I’m British, my family all lives there, I moved abroad.
The cost of living has increased everywhere but it has really increased in the UK and a lot of people are really struggling.
On of the factors of Brexit is that it has cut the numbers of people who would work low wage jobs in the uk, such as fruit pickers. This has exponentially increased the cost of food.
The other thing to mention here is going on vacation in the uk is EXPENSIVE. The cost of hotels is astronomical and the cost of gas is very high. The reality is that a week long all inclusive trip to Salou via a uk travel company works out to be cheaper than a week at Alton towers. Combine this with guaranteed sunshine in the summer (this years summer in the uk was not good).
Don‘t get me wrong I would love to see a new park in the UK, if nothing else it may get Merlin to start maintaining their parks better.