Pandora: The World of Avatar Announcement, Construction, & Preview Discussion | Page 50 | Inside Universal Forums

Pandora: The World of Avatar Announcement, Construction, & Preview Discussion

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Hmmm if we hear of Avatar soon, might we hear the Autobots rolling out soon after :lol:
Mitchiez, MiaBoy, and rhino4ever in 3...2...1...

Eta, it done right, it could be cool. Having said that, it isn't Potter or Cars merchandise wise,and it doesn't belong in Animal Kingdom.

I've got my Chainsaw and Boomstick ready for the fanbois.

It has to be really good to justify it's existence. And considering word is it's being forced on WDI, it's going to include another Soarin', and crackpot James Cameron is involved, it already has a lot holding it back.
From Screamscape:
A couple of interesting things were reported from Animal Kingdom early on Thursday. According to a Screamscape source, CM’s arriving early at Animal Kingdom that morning could see height test balloons being flown over the park, reaching an estimated 200 feet in height. (That’s about the same height of Tower of Terror for comparison’s sake…) The location in the park hasn’t been confirmed, but is thought to be in the Camp Minnie / Mickey area.
On a related note, apparently Joe Rohde sent out word to his staff that today was also the first day of on-site construction work for “Pandora – The World of Avatar”. So get ready for Avatar mania to begin…
1) fanbois don't go to DAK...ever
2) all fanbois have camera phones.
3) wouldn't the immediate reaction be to snap a picture of said balloons or walls.
Does anyone else find it odd that he's jumping headfirst in Avatar with very sketchy info, but he held out forever on TF when construction was already well underway and all signs pointed to it's existence? I mean I know Avatar has been "confirmed", but if any of that is actually true there's no way of knowing what it was really for.
If they build this, it will have to be as big as the carsland project... it will have to be massive and expensive or not at all. That said... even if they do this, I could care less.
If they build this, it will have to be as big as the carsland project... it will have to be massive and expensive or not at all.

Except instead of Lasseter's pet project, it would be Cameron's. That's got Doom written all over it. WDI+Cameron=Carsland budget for Chester and Hester level expansion.
If it happens, then probably a flight simulator, a flat kiddie ride, and so much black lighting and fiber optic lighting that the Earth's supply depletes as a consequence.
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