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Nintendo Coming to Universal Parks

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I'd imagine that it could be similar to how the JP entrance to Potter is, as a form of a side-entrance for Nintendo.
I would think it be more like the bridge that bypasses Hogsmeade. A permanent entrance to Nintendo would be very out of place at Kwik-E or MIB.

I just see another entrance simply being for holiday season when crowds are overwhelming.
I would think it be more like the bridge that bypasses Hogsmeade. A permanent entrance to Nintendo would be very out of place at Kwik-E or MIB.

I just see another entrance simply being for holiday season when crowds are overwhelming.
How about the entrance is between MIB and Simpsons, but it isn't obvious. There's a forest that goes on for a bit before the Mario area starts to pick up. It'll be used as only an exit for a while anyways.
The number of people who don't know where the entrance to Diagon is at Universal is staggering. You can stand outside for about 5 minutes and someone will say "what's that? Why are people going over there?"

That is to say, any unobvious entrance at an area is likely a bad idea.
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How about the entrance is between MIB and Simpsons, but it isn't obvious. There's a forest that goes on for a bit before the Mario area starts to pick up. It'll be used as only an exit for a while anyways.
Honestly it all depends on how the land is mapped out.

When I worked at Uni, I would seasonally work the Macy's parade and that would have me going back through KZ and all the way back to the parade barn everyday. Most of us are familiar with this path because of HHN.

However, the rumors i've heard are that even the current parade building is safe, which backs right up to the curious george area, so if the current parade building doesn't leave then I don't see how they could have guests walking through to the Kwik-E exit or beyond (besides busy times), as that is all very ugly, backstage areas at the moment and i've heard nothing to make me think that will change even with Nintendo.
The number of people who don't know where the entrance to Diagon is at Universal is staggering. You can stand outside for about 5 minutes and someone will say "what's that? Why are people going over there?"

That is to say, any unobvious entrance at an area is likely a bad idea.
Very true. In a park that doesn't have an obvious layout like IOA those are things that have to be considered. I guess we can assume it won't have an entrance in those areas.

I still am for this to go in the 3rd gate, but I don't think Nintendo feels like waiting (or Comcast).
The number of people who don't know where the entrance to Diagon is at Universal is staggering. You can stand outside for about 5 minutes and someone will say "what's that? Why are people going over there?"

That is to say, any unobvious entrance at an area is likely a bad idea.
True. But I don't think a theme park should cut back on designs and immersiveness due to visitors incompetence from their visits to other parks that have no real facades.
They had no problem getting rid of Jaws so I don't think they would hesitate to pull the trigger on E.T.

Appropo of nothing more than adding to the ET speculation how many are aware Spielberg gets 2% of the gross of the park? Bet he gets a say but might go for the increased income from the new offerings. Not like he would know what to do with the money though....
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When people said kids would be afraid of Kong, they meant this kong!

That was my face when I heard Univresal was making a Nintendo attraction.