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Stage 28/Phantom Stage Replacement

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Theres one thing for certain. The plot has thickened, more so than SS28s closure as if this is true; which seems likely. This will be one of the largest evictions of Soundstages without fires in a Movie studio history. The tablites in Hollywood would be going ramped while the Universal fans are giddy (I'm a Universal fan and i'm more...baffled at this).
There's quite a lot of things planned for the lower lot, and I'm happy it's happening. I can't wait. Some of the things I'm hearing are making me shake with excitement, but also be very perplexed. All makes sense though. :)

It's nice though. Easiest way to expand the park. Soundstage are disposable. They can be rebuilt elsewhere on property. But having lots of room to expand that's completely connected and adjacent to the existing lower lot section of the park is priceless.
I'm getting really excited about the soundstage removals too. It makes me happy at the future this park is headed towards. 

The question now stands: where will they put new soundstages? There are parts of the lot they can't build on due to endangered trees. Will they might have to remove some existing sets?
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I can't wait. Long overdue, and it's gonna truly transform the park. I'm more excited for this than I probably should be, but probably because of some of the whispers/ideas I've heard. This is gonna be groundbreaking for the park, and yet is so simple. These are big empty soundstages that can be rebuilt elsewhere on property if they want to (WotW, etc), but having a massive expansion pad right next to the existing park is absolutely priceless. My biggest hope is that Universal really takes advantage of the space and uses it to its fullest potential.
remember that if these studios do close  and demolished they will probably remain an empty lot like the current studio 28 spot. and be used for horror nights and remain empty for a year tops.! they will be completely nuts if they start building a new ride (multiple attractions )immediately even though thats what we all want.
I saw that too on Universal-Updates on Twitter and I asked, regular employees or the real Employees that do stuff like this and, they heard it from the guys that are in-charge of renting the SS's...makes me very curious.
That account is not reputable. His name is Ben and he's been known to browse these forums for news.
This park needs extra space badly. And about time they did. I wouldn't be surprised if they started taking down the soundstages in the summer. I still am eager to see if stages 16-20 will be up for demolition too. 
I'm guessing this would be for the rumored new House of Horrors/Classic Monster attraction/dark ride that Murdy has been secretly working on... because honestly, I can't think of any other project he'd be working on that would cause him to constantly make comments about a "super top secret project he can't say anything about yet" if it wasn't House of Horrors/Universal Monsters related...
Whatever it is, I just hope it won't entirely rely on more projections. I talked to a bunch of team members today and they all told me that while guests have fun in the park, everyone they encounter, time after time, mentions how it seems that almost everything is projection based which is annoying and gets old. I hope Universal realizes it soon before it bites them in the ass.

My studio tour guide tonight said "we used to have a mechanical Kong on the tour, but with the advances in CGI, that wasn't impressive anymore and nowhere as realistic as King Kong 360-3D."

He was lucky I was in the back of Car 2, or I WOULD have gone Psycho on him.
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