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Nintendo Coming to Universal Parks

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They just are not waiting until summer to announce this. They will give people time to digest closing of KidZone and get visits in before closing it down. They will need to close KidZone soon to allow for construction.

Well, they CAN announce the closure of Kidzone then hold off on announcing the replacement until it best suits their purposes (i.e. stealing Disney's spotlight). This is the route I think they should go as it allows them to get working on their next thing and one up the opening of Avatarland.
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"Mr. Spielberg, here's the moon."
Huh.... I think he already owns 51% of it. :)
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They can announce SNW while all is quiet on the Disney front and the when Avatar opens announce the WnW resort.

When Disney announces SWE opening date, Uni drops the plans for the south property.
Disney might pull a fast one and make one of their "Brand New Themed Park Benches" or "Bathrooms With A Themed Odor" announcement, and that will torpedo Universal's strategy. :lol:
I wouldn't give him the full four years. Vegas is currently giving him 9-4 odds of being impeached. loving every second of bad news that goes his way.

nintendo (for thread relevance)
Or just quits. Never seen anyone so thin skinned. And once he actually takes office the criticisms will only get worse. It comes with the territory.
Universal has a press release, probably related to Potter, scheduled for the Potter weekend next week. So I don't know if they'd want to tramp on that with another announcement so close, especially since Fallon was just announced last week.
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