Springfield | Page 56 | Inside Universal Forums


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Can't wait to finally get an official Duff Beer or McRibwich this week or weekend.  I was going to say Lard Lad Donut but it just occured to me they're selling them at the Kwik-E-Mart.  And wow, it's more amazing how new buildings look when the walls are down!

Oh and it's just about time Universal FINALLY advertised Springfield on their "Simpsons Ride" webpage just like they did in Orlando!  I'm surprised that's not on their home slider.

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Also there is a little cart next to the exit of Cletus's Shack for napkins, forks, ect. so they might not even have upstairs seating because wouldn't that all be inside the building next to the stairs?
That's just a fake chicken coop for décor. Orlando has one just outside their Cletus' as well.

Also, you can tell that Cletus' will have upstairs seating because the Aztec Theater is aligned perfectly behind it.
Love the effort this worker puts into camouflaging the speaker cover using small paint brush and yardstick.

I was hoping they would do that :) also have they done that on Moes?
Moe's has painted covers over the recessed speakers but there isn't much of a pattern to transfer onto the cover.  I've been wondering why some speakers are recessed and others aren't.  There's one on top of the nuclear plant in front of the orange reactor that really bothers me.  Even though it's further away than many others it seems like it should be better disguised.  I don't like the inconsistency of some being covered and others not.  Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled with Springfield.  But sometimes the little things are crucial to a successful execution so these standout to me in context of so many details being handled very well.
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Also are we confirmed that the food court will open on Wednesday for soft openings, or is that just a rumor?
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It'll 100% be soft opened this weekend. We have to just keep our eyes and ears open throughout this week to get a sense of if it will be Saturday or Sunday. I'm putting my bets on Saturday, it'll be the best day to go full steam ahead and test out all the dining locations during the busiest day.
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Well I've held off on commenting on this expansion for long enough & plan too hold off a little longer for the most part. With that being said, everything is coming along nicely & looking great, although a little on the slow side for me (I keep forgetting California has all kinds of wonky construction rules, regulations & whatnot.. plus that whole union worker aspect, the nearby residential noise ordinance, etc etc -sigh-) I'm waiting for the full reveal of Springfield before giving my eastcoast perspective. I'm liking what I see so far though.

I will say this though... two reasons why it took Orlando longer to build/complete their Springfield expansion was due to legal reasons when it came to what could be used, what couldn't be (look what happened with Bowl-o-rama here). On top of that, on the Duff Gardens/Kang&Kodos side of things, they had to deal with foundation issues which really put them behind.

Out of this entire expansion, my only real gripe is the lack of the Kang&Kodos spinner... Silly Swirly is great (don't judge me! :p ), but Kang&Kodos is better. The ride audio for it is just hilarious, so during HHN 2013 it became tradition to ride Kang&Kodos at least once every night while at the event haha. One of the best post-ride audio clips was "something something one-eyed monster who's tentacles you just rode" :ph34r:  haha... I can't remember the first part of it right now, but yea.. lol
I'd say progress on this project has been going at an insane pace. Doc Brown's was demolished just over a year ago, and now the area is unrecognizable. This is one of USH's biggest feats yet.

Also, Kang & Kodos really shouldn't have been expected to come here from the beginning. It was brought to USF because it could be easily placed, and because that's what the park needed at the time: a kid-friendly spinner/flat ride. Silly Swirly filled in that gap for us, and it would be a misstep on Universal's part to bring a second spinner to the Upper Lot when it's footprint could be used for something else.
I'd say progress on this project has been going at an insane pace. Doc Brown's was demolished just over a year ago, and now the area is unrecognizable. This is one of USH's biggest feats yet.

Also, Kang & Kodos really shouldn't have been expected to come here from the beginning. It was brought to USF because it could be easily placed, and because that's what the park needed at the time: a kid-friendly spinner/flat ride. Silly Swirly filled in that gap for us, and it would be a misstep on Universal's part to bring a second spinner to the Upper Lot when it's footprint could be used for something else.
*thunderous applause* :D

The project developed at an amazing pace. Considering it was built alongside the Three Broomsticks and Hogsmeade, and is so intricate and detailed and completely brand new, AND had to replace a few previous establishments, it all came together super fast....