Looks pretty good to me. The entrance to IOA through Port of Entry is one of the most stunning & beautiful theme park entrances that exist, so I welcome any comparison to POE. This just doesn't have the vivid colors of POE, but that still works for me, since it kind of fits Star Wars. And this land seems more similar to Diagon than Pandora is, since there really appears to be a lot to see, do and experience, which is a major strength of Diagon. I can see myself spending many hours exploring Star Wars on repeat visits, as I do with Diagon. But this will definitely be a land I would visit in the slower attendance times of the year because it's going to get swamped, and, unfortunately, probably have special entrance/ride rules or added on hard ticket costs. I don't imagine the present fastpass system will work for the demand these two attractions will generate, even for those staying on site.