Pandora: The World of Avatar Announcement, Construction, & Preview Discussion | Page 51 | Inside Universal Forums

Pandora: The World of Avatar Announcement, Construction, & Preview Discussion

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I also could possibly see a Flight simulator and a family/kiddie ride along with shops and resturants. Now what i'm hoping and very unlikely a B&M Winged Coaster themed to the Banshees from the movie and a nice sit down interative resturant along with some sort of 3-d/4-d show like Terminator amazing but more than likely that wont happen. It'd be super epic if it did though. Just Saying....
I've got my Chainsaw and Boomstick ready for the fanbois.

It has to be really good to justify it's existence. And considering word is it's being forced on WDI, it's going to include another Soarin', and crackpot James Cameron is involved, it already has a lot holding it back.

Spirit has said that WDI had proposed a Soarin'-esque type ride to Jimmy Cameron and he flat out said no. From a lot of what he and Lee have said, this project was in big jeopardy at points a lot because Cameron and WDI were having a hard time coming to agreements on many things.
My only hope is that Disney is intent on "knocking our socks off" with this project. I bust on Disney a LOT because I know what they CAN do when they are intent on impressing. When this project was announced I was ABSOLUTELY convinced it would never happen. Looks like I was wrong. But now that it seems inevitable, I really REALLY hope they go BIG. DAK needs something big. And WDW needs something big. SO if Disney, or more specifically TDO, pulls their punches on this one I think I will give up hope. But I have given up yet.

I think that if they do this right, it will be spectacular.

I don't think there will be any flat or spinners. Most definitely some sort of flying attraction. But my guess for the family friendly attraction is that we are looking at an underwater attraction. Possibly similar in style to TDS' 20,000 Leagues, but obviously with it's visual design based on Avatar 2.
^^^^I agree, for the most part. But even if they do...I feel nothing but apathy about the project because of the source material. I just generally disliked Cars...but I HATE Avatar. So, so much. I'm gonna be pissed if Avatar is the freaking property they use to go all out.
Considering Cameron is known for ground breaking technology, and BIG budgets. I think this has a strong chance of being spectacular. If Cameron personally funds this (which I believe he will, since he personally funds almost all his projects)...then we shouldn't see the same budget issues that tend to plague Disney attractions in Florida.

Sure the source material is a little weak, but who knows the next movies could be a lot better. I mean the only disappointment for me in Avatar was that it was an old story that's been told a dozen times. It was a great action/adventure movie despite that.

The only reason people HATE Avatar is becuase of how popular it became. People are weird like that, but they will never admit it.
If Cameron personally funds this (which I believe he will, since he personally funds almost all his projects)...


If you think Cameron is dropping a penny into this, you have another thing coming.

It was a great action/adventure movie despite that.

The only thing great about the movie is the visuals.

The only reason people HATE Avatar is becuase of how popular it became. People are weird like that, but they will never admit it.

No. I hate it because almost everything about it is terrible.
That's you opinion, but I didn't find anything about it "terrible". i can see why a few people didn't like it, but to say you Hate it, seems like it's coming from some other bias you have. I mean you think the special effects were terrible? Do you think the acting was terrible? What was so terrible about the movie? You have to give him respect for creating a completely different world of characters, language, and creatures.

You really don't think Cameron will help Disney pay for this attraction? I am almost positive he will be getting a cut of all the merchandise that will be sold on premisis. if you have followed his career path, you would see it would be unlike him NOT to be financially involved. For one, he has more money then god. Two he has a crazy ego, and he would not accept a sub-par theme park with his name splattered all over it. Trust me, he is going to be spending quite a bit to make sure this meets his expectations..
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That's you opinion, but I didn't find anything about it "terrible". i can see why a few people didn't like it, but to say you Hate it, seems like it's coming from some other bias you have. I mean you think the special effects were terrible? Do you think the acting was terrible? What was so terrible about the movie? You have to give him respect for creating a completely different world of characters, language, and creatures.

Acting, story, cliched "America and the military is evil" subtext. All terrible. And the creatures weren't all that special. They were all earth animals with slight differences.

You really don't think Cameron will help Disney pay for this attraction? I am almost positive he will be getting a cut of all the merchandise that will be sold on premisis. if you have followed his career path, you would see it would be unlike him to be financially involved. For one, he has more money then god. Two he has a crazy ego, and he would not accept a sub-par theme park with his name splattered all over it. Trust me, he is going to be spending quite a bit to make sure this meets his expectations..

He's not going to pay for this thing.
I find it amusing that someone that is so against Avatar, is SO excited for Transformers, one of worst acted, videogame CGI, mind numbingly dumb film trilogies of recent times.

Avatar may have had a cliched story, but I always thought it was the intention. It was a Futuristic Sci-Fi take on a classic Good vs Evil/ Man vs Nature story.

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sorry JungleSkip but your responses are usually "No it wont happen" or "No it sucks" without any other input or encite on how you came up with this conclusion. Everything isn't cut and dry, open your mind a little bit instead of being so pessimisitic.
I find it amusing that someone that is so against Avatar, is SO excited for Transformers, one of worst acted, videogame CGI, mind numbingly dumb film trilogies of recent times.

Transformers 1 was an entertaining romp, and wasn't trying to be the "redefining movie of a generation" like Avatar. The sequels weren't any good, but sequels rarely are, especially when Michael Bay is involved. But I've been a fan of the TF brand since I was a kid.

Also, TF is a single RIDE. Not a huge, sprawling land based on a terrible property.

sorry JungleSkip but your responses are usually "No it wont happen" or "No it sucks" without any other input or encite on how you came up with this conclusion. Everything isn't cut and dry, open your mind a little bit instead of being so pessimisitic.

I explained what I didn't like about the movie. And the agreement between Cameron and Disney doesn't include any of Cameron's money. I mean, it doesn't really get any more clear cut.
Just to be fair, rhino...

You did say people hate Avatar because it became popular. Skip gave you different reasons as to why he hates it.

Feel free to debate you two, but just don't make it personal/rude.
It's all good. People like to push buttons, but don't always like when people push back.

Personally, I don't really HATE anything, it's too strong of a word for me personally, and when I see people use it over silly things like movies and theme parks it makes me question their opinion even more.
I'd have to agree though that Cameron isn't going to pay a cent. Remember, Disney came to him about it. He has all the power over the project without having to invest any money. That's all he cares about.

Cameron may be passionate about his projects, but he's no dummy either. :lol:
I don;t know...Avatar is like his baby. Unlike Terminator which he basically sold off. I just can't help but think he will make sure this "land" is state of the art. He's not going to let Disney put out a sub-par effort.
All I remember hearing about Avatar when it was in theaters was that the film was beautiful. Nothing about the story, just that it was pretty. You also have to remember that it really cashed in on that "new" 3-D trend thing. It was the perfect storm for the film to perform as well as it did. The film is an ok movie, but it is far from great. I really hope Disney knocks this out of the park, but I have my doubts.

Honestly, Cameron paying for this out of pocket? I SEROUSLY doubt that thought has even occurred to him.
Im not saying he is paying for the entire attraction, but he will definitely be spending money/time on the creation of this land. I think Disney will still fit most of the bill, but Cameron will want his toes in the water just enough so he can influence it's design.
Im not saying he is paying for the entire attraction, but he will definitely be spending money/time on the creation of this land. I think Disney will still fit most of the bill, but Cameron will want his toes in the water just enough so he can influence it's design.

Time, yes. Money, no. He has 100% power and the only thing he had to do was say "Yes" to Disney. From an input standpoint, this is just the same as JK and Potter.
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