I have always thought they need to add kids rides to Sneetch Beach. It's offers the space support a number of small flat rides, which would solve the issue of "nothing for kids to do".
Really I'd like to see two frog hopper rides and a green grinch coaster that goes over the water. Those two combined with Cat in the Hat would be the little kids version of Marvel.
Love the idea of a frog hopper ride (not 2 though) on the lagoon! Maybe it could be themed to Yertle the Turtle? and have an AA turtle on top
IOA and USF should definitely start adding flat rides in the small spaces that can't fit a dark ride or a coaster or a show or a restaurant (the LC and TL carnival games areas are prime locations for a decent, well-themed flat ride for the whole family... or even a thrilling one!)
Personally, a cave holding a Horton Hears a Who show scene for a new Skipper Tours, the frog hopper and a triple decker Seussic and colorful ferris wheel (maybe the world's first? it would save space either way) - Sneetch Beach becomes a hot spot rather than the shortcut to dodging the Cat/1F2F/CaroSeussEl traffic!
Honestly a perfect Seuss expansion would be these ten things:
1. Mt. Crumpet coaster takes 80% of Poseidon and the surrounding expansion area behind and to right of Poseidon (there's a little bit of space)
2. Lorax dark ride (personally I want a flume that doesn't get you wet - similar to Small World but extremely unique in style)
3. Seussical stage show in Grinchmas soundstage (Grinchmas would still come during the Christmas season)
4. Extremely scaled-down Noisarium (an abandoned attraction concept that has the bare foundation placed by Cat - just add some special effects and sounds)
5. Seuss Trolley gets its capacity increased and more scenery/AAs
6. Cat in the Hat gets an extensive upgrade (new AAs/projections) and spinning returns to normal
7. Themed Frog Hopper (a turtle AA/small show effects) in small space by If I Ran the Zoo (which will get reduced)
8. Triple-Decker Ferris Wheel along Sneetch Beach
9. Cave along the beach for mini-Horton dark ride scene for new Skipper Tours
10. Skipper boarding station by LC/SL bridge
4 flat rides (Fish, CaroSeuss, Yertle, and Ferris Wheel)
2 small play areas (Zoo and Noisarium)
2 shows (Seussical and Oh the Stories)
2 dark rides (Cat and Lorax)
A Peoplemover (Seuss Trolley)
A transport station (Skipper Tours) shared with LC basically
And an E-ticket family coaster
12 (techinically 13) attractions and a land on par with every Fantasyland except Disneyland's (that one has 20 attractions so no one will ever truly top its versatile attraction types, and large attraction count).. same for KidZone if they were willing to put $500-$600 million into that area (it just has a lot to fix lol)
Of course a $200-$250 million expansion with a show in the Grinchmas soundstage, a well-themed Grinch family (NOT kiddie) coaster, maybe a flat ride along Sneetch Beach, and a Lorax dark ride would be just amazing in itself and I'd be greatly more than happy with that!