead I could care less. Fun to some but not to me, the last 2 houses in the past years were lame and I honestly expect this to be 10 minutes of being lame. Hopefully it'll surprise me but I doubt it
1. Alien vs Predator
2. Halloween
3. Dollhouse of Damned
4. From Dusk Till Dawn
5. Giggles & Gore
6. Roanoke
7. Dracula Untold
8. Walking Dead
1. AVP: Alien VS. Predator
2. Halloween
3. Dollhouse Of The Damned
4. Giggles & Gore Inc.
5. Roanoke: Cannibal Colony
6. From Dusk Till Dawn
7. The Walking Dead: End Of The Line
8. Dracula Untold: Reign Of Blood
1. AVP: Alien VS. Predator
2. Roanoke: Cannibal Colony
3. From Dusk Till Dawn
4. Halloween
5. Dollhouse of the Damned
6. Giggles & Gore Inc
7. The Walking Dead: End Of The Line
8. Dracula Untold: Reign Of Blood
1. AVP
2. Dollhouse of the dammed
3. Giggles and Gore
4. Halloween
5. Roanoke Cannibal Colony
6. Walking Dead
7. Dracula untold
8. Dusk til dawn
1. Dollhouse of the dammed
2. AVP
3. Giggles and Gore
4. Halloween
5. Roanoke Cannibal Colony
6. Walking Dead
7. Dusk til dawn
8. Dracula untold
It's interesting to me that the IP that seems most anticipated is the one that received some hard cuts and "is concerning" for some on the team. Additionally, it is interesting that one that is felt to be very promising by the team is appearing near or below the fold.

Of course, none of this can be really foretold until the actors are in place "acting" and the show being performed. It will be fun seeing what turns out to be a success.
It's interesting to me that the IP that seems most anticipated is the one that received some hard cuts and "is concerning" for some on the team. Additionally, it is interesting that one that is felt to be very promising by the team is appearing near or below the fold.

Of course, none of this can be really foretold until the actors are in place "acting" and the show being performed. It will be fun seeing what turns out to be a success.

I am unaware of cuts being made to AVP. If so that is dissapointing. And I feel like a lot of people's lists are quite varied. I honestly think all the houses this year have the potential to be the best one this year. You really can't tell til u are in there and see it for yourself.