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The Old HHN 30 Speculation Thread (2020)

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Yeah i know about that thread. I’m just not sure how much others are aware and mindful of using it. I see countless people throw out dream houses and event ideas on this thread ex. The whole Black Sabbath thing. Maybe we can do a better job as a community to make newcomers aware of the thread.

That thread is alllll the way at the bottom of the thread list. No one, certainly not any newbie lurkers is saying "I'm going to scroll all the way to the bottom of this list of threads to see if there is any new comments about HHN4" and therefore won't see the thread at the bottom. So comments all get posted in the shiny HHN30 thread where all the activity is.
TCM 3 is underrated, it could have been a really good movie if the MPAA didn't cut every good part of the film and make the story confusing. The editing was way off because the many of the cuts that were made to the film. Honestly I'd love to see both TCM 2 and TCM 3 be put in one house, both films have many good scenes that could be replicated and to be given a chance to see two different Leatherfaces.
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There's definitely "room" for it at the event.

At this point, 90's is retro. If I were to take a guess, they may take us back to that very early 90's style.
Lol I like what you did there. I wonder if anybody else noticed it.
I feel like it has something to do with the fact that he put quotes around "room." It feels like a hint towards something.
I think @Ringwraith was just insinuating that Leave it to Cleaver will probably have a room in the icon house lol
EDIT: Or anniversary house if the two are separate
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Alright time for some scene/room speculation for the 30th anniversary house. Some of them are indeed wish list(so sue me) I'm going to break this down into 3 categories:

1. Scenes from Carey, OH, Wyandot County or LT related.
2. Scenes that we will most likely not see due to sensitive material
3. ANY original scenes from the past thirty years that do not fit into the 2 categories above, but ALSO would be left out of an Icon house theoretically themed after a return of the Terra Queen

1. LT/Wyandot/Carey
Meetz Meatz(Carey)
Reflections of Fear(Bloody Mary)
Interstellar Terror(Von Stebler and Bloody Mary)
Creatures!(Bloody Mary)
The Hallow(Bloody Mary)
The Spawning(Wyandot County)
H.R. Bloodengutz(Carey)
Tomb of the Ancients(there was apparently a reference to this being related to LT)
Hive(blog and LT)
Scarecrow/twisted traditions(blog and LT)

2. Scenes that we will most likely NOT see due to sensitive material, safety or because they're too similar to other scenes that are heavily rumored for Icons:
Dead Exposure(yes it's LT related, but has zombies)
Hellgate Prison(inmates)
SS Frightanic(because of Depths of Fear rumor)
Any 3D houses(glasses)
Pitch Black(medical warehouse)
Fear Factor(literally FEELING your way through the rooms)
Jungle of Doom(zombies)
Disorientorium(confuse guests and leave them off balance and maybe touching things)
Zombiegeddon(you guessed it)
In-Between(3D and disorienting)
Afterlife: Death's Vengeance(prison)

3. ANY original scenes from the past thirty years that do not fit into the 2 categories above:
Dungeon of Terror(throwback)
Dead Waters(website)
Toy Hell(doesn't necessarily need scareactors)
Total Chaos(aliens related)
Superstitions(relics that can be kept in glass cases away from guest touched, but also fits the theme)
Giggles n' Gore(clowns are easy)
Dollhouse of the Damned(doesn't necessarily need scareactors)
Ghost Town(overall great scenes)
Slaughterhouse Sinema(fun)

This is by no means an exhaustive list, but after putting it together, I am exhausted. If there are corrections or additions I'm not thinking of, feel free to pick it apart.

Edit: Forgot that Hive and Twisted were both Carey
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TCM 3 is underrated, it could have been a really good movie if the MPAA didn't cut every good part of the film and make the story confusing. The editing was way off because the many of the cuts that were made to the film. Honestly I'd love to see both TCM 2 and TCM 3 be put in one house, both films have many good scenes that could be replicated and to be given a chance to see two different Leatherfaces.

i would take texas chainsaw next generation over texas 3D at this point lol
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Alright time for some scene/room speculation for the 30th anniversary house. Some of them are indeed wish list(so sue me) I'm going to break this down into 3 categories:

1. Scenes from Carey, OH, Wyandot County or LT related.
2. Scenes that we will most likely not see due to sensitive material
3. ANY original scenes from the past thirty years that do not fit into the 2 categories above, but ALSO would be left out of an Icon house theoretically themed after a return of the Terra Queen

