Gonna echo Cygnus: Your missing the forest for the trees.
Elements of Super Nintendo World, atleast in my eyes on Hollywood; feels more...to use a better word, feels stunted of what the potential of the land could be.
Hogsmeade in Hollywood, even if it is lacking that of it's key thrilling attraction; feels like an experience on par with that of Orlando, Osaka, and Beijing, due to the size and scale being able to be translated to a way that makes sense and benefits off of Hollywood's architectural design philosiphy. Super Nintendo World feels the opposite: Very disjointed, not as organic as it could've been around the residing area, and missing that scale and translation that Hogsmeade got (and that it could've been solved by easy ways).
Will it matter to GP? I actually think you might get a few complainers, albeit due to how exposed some of the thematical immersion blending is (looking at you, Jurassic side); but by and large financially this seems to be a major success so-far for Universal. I just can't help but feel something should've been maintained when they changed positionals from the Mummy area/SS Cluster, to where Pets would've gone.