“The only “earthquake” possible at this point, within canon, is something hitting the LT Headquarters and releasing the icons from the lantern - it would have to be an icon house.”
“I’m speculating. But, canonically, Terra Cruentes is a different dimension than the icons.
The anniversary house, from the two scenes I’ve heard, shouldn’t be Carey or LT.
An icons house should be LT-related—in lore, they returned to the lantern after 20, and the lantern is in the possession of LT.
The only entity who can, conceivably, cause an earthquake, release/unite the icons, AND integrate the Terra Queen into “our” dimension is Adaru—Fear.”
”Tales of Terror is a weird aspect of the event’s lore. In canon, Terra Cruentes was a story read by the Storyteller. Terra Cruentes does not actually exist in our world—it’s the Storyteller that exists.
We can assume Fear, by virtue of being a god, can make Terra manifest in our world (and was the ultimate reason it occurred in the first place). However, there is no real canonical logic that allows Terra Cruentes to “just happen” without the involvement of Storyteller and/or Fear—unless they just retcon everything to where Terra Cruentes was an ancient civilization and Storyteller was reading a non-fiction story.”