Super Nintendo World - Hollywood (General Discussion) | Page 310 | Inside Universal Forums

Super Nintendo World - Hollywood (General Discussion)

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I mean, I'm glad people are seeing the fault of the land being too small.
I don't know if it's just me, but with the prior mention (that I forget where) that it's very similar to Japan's footprint, I feel like it's more like "got screwed over by space limitations" if that makes sense, especially with how Panda seems to be the perp.

Sorry to ask again, but do we still have no idea how long that contract is supposed to last?
Sorry for the double post, but they've added a little more than just a Toad stamp (and a new QOL thing that I'm not sure was there before?), which I think is important:

They didn't have people doing scanners for this stamp (they told me they weren't working that day), but did it always say you'd get a key for meeting characters? I wanna say that's new, because I could have sworn that back then, the objective description just said "Meet [Character]". It now has the mention of the key on the Mario Bros. and Peach now.
Either way, that's not the only new way to get a key:

I think this is a good addition (especially if you get keys for meeting the characters now), might help take the pressure off the minigames. Makes me wonder if it's possible to farm the 8 bit keys, which I didn't get to check.
Lastly, there's this:

Don't know if this was already in Japan, but at least this confirms they can add more stamps in the future.
Also, the binoculars were still out of service when I last went on the 8th. Oof.
A couple general thoughts about the land, as I experienced it today: It's very eye-catching, and packed with detail everywhere you look. Colorful, and has a fun energy to it

I also think it's way too small and needs at least one other ride (as Japan has and Epic will have). Without paying the $40 upcharge for the bands, there's just not much to do besides get onto Mario Kart.

At least outside the person I talked to I can't verify all of this but....think it's something guests should be aware of

In the photos I've provided shows an area which is supposed to be a sanitation room equipped with one machine that has broken down more times than I can recall, it's at this time visors that are deem unsanitized are wiped with a non disinfectant wipes such as pampers baby wipes, then are sent back out for reuse. This has happened countless times and is the not 100% clean. The notion that this were a viable alternative solution in terms of comparing the sanitizing procedure that the visors must go through with this machine meant to sterilize the visors correctly using extremely hot water temperatures, removing any sweat or fluids left from previous guests, something to baby wipes cannot provide and so to my point. Rather than shut down the ride. they will discreetly give and rather give guests dirty visors than to shut down the ride. I for one have witnessed such circumstances with the upmost disgrace for the lack of care or concerns from the department that oversees and approves just one of many instances of betrayal in trust they have sworn to provide. Personally it's within everyone's best interests to demand USH provide proof that my allegations have been corrected and in detail of such action. Lastly seek the removal one any one such persons but the whole management department in its entirety as they are all responsible for allowing such disgusting and unprofessional circumstances to go on with the complete disregard for your health and unacceptable behavior and failing to make appropriate decisions to prevent this from happening

The short version is the person provided the USH reddit and then DM me after (because the post was taken down) but that if the equipment that are to clean the glasses breaks down they hand clean them but that process may not be getting rid of all the germs and they even provided me with a picture with a sign warning CM's that these googles have lice on them and to handle carefully.

If this kinda post isn't allowed, then take it down but just wanted be to be aware of what is happening behind the scenes at SNW.

EDIT: I can also post pictures if allowed but its "behind the scenes, so assumed it would not be allowed
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At least outside the person I talked to I can't verify all of this but....think it's something guests should be aware of

The short version is the person provided the USH reddit and then DM me after (because the post was taken down) but that if the equipment that are to clean the glasses breaks down they hand clean them but that process may not be getting rid of all the germs and they even provided me with a picture with a sign warning CM's that these googles have lice on them and to handle carefully.

If this kinda post isn't allowed, then take it down but just wanted be to be aware of what is happening behind the scenes at SNW.

EDIT: I can also post pictures if allowed but its "behind the scenes, so assumed it would not be allowed
I get to enjoy Mario Kart and build my immune system. I see this as a win.

At least outside the person I talked to I can't verify all of this but....think it's something guests should be aware of

The short version is the person provided the USH reddit and then DM me after (because the post was taken down) but that if the equipment that are to clean the glasses breaks down they hand clean them but that process may not be getting rid of all the germs and they even provided me with a picture with a sign warning CM's that these googles have lice on them and to handle carefully.

If this kinda post isn't allowed, then take it down but just wanted be to be aware of what is happening behind the scenes at SNW.