1. Meetz Meatz(Carey)
2. Reflections of Fear(Bloody Mary)
3. Interstellar Terror(Von Stebler and Bloody Mary)
4. Creatures!(Bloody Mary)
5. The Hallow(Bloody Mary)
6. The Spawning(Wyandot County)
7. H.R. Bloodengutz(Carey)
8. Tomb of the Ancients(there was apparently a reference to this being related to LT)

2. Scenes that we will most likely NOT see due to sensitive material, safety or because they're too similar to other scenes that are heavily rumored:
Dead Exposure(yes it's LT related, but has zombies)
Hellgate Prison(inmates)
SS Frightanic(because of Depths of Fear rumor)
Any 3D houses(glasses)
Pitch Black(medical warehouse)
Fear Factor(literally FEELING your way through the rooms)
Jungle of Doom(zombies)
Disorientorium(confuse guests and leave them off balance and maybe touching things)
Zombiegeddon(you guessed it)
In-Between(3D and disorienting)
Afterlife: Death's Vengeance(prison)

3. ANY original scenes from the past thirty years that do not fit into the 2 categories above:
Dungeon of Terror(throwback)
Dead Waters(website)
Toy Hell(doesn't necessarily need scareactors)
Total Chaos(aliens related)
Superstitions(relics that can be kept in glass cases away from guest touched, but also fits the theme)
Giggles n' Gore(clowns are easy)
Dollhouse of the Damned(doesn't necessarily need scareactors)
Ghost Town(overall great scenes)
Leave it to Clever(fun)

This is by no means an exhaustive list, but after putting it together, I am exhausted. If there are corrections or additions I'm not thinking of, feel free to pick it apart.
Remind me again, what was the Depth of Fear rumor?
The only thing that ever sticks in my mind after watching TCM 3 is that movie's Leatherface looked an awful lot like Mick Foley mixed with Billy from Hocus Pocus...

So if word on the street is an "anniversary house" is going in MIB tent but also that the anniversary could be represented in other houses as well, it brings some credence to my early thoughts that Legendary Truth: Carey OH could be more of an investigation into the varied lore of the town. Lots of potential crossed wires between the original speculation map's names and recent developments that might lead to some fun surprises.

Dungeon of Terror facade for the MIB house would be so fitting for the anniversary. What's going where for everything else is entirely up in the air, it seems. Icons getting a separate house? Who knows!
Alright time for some scene/room speculation for the 30th anniversary house. Some of them are indeed wish list(so sue me) I'm going to break this down into 3 categories:

1. Scenes from Carey, OH, Wyandot County or LT related.
2. Scenes that we will most likely not see due to sensitive material
3. ANY original scenes from the past thirty years that do not fit into the 2 categories above, but ALSO would be left out of an Icon house theoretically themed after a return of the Terra Queen

1. Meetz Meatz(Carey)
2. Reflections of Fear(Bloody Mary)
3. Interstellar Terror(Von Stebler and Bloody Mary)
4. Creatures!(Bloody Mary)
5. The Hallow(Bloody Mary)
6. The Spawning(Wyandot County)
7. H.R. Bloodengutz(Carey)
8. Tomb of the Ancients(there was apparently a reference to this being related to LT)

2. Scenes that we will most likely NOT see due to sensitive material, safety or because they're too similar to other scenes that are heavily rumored:
Dead Exposure(yes it's LT related, but has zombies)
Hellgate Prison(inmates)
SS Frightanic(because of Depths of Fear rumor)
Any 3D houses(glasses)
Pitch Black(medical warehouse)
Fear Factor(literally FEELING your way through the rooms)
Jungle of Doom(zombies)
Disorientorium(confuse guests and leave them off balance and maybe touching things)
Zombiegeddon(you guessed it)
In-Between(3D and disorienting)
Afterlife: Death's Vengeance(prison)

3. ANY original scenes from the past thirty years that do not fit into the 2 categories above:
Dungeon of Terror(throwback)
Dead Waters(website)
Toy Hell(doesn't necessarily need scareactors)
Total Chaos(aliens related)
Superstitions(relics that can be kept in glass cases away from guest touched, but also fits the theme)
Giggles n' Gore(clowns are easy)
Dollhouse of the Damned(doesn't necessarily need scareactors)
Ghost Town(overall great scenes)
Leave it to Clever(fun)

This is by no means an exhaustive list, but after putting it together, I am exhausted. If there are corrections or additions I'm not thinking of, feel free to pick it apart.

Theoretical Terra Cruentus Icon house you say. Maybe caused by Earthquakes? I guess there really will be both an icon and an anniversary house this year, which is very interesting.
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