The Old HHN 30 Speculation Thread (2020) | Page 388 | Inside Universal Forums

The Old HHN 30 Speculation Thread (2020)

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If Terra is absent from the Icon house, do we think it’s plausible it could slide into that 10th house spot or have we ruled a TC house out with relative certainty?

Edit: Rixflix actually guessed TC would get a full house in one of his more recent videos, but my speculation wasn’t based on that, just coincidence :lol:
I wouldn't say anything has been "ruled out" just nothing is definitely confirmed. But I highly suspect TC will be represented in a house in SOME way.
I mean, are you doubting that VL isn't just someone having to manually release every single reservation or ...? The gap between where they are today to automating thousands of prioritized "wish lists" ain't getting bridged by early September.

It'll be someone clicking buttons to release reservations bit by bit or attendance control with physical queues.

Let me put it this way, there is (or was) an internal investigation about how the information leaked to TPU.
I’m not even lying the @Gary lazereyes isn’t mine it’s my brothers .
Wow. This really brought me back. You have no idea of the nostalgia you just unleashed. I'm not even mad at the lie. I just appreciate the vintage BS. I haven't heard that excuse in yeeears.

I need to start getting on forums more.

Oh man I hope they sell HHN face masks!
I can confirm with 100% certainty that they are. So far I know of Beetlejuice, Jack's smile/lower half of his face, and one with the icons on it.
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I didn’t post it earlier since I thought it was too dumb but I am partially embarrassed to admit my thought would be them potentially putting a CDT in the F&F queue.
Not the clue, no idea if this is happening, but it's a great idea.
I always tease the idea of Spooky and Jinglecharged to the Entertainment team during interviews. It’s become a thing now haha
Let me put it this way, there is (or was) an internal investigation about how the information leaked to TPU.
I look forward to early September when “priorities changed” and “the virus impact wasn’t as bad as we thought it would be” when the reality is that they were looking at having to hire 100 people to limp along another Parks Technology boondoggle.
So, wait. While I’ll acknowledge the ability for third-parties to track VQ distribution is poor IT security, what’s the risk assessment on it?

The answer really depends on what else they may have been sloppy with as well. Most data breaches and hacks these days are due to some seemingly unrelated poorly secured gateway and connections to additional poor protocols.

Remember the Target breach? 80 million (?) or so credit cards and private info. Know how they got in? The HVAC system. That was the first sloppy execution. Then the bad actors worked their way through several more bad decisions by Target IT and executive, until they got to the stuff they were after- which shouldn’t have even been stored except that was the final poor decision in a short chain of poor seemingly independent decisions made by Target.

Sloppy HVAC management? Not a big deal- until it was.
Take 2:

Too late to get in on the clue game? Nope, this is HHN, it's never too late.

ETA: Big news and no, it's not they're putting a house in SuperCharged queue.

I am going out on a huge limb here with these guesses.

Guess #1: Pitch Black or something related.

Guess #2: The Cave???

Guess #3: Something related to DC (Vin Diesel is in several Marvel movies, and Marvel does superheroes, as well as DC.)

Sorry if these are far out.
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The answer really depends on what else they may have been sloppy with as well. Most data breaches and hacks these days are due to some seemingly unrelated poorly secured gateway and connections to additional poor protocols.

Remember the Target breach? 80 million (?) or so credit cards and private info. Know how they got in? The HVAC system. That was the first sloppy execution. Then the bad actors worked their way through several more bad decisions by Target IT and executive, until they got to the stuff they were after- which shouldn’t have even been stored except that was the final poor decision in a short chain of poor seemingly independent decisions made by Target.

Sloppy HVAC management? Not a big deal- until it was.
Which is a fair concern. And Universal is notoriously “regional” in a lot of their decisions. But I can see Universal viewing what is essentially a wiretap of non-sensitive information as a “whenever we get to it” situation. Especially if the “park operations” network is completely isolated from the “guests information” and “HR/Finance” networks.

All that said, the rumor using VQ this year is legit. The rumor of using videos of Jack make sense with some other things I’m hearing. The effort to expand VQ with something akin to Tapu Tapu in the dry parks (Tap-boo Tap-boo for HHN?) is something I heard over a year ago.

It’s a real thing. COVID is an opportunity to force Universal’s hand.
Virtual Line is a person sitting at a computer all day manually managing reservation inventory.

Forgive me if I’m skeptical that they can on short notice create a massive, AI-driven app experience that disperses people even throughout the park, especially when everything I’ve heard is business as usual and their analytical side has a repeated history of getting out over their skis. They can’t even secure their data:

First, let me say that I share your concern about how well this app will come together. I'm a software engineer at a major Silicon Valley tech company and if you gave me a team of developers and a couple of months, I could definitely come up with something valid from scratch but it definitely wouldn't stand up to criticism from internet forums and I think would leave a lot of guests very disappointed. Universal is lucky that they have a bunch of the infrastructure in place (at least basic geofencing, UI components, etc) which makes it much easier than making it all from scratch. With that being said, the core matching/pref-ing algorithm is still a *really* hard problem to get perfect so we'll see how it goes (Hey Universal, I know you read this forum, wanna hire me to build it for you? 0:)).

But I don't think it's fair to call reservation and wait time data being available a leak or any sort of breach. The fact of the matter is, there's only so much you can do with public data that goes to client devices. Actually you can see that with other major services too; wanna access public Instagram or Tinder data? Knock yourself out! It's certainly possible to make Universal's public wait time/reservation data "leak" proof but is it really worth the extra effort that it would take to make sure some theme park nerds can't get charts about attraction wait times or reservation availability? I personally don't think so and it seems neither does Universal. Sensitive info like credit cards or individual's location data will (or should) always be locked down and to the best of my knowledge, Universal doesn't have any major breaches concerning that.

Sorry, getting a little off topic, but I wanted to chime in now that you all are talking about something I actually know about!
Take 2:

Too late to get in on the clue game? Nope, this is HHN, it's never too late.

ETA: Big news and no, it's not they're putting a house in SuperCharged queue.

I'm just go as basic as possible
Vin Diesel was in Fast and the Furious
Fast and the Furious Supercharged replaced Beetlejuices Graveyard Revue
Beetlejuice, Universal Monsters, or Rocky Horror Picture Show Tribute (or all 3)
Which is a fair concern. And Universal is notoriously “regional” in a lot of their decisions. But I can see Universal viewing what is essentially a wiretap of non-sensitive information as a “whenever we get to it” situation. Especially if the “park operations” network is completely isolated from the “guests information” and “HR/Finance” networks.

All that said, the rumor using VQ this year is legit. The rumor of using videos of Jack make sense with some other things I’m hearing. The effort to expand VQ with something akin to Tapu Tapu in the dry parks (Tap-boo Tap-boo for HHN?) is something I heard over a year ago.

It’s a real thing. COVID is an opportunity to force Universal’s hand.
At the very least, it'll be a unique experience that everyone who attends will be able to look back on down the road and be like "I remember that one year with the virus they had to reconfigure the entire process and it was a totally different experience". One of those stories old people tell their kids of days long past and so forth. While it might not be what we're used to, expect, or even want, it will definitely be unique and probably pretty wild. I'd suggest everyone just go with the flow and be happy we're at least getting an HHN this year.
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