EDIT: I can also post pictures if allowed but its "behind the scenes, so assumed it would not be allowed
I worked in the park on a 3D ride, makeup would be caked on and the machine wouldn’t clean it 100%. Even the ride vehicles are full of puke. The handrails are never cleaned. Lmao.

Edited : make up in general
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I worked in the park on a 3D ride, girl makeup would be caked on and the machine wouldn’t clean it 100%. Even the ride vehicles are full of puke. The handrails are never cleaned. Lmao.
It's good to know

I honestly just don't think about these things at the parks but it's just good to know that basically everything at the parks are just not clean
Can't help but feel concerned at best. I have to wonder if ignorance is bliss in these types of things.
I might be but.....also we are on a theme park forums. So better to at least have the discussion about it

The Lice thing is the only thing I'm kinda freaked out on, as long as those are handled in the right way we should be good
yeah I mean, if this is true ... it's not good. there's a minimum standard of cleanliness you should be able to expect regarding something you're literally mounting onto your head. this isn't a local carnival, it's a major theme park owned by comcast.
yeah I mean, if this is true ... it's not good. there's a minimum standard of cleanliness you should be able to expect regarding something you're literally mounting onto your head. this isn't a local carnival, it's a major theme park owned by comcast.
The machine I used just would squirt water/cleaning solution, and then it would be air dryed. It was a big heavy duty machine with lots a pressure but it’s not like someone was soaking it in water and scrubbing it by hand
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Can't help but feel concerned at best. I have to wonder if ignorance is bliss in these types of things.

My lifetime rule has always been: If people are anywhere, everything will be disgusting. Seeing people let their kids plant their lips firmly on railings, watching people cough and sneeze into their open hands before grabbing 3D glasses, being at a bathroom sink washing my hands as guys leave stalls and urinals and go straight out of the bathroom… Even before the pandemic, I just assumed every cleanliness rule in place would fail in the face of people in general having no interest in being sanitary and kept sanitizer on us at all times, and now “after” the pandemic, I’m not even surprised to read about sanitary protocols failing when I've always assumed they can't be truly kept up anyway.

Hell, the moment I saw a random mother and her daughter at Cars Land casually stroll up to one of those park benches by the cones and start eating popcorn off the table that a completely different group of people had dumped out all over it and left behind, I knew nothing any theme park can do will matter when so many people actively just... don't care about their own health and safety -- for every clean Mario headband you're handed, there's someone else who is at the park not feeling good but just coughed/sneezed into their hands before grabbing the steering wheel of a kart they know someone else is going to be touching a few minutes later anyway, which is why I always have for years and years (and always will) keep sanitizer and wipes on me rather than hope theme parks, movie theaters, and on and on can win what's always been a losing battle.
My lifetime rule has always been: If people are anywhere, everything will be disgusting. Seeing people let their kids plant their lips firmly on railings, watching people cough and sneeze into their open hands before grabbing 3D glasses, being at a bathroom sink washing my hands as guys leave stalls and urinals and go straight out of the bathroom… Even before the pandemic, I just assumed every cleanliness rule in place would fail in the face of people in general having no interest in being sanitary and kept sanitizer on us at all times, and now “after” the pandemic, I’m not even surprised to read about sanitary protocols failing when I've always assumed they can't be truly kept up anyway.

Hell, the moment I saw a random mother and her daughter at Cars Land casually stroll up to one of those park benches by the cones and start eating popcorn off the table that a completely different group of people had dumped out all over it and left behind, I knew nothing any theme park can do will matter when so many people actively just... don't care about their own health and safety -- for every clean Mario headband you're handed, there's someone else who is at the park not feeling good but just coughed/sneezed into their hands before grabbing the steering wheel of a kart they know someone else is going to be touching a few minutes later anyway, which is why I always have for years and years (and always will) keep sanitizer and wipes on me rather than hope theme parks, movie theaters, and on and on can win what's always been a losing battle.
Makes me glad I'm not the only one who stuck with pocket hand sanitizer post-lockdown and puts it on after every ride. I don't remember if I practiced it pre-pandemic, but I'm sure as hell glad I do now.
I arrive by plain, a fart tube filled with dirt. I always thought it was nice restrooms where free in the US but unfortunately far from clean. I will and have survived 3D glasses, railings in queue's, holding lap bars for dear life and more and survived possibly all tainted with germs and muck. And on top of that I'm one of the health risk group participants that could die from a simple flue. Lets not get hysterical.
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