So, I am going to assume that this will tie into Terra Cruentus in some way (due to Ringwraith's post), and possibly tying into earthquakes (this second point I am alot less sure about). I suppose this means that this will be located in Soundstage 24, where the spec map speculated the Terra Cruentus house would go. I guess that this also gives us confirmation that the icons idea on TPU's list was right, meaning that the Tooth Fairy will most likely be more towards Bedtime stories.
Also, the list Tryston made a little while back was confirmed to have three things right. Assuming Bedtime/Toothfairy and Icons are in the Soundstages and Pumpkin King is in Sprung Tent 2 (which has pretty much been confirmed as well), this means that TCM isn't in Shrek, one of the Sprungs has an IP (although Legacy could have grouped the "originals in sprungs" together), Eilish and Monsters are not in the warehouses, and Hillhouse isn't in a soundstage. Apparently, Hillhouse was confirmed to be in the New Parade Warehouse, and Billie seems to be most likely in Shrek. The only other IP that could be in Sprung 1 is TCM. There is still an unknown original though (by my list in soundstage 23), and I am very interested in what it could be.
EDIT: I wouldn't be surprised if Billie was in a Soundstage and the original was in Shrek.