It really hasn’t? It just progressed.
He was a child killer who, when Dr. Oddfellow found out about the murders, was killed and stuffed in a Jack in the Box that Universal inadvertently found and opened in 2000.
After Jack was released, he found Dr. Oddfellow in 2006 and killed him, taking the Cane of Souls to grant himself immortality, and took over Dr. Oddfellow’s carnival (and re-christening it the Carnival of Carnage).
In 2010, it was discovered that Fear was the one in control of Jack. Though the specifics of that were never explained, it logically means Fear kept Jack alive/brought him back to life while he was initially trapped. At the end of 2010, Legendary Truth recaptured Jack along with Fear and the other Icons.
He somehow escaped in 2015, bringing back his Carnival of Carnage before, I guess getting trapped again until Chance came for him in 2016.
It’s one continuous story.