Revenge of the Mummy (USH) | Page 8 | Inside Universal Forums

Revenge of the Mummy (USH)

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How often has RotM "broken down" or "glitched" for you guys? I wouldn't really call it either of those; maybe timing errors due to cars being backed up? Either way.

There was a couple of months last year where me and my boyfriend were going to the park once a week and, without fail, RotM would stop mid-ride. Which is always fun/amusing to us, but I feel bad for the people who are riding for the first (possibly only) time. :lol:

It usually always happens at the scarab/backwards part. As soon as you hit that wall, bam! Silence. Long, dark, awkward silence. And usually my boyfriend shouting out hilarious things in Imhotep's voice. Haha.

I'm hoping one day it will pause right before the launch. Mostly just so I can get a decent look at the Imhotep animatronic (which I desperately want to see up close. Very badly.) and the mummy warriors. Last week the timing was off a little and the car lingered a couple of seconds longer before the launch so we got to get a nice look at the dropping warriors, which was cool!
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How often has RotM "broken down" or "glitched" for you guys? I wouldn't really call it either of those; maybe timing errors due to cars being backed up? Either way.

There was a couple of months last year where me and my boyfriend were going to the park once a week and, without fail, RotM would stop mid-ride. Which is always fun/amusing to us, but I feel bad for the people who are riding for the first (possibly only) time. :lol:

It usually always happens at the scarab/backwards part. As soon as you hit that wall, bam! Silence. Long, dark, awkward silence. And usually my boyfriend shouting out hilarious things in Imhotep's voice. Haha.

I'm hoping one day it will pause right before the launch. Mostly just so I can get a decent look at the Imhotep animatronic (which I desperately want to see up close. Very badly.) and the mummy warriors. Last week the timing was off a little and the car lingered a couple of seconds longer before the launch so we got to get a nice look at the dropping warriors, which was cool!
It never has gotten "stuck" at that point for me. It usually is at the end. Which is usually always an awkward silence while sitting in the dark. I think it would of been much more awesome being stuck in the middle! That way the backward launch will be much more surprising!
well 2 time's for me. one was when the launch was supposed to happen and then just silence for 2 minute's and then it launched and then again in the final scene the ride gave up for 1 minute and i said "Are we dead yet?" And then got to the unload dock. also the same thing happened on the finale of jurassic as we were waiting to drop into the lagoon of the splash and i wondered if we were going to do evac or it will go into the drop. and that time i also said "Are we dead yet." as i feel if dinosaur's are trying to kill you shouldn't you say that if the ride stop's like that.
How often has RotM "broken down" or "glitched" for you guys? I wouldn't really call it either of those; maybe timing errors due to cars being backed up? Either way.

There was a couple of months last year where me and my boyfriend were going to the park once a week and, without fail, RotM would stop mid-ride. Which is always fun/amusing to us, but I feel bad for the people who are riding for the first (possibly only) time. :lol:

It usually always happens at the scarab/backwards part. As soon as you hit that wall, bam! Silence. Long, dark, awkward silence. And usually my boyfriend shouting out hilarious things in Imhotep's voice. Haha.

I'm hoping one day it will pause right before the launch. Mostly just so I can get a decent look at the Imhotep animatronic (which I desperately want to see up close. Very badly.) and the mummy warriors. Last week the timing was off a little and the car lingered a couple of seconds longer before the launch so we got to get a nice look at the dropping warriors, which was cool!
Gosh I've gotten stuck at that point a bunch of times! And always say funny stuff as well :p but the most awkward stuck place has to be the final dark room right before unloading. It's already a crappy and random ending As Is, and add to it getting stuck there in the dark? Forget it.

Btw, you must be in love with Florida's Imhotep animatronic, hu? That first one that sucks the sole of the cast member used to be one of the most advanced animatronics ever!
Gosh I've gotten stuck at that point a bunch of times! And always say funny stuff as well :p but the most awkward stuck place has to be the final dark room right before unloading. It's already a crappy and random ending As Is, and add to it getting stuck there in the dark? Forget it.

Btw, you must be in love with Florida's Imhotep animatronic, hu? That first one that sucks the sole of the cast member used to be one of the most advanced animatronics ever!
Oh my gosh you have no idea. I'm always scouring the internet trying to find more pictures of it! It's so incredible in it's own right and then add in the fact that it's Imhotep and Arnold Vosloo's awesome voice and aaaah *dead*

Our's is so mysterious though. I mean the riders get a pretty good look at the one in Orlando because he's like RIGHT there. And there's quite a few photos of him around the net. But no, ours has to be on a super tall platform, you only see him for 5 seconds and finding any photos of him is a joke. He's not as cool as Orlando's, but I'm so intrigued by it nonetheless. :D

but the most awkward stuck place has to be the final dark room right before unloading. It's already a crappy and random ending As Is, and add to it getting stuck there in the dark? Forget it.
I haaaaattteee getting stuck at the end. I know our RotM sucks compared to the other incarnations of it, but I love it SO much and I can't stand sitting there in awkward silence listening to people go "What that it? What now? Is there another part coming? This ride sucked. What's going on? Yadda yadda yadda."
I last went to the park on June 30 with a first-timer, and she was in love with ROTM. We ended up riding it about 5 times that day, and something happened during every ride. During one of the rides, we came to the launch, but after Imhotep does his mini-speech, we just kinda sat there. The lights dimmed, and we could barely see anything. There was no music, no effects, and it was actually kinda creepy. I looked up and saw some lights or something flashing, and it turns out there were some technician guys up above us with flashlights trying to fix something up there. All of a sudden, our cart jets forward, and everyone flipped out. As we went throughout the first coaster portion, there was no music, and that was even creepier.

I'm pretty sure that was only my second time getting stuck at the launch, but this was by far the most interesting experience. I won't forget the shrill screams from everyone in the ride vehicle as we unexpectedly launched.
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I know that one time I was with some friends and before the launch, the audio started skipping and just stopped all together. We ended up going through the whole ride without sound. it was very odd but kind of cool at the same time.
Personally, if I was a ghost, Universal would be my choice of eternal rest. :p I think I'd probably haunt RotM and posess the Imhotep animatronic. Or one of the dinosaurs on Jurassic Park.

"We can't figure out why this dinosaur keeps squirting water at everyone! The ride's not even turned on!"
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