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The Old HHN 30 Speculation Thread (2020)

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They’re not mutually inclusive. Retro is anything from a “recent” past. Basically, anything between the 50s through the early 00s can be considered retro.

All of the new Universal merch is retro, but none of it is 80s.
Most of the time when people talk about retro they mean 80s and synth. I really enjoy “vintage” and “retro” stuff if you mean 60s and 70s stuff. I wouldn’t mind a 70s theme, but the retro aesthetic is usually applied to the 80s.
Most of the time when people talk about retro they mean 80s and synth. I really enjoy “vintage” and “retro” stuff if you mean 60s and 70s stuff. I wouldn’t mind a 70s theme, but the retro aesthetic is usually applied to the 80s.

The general consensus applies “retro” to the 80’s now. But if we do boil down to dictionary definition, it makes sense. The past two years were “gen retro” (the 80’s) whilst this would be an applied specific retro.
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Putting this behind a cut because it’s a lot...

While it seems like I missed the airing out of grievances party, as someone who’s been pretty opinionated on here (and, in general), I’m sorry in advance but I really need to get this off my chest.

I consider myself a Billie Eilish fan. Love her music, own her merch, I’ve even had a couple userpics of her in the past. I was genuinely excited for her possible inclusion in the event. I thought to myself “what a unique, different, interesting addition, can’t wait to see what they do!”...I now don’t want to see her at HHN at all.

I went from possibly having something I was really happy about happening to something I was actually dreading, due to the upset in this thread. I just don’t wanna see how much worse things will get if she’s included.

I completely agree with not being a fan of someone. I was vocal about my dislike of Rob Zombie, I disagree with his choices for his haunts and I could not get into House of 1,000 Corpses no matter how many times I watched it. But I didn’t say he didn’t belong. I didn’t imply A&D may not do their job adequately with his inclusion.

I never want to bring my gender into anything but, after this year, I can’t say it doesn’t matter on this forum anymore. I understand being a woman means I’m in the minority here. Due to the language used by some members, and a mod, it’s the reason why I try to steer clear of HNN now. I genuinely had no idea of the racism in The Purge, I don’t recall anybody speaking up about it once. Even The Invisible Man, it seems there could be more people that want it at HHN even knowing full well what it would represent.

But a teenage girl pop artist’s inclusion? It’s hard not to wonder if my gender doesn’t matter on a faceless forum anymore when some people can get so upset about Billie Eilish-but not about other things. Things that are much, much worse.

I’ve been attending HHN since 26 and every year I’ve gone I still haven’t been in every house they offer. Whether it’s for physical reasons (can’t see) or it’s simply for lack of interest (TWD, Blumhouse). I don’t think that’ll change this year either. Do I feel like I missed something spectacular? To me, no, because they weren’t for me and that’s ok. Does it make me less of a fan of HHN? Does it make my experience less impactful than someone else’s? I don’t think so, because I still had a great time anyway. Not everything in life is for me, after this season I’ve even considered whether all of this is for me, and even though that disappoints me-there’s nothing wrong with it.

I can’t recommend enough considering how you spend your time at HHN in the future. Consider if something is for you or not. If you don’t have any interest in something that’s totally fine. Maybe instead of saying that it doesn’t belong because of your personal distaste for it, you’ll concentrate more on the things you do like. What you want to see, what you want to experience. Instead of bringing A&D and whether they possibly can or cannot do their job to the best of their abilities into it, you’ll consider concentrating more on the things you personally feel more confidence in.

I know I’m far from innocent and I’m sure I’ve made more enemies than friends. I’ve never had to use the “ignore” button so much (and I’m sure I’m being ignored by many users here too, it’s ok, I don’t blame you) to the point where I can barely follow the conversation at all. I don’t wanna do that anymore.

I will be watching what I say, how I come across, and how I wanna voice my opinions here from now on and I hope that we’ll all try to do the same. If I’m wrong about any of the above statements, my inbox is open and I’m listening.

It's disheartening to hear that anybody would lose interest in something they really like because of toxic fandom. I would encourage you to block out the noise and rekindle an excitement for the possibility of Eilish coming to HHN, as loud as it can be on here at times. No one should ever dampen someone's enjoyment of anything unless it literally hurts others. As a newbie to the forums I didn't want to speak up that much but the clear mudslinging over her is really ugly. It reeks of fandom gatekeeping in the worst aspects. Everyone is welcome to like what they do but to the extent that one would just drag her involvement through the mud (not to mention straight up saying the creative minds behind this event can't do a good job on anything) was uncalled for.

I also have a personal disdain for being a 'real' fan of anything. You don't need to fulfill any requirements to be a fan of anything and you can't be 'more of a fan' than someone else just because x, y, or z. I love Halloween Horror Nights and that comes from my personal love of horror films, Halloween and the month of October and haunted attractions in general. I've only been to the event in person twice. That doesn't mean I don't get to voice my opinion, excitement or be critical of the event in any capacity. Henry N. Horror (what a badass name), that's been to the event for 20 years running and has a mannequin dressed up like Jack the Clown in his bathroom is just as much of a fan of HHN as I am.

I have no judgement on Eilish as a performer because I listen to the same stuff on repeat but I'm super excited to see how her house turns out just because of how different it can possibly be compared to a house about Haunted Location #642.
It's disheartening to hear that anybody would lose interest in something they really like because of toxic fandom. I would encourage you to block out the noise and rekindle an excitement for the possibility of Eilish coming to HHN, as loud as it can be on here at times. No one should ever dampen someone's enjoyment of anything unless it literally hurts others. As a newbie to the forums I didn't want to speak up that much but the clear mudslinging over her is really ugly. It reeks of fandom gatekeeping in the worst aspects. Everyone is welcome to like what they do but to the extent that one would just drag her involvement through the mud (not to mention straight up saying the creative minds behind this event can't do a good job on anything) was uncalled for.

I also have a personal disdain for being a 'real' fan of anything. You don't need to fulfill any requirements to be a fan of anything and you can't be 'more of a fan' than someone else just because x, y, or z. I love Halloween Horror Nights and that comes from my personal love of horror films, Halloween and the month of October and haunted attractions in general. I've only been to the event in person twice. That doesn't mean I don't get to voice my opinion, excitement or be critical of the event in any capacity. Henry N. Horror (what a badass name), that's been to the event for 20 years running and has a mannequin dressed up like Jack the Clown in his bathroom is just as much of a fan of HHN as I am.

I have no judgement on Eilish as a performer because I listen to the same stuff on repeat but I'm super excited to see how her house turns out just because of how different it can possibly be compared to a house about Haunted Location #642.

what music do you listen to? what bands?
Best be sure I'll be wearing my most beat-up, gnarliest flannel...until I remember that I'm in 70-80 degree weather and not in central New York anymore...

I'm extra-elated for this throwback anniversary year because it corresponds with my own 30th birthday year (In fact, UO was opened 2 days after my exact birth date!). There's a special feeling I have about the event & park for that reason. :heart:

Edit: Now I really want to hear some tracks from Frizzle Fry or Bossanova blaring in the park during any hours of operation, lol
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Probably a room in the anniversary house if the rumor that these three stories will be incorporated somehow into the event is true.

I think my only qualm with LitC being featured is that we'll already have a couple of comedy houses (Beetlejuice and likely a more camp-focused TCM, plus Jack being featured in an icons house; hopefully Bedtime Stories is played straight). But I applaud them choosing a different theme for an anniversary house this go around--specifically a Carey mashup.
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