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Race Through NY Starring Jimmy Fallon

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To be honest... Universal didn't have a clue what it was doing when they opened USO. It was built for a more naive and gullible audience. They continued tossing low budget junk at it through the 90's IMO.

IOA was a different story completely and reflected this in it's massive budget and overruns.
And IOA has also seen more stability in it's rides/areas. The park hasn't seen any replacements as far as rides go and the only thing that has replaced part of an area was Hogsmeade eating up a chunk of LC.

Unlike USF, IOA has seen expansion, not replacement.
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Almost. It opened in 1996.

Add on to the list Animal Actors and Horror Makeup Show. Just about everything in KidZone is over 20 actually as well.
You're right of course. But Kidzone is going bye bye. And the Horror Makeup Show was kind of reinvented from it's original concept. So 20 is a really dangerous age when it comes to the Studio park. :)
the only thing that has replaced part of an area was Hogsmeade eating up a chunk of LC.

Right... and on one hand, that part of LC didn't need to go as it was mostly gorgeous in execution. On the other hand, something had to go and that area was where they began brainstorming because of its original "wizards" connection and the cheap Potter overlay they tried to sell WB and JKR.
so I might have to put it on the same list as Minion Mayhem, which is "Only with Express." Disaster on the other hand I used to skip most of the time so I know I'll be doing F&F more than that.

It makes me wonder, Will This ride and the F&F Ride be open during HHN? that would be a good time to ride both with little wait lines lol

This should be an interesting experiment in pop culture relevantcy.

Ellen's hasn't aged well.

I did Ellen once and it was probably my most hated experience at a Disney attraction. I almost tried to raise my hand to get out of it
(The girl in the ride did say they had to stop the ride 4 times before us... I kind of regretted not raising my hand to get out of it now that I think about it)
To be honest... Universal didn't have a clue what it was doing when they opened USO. It was built for a more naive and gullible audience. They continued tossing low budget junk at it through the 90's IMO.

IOA was a different story completely and reflected this in it's massive budget and overruns.

I completely agree with you.

Think about the types of rides in Universal, they have to replace them. They aren't timeless ride every time you go rides. Kong, Jaws, and BTTF are about the only ones they got rid of that were like this. Kong I believe structurally they had to change it and BTTF I think was just done during the period of time no one likes to talk about. Jaws was a product of land and cost issues. It used too much land and cost to much to run. They had something very cool to replace it so people would forgive them. But I think this is going to change moving forward. Does anyone see HP being replaced in 20 years? I know I don't. How about Transformers? Nope, that is a timeless brand that will be around for ages. Nintendo, nope. Now things like Fallon and F&F sure, I see those changing down the road. First off because of the IPs picked and second because of the tech picked. But I think Uni may know this. They NEED rides like this or their parks will become stale and outdated. But they are land locked and can only expand so much. So rides like Fallon will serve their purpose and be replaced down the line when something newer and cooler comes about.

most people ride energy just to take naps in the middle of the day

This. When your kids need a break from the sun and heat and you want them to take a nap, you take them on this. It is a nice cool (temp) ride that is long. For parents you can relax and the Dino part is pretty neat at least. We have used it twice for that purpose when my twins were young.
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I completely agree with you.

Think about the types of rides in Universal, they have to replace them. They aren't timeless ride every time you go rides. Kong, Jaws, and BTTF are about the only ones they got rid of that were like this. Kong I believe structurally they had to change it and BTTF I think was just done during the period of time no one likes to talk about. Jaws was a product of land and cost issues. It used too much land and cost to much to run. They had something very cool to replace it so people would forgive them. But I think this is going to change moving forward. Does anyone see HP being replaced in 20 years? I know I don't. How about Transformers? Nope, that is a timeless brand that will be around for ages. Nintendo, nope. Now things like Fallon and F&F sure, I see those changing down the road. First off because of the IPs picked and second because of the tech picked. But I think Uni may know this. They NEED rides like this or their parks will become stale and outdated. But they are land locked and can only expand so much. So rides like Fallon will serve their purpose and be replaced down the line when something newer and cooler comes about.

This. When your kids need a break from the sun and heat and you want them to take a nap, you take them on this. It is a nice cool (temp) ride that is long. For parents you can relax and the Dino part is pretty neat at least. We have used it twice for that purpose when my twins were young.
Good analysis. I would tend to agree with most of that.
though the term timeless might be out the window. right now where at an age where the adults that remember the rides like 20k leagues and bttf are not the majority of the ticket holders but the new gen kids are and most don't think to hard about nostalgia but whats in the now so i know hp will be there until 2020 but after that who knows unless they keep adding to it
though the term timeless might be out the window. right now where at an age where the adults that remember the rides like 20k leagues and bttf are not the majority of the ticket holders but the new gen kids are and most don't think to hard about nostalgia but whats in the now so i know hp will be there until 2020 but after that who knows unless they keep adding to it

I think you are crazy if you think that HP is only certain until 2020. The new addition is only a little over a year old at this point. By 2020 it will be 6 years old. I mean if you want to change that to 2030 that would be less insane, but still pretty crazy. With new movies coming out about that universe I think most people would be comfortable saying it is safe until 2040.

The new generation doesn't care about those IPs you mentioned because nothing new has come out for them in their lifetime. But with HP new material will be coming out in the lifetime of these new kids. Heck kids that aren't born yet will have new material come out when they are 5 or 6. This is not something going away any time in the near future. This will be like Star Wars and look how long Star Wars has lasted and will last. Even the new generations are getting into it with cartoons and their parents introducing them to the older movies. Star Wars was a world, not just the characters. That is how HP will be, it will be about the wizarding world and will go beyond just Harry.
I think you are crazy if you think that HP is only certain until 2020. The new addition is only a little over a year old at this point. By 2020 it will be 6 years old. I mean if you want to change that to 2030 that would be less insane, but still pretty crazy. With new movies coming out about that universe I think most people would be comfortable saying it is safe until 2040.

The new generation doesn't care about those IPs you mentioned because nothing new has come out for them in their lifetime. But with HP new material will be coming out in the lifetime of these new kids. Heck kids that aren't born yet will have new material come out when they are 5 or 6. This is not something going away any time in the near future. This will be like Star Wars and look how long Star Wars has lasted and will last. Even the new generations are getting into it with cartoons and their parents introducing them to the older movies. Star Wars was a world, not just the characters. That is how HP will be, it will be about the wizarding world and will go beyond just Harry.

I think 2040 is a bit ambitious but then again, that would mean it's going to be in the park the same amount of time as ET is currently so it's certainly possible.
I think 2040 is a bit ambitious but then again, that would mean it's going to be in the park the same amount of time as ET is currently so it's certainly possible.
They aren't even necessarily done adding potter to the parks, and that's on top of the two existing areas. I think 2040 is perfectly reasonable for it to still be around.
Can we keep this thread on topic. Btw, there's not even much to talk about so I dont understand why this thread is so active. So many exciting things happening in Orlando parks and parks around the country and but lets talk about Fallon SCREENZ.
Or the Harry Potter additions are Universal's purposefully built and known entries into the "nostalgia" market that every Disney fan complains about.
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