The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 77 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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welcome mickcw! are you planning on coming back anytime soon? I am glad to see you thinking the way you are! The lines will be lower and you will get to see everything.

I found those TM logos ridiculus and hope they are removing them and just like teebin, I was worried they would be cobblestones like usf has.
I was trying to upload pics from my pc that I had down loaded from my digital camera. I was also trying to make an album under my profile be can't get it to upload or down load? I don't know much about computers. I'm confused.

You have to upload your pictures to a photo sharing website, like photobucket. Then you paste the link code they give you into your post. :thumbs:
Yay a pic update that was a nice surprise. Why does everything seem to be moving so slow as far as cleaning up by the greenhouses go? I swear when they realize soft has been pushed back they slow down on purpose almost to drive me crazy. I'm prob going Tues. so maybe something will be going on that will be worth taking a pic or two of.
Because nothing particularly interesting is going on in this thread at the moment-- and because this is relating to Harry Potter-- here:


Happy Easter, everyone!
Oh my rowling, yes! I always got mad at those commercials and would be like why cant the rabbit just have some?! haha. Thanks for that and happy easter.
does anyone want to put a website link for what time the episode for the harry potter celebrity apprentice episode will be on tv. I remember some people were confused what time the ellen show would be on tv.
Yeah i was really upset with the Dragons Challenge line. If you want to know what it looks like just look out the Dueling Dragons line and imagine no skulls. Yes, that's it. And the little banners are the real deal which is also a little disapointing going from Choose Thy Fate to banners.
yeti, you do not see DC queve yet. There are going to be things in the queve that are cool too from what Ive heard. Just have some faith.
and FloRida that is getting really annoying! Stop spamming that thread everywhere already, we know its here thats like me going on here and going every ten minutes hey guys check out!
yeti, you do not see DC queve yet. There are going to be things in the queve that are cool too from what Ive heard. Just have some faith.
and FloRida that is getting really annoying! Stop spamming that thread everywhere already, we know its here thats like me going on here and going every ten minutes hey guys check out![/QUOTE

just have some faith that i would stop "spamming" this thread.
Wow, some of the insider information on this ride sound crazy good and intense. I will definitely have to see a on-ride video of this before I get on as I'm kind of a scaredy cat when it comes to rides as I always build them up much more than they actually are. Probably why I still haven't gotten on The Mummy yet.
I havn't been on this thread in forever! Anyway, I went to the parks this week while I was visiting my family in florida. The WWoHP looks incredible! Sorry, I have no pics. I have nothing else to say but in person, it looks alot better than looking at the pictures.

PS: The DD queue right now is just emergency exit corridors. Alot of the regular queue is closed off. They are still theming it for DC. No worries.
First, Happy Easter and Passover and... to everyone (who wants it)

A lesson learned...

I think we all know that a lot of misinformation has been posted here. This forum has been fortunate to have some "insiders" and some "people who know insiders" as members of this community. These people have had to be very careful because of the legal agreements that we all know could jeopardize their situation.

A forum like this one, thrives on the energy of the community. Over the past months, I feel I have gotten to know a little about several of you from your posts and messages. Over time, I have actually begun to feel at home here and a part of this community. That's how this is supposed to work. What ties us together is a passion for discussing, dreaming, deconstructing everything The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Some of us come here because we love the Harry Potter world, other because of our passion for theme parks, Islands of Adventure, Universal, etc. Because of the mystery surround this project, knowledge - inside information - is a sort of currency; it buys a level of status or acknowledgement within our community: a sort of popularity.

Unfortunately, some people realizing that for a time they could get away with posting their educated guesses as fact, counterfeited that currency. I suspect that it afforded them a sort of ego boost or position within our community. (Foolish price to pay for one's integrity.)

When SAS arrived here, he initially wrote with a short, seemingly professional tone that implied he was in the know. His "information" seemed like it could be genuine. Other members (you know who you are) who had their own sources could see through the deception and for their own reasons went on the attack. I suspect that they felt very protective of both their own position and the general integrity of the forum. Some of us were fooled. I was one of them. Tension broke out and there was a few periods of discomfort. I still believe that civility could have been maintained and should be maintained.

In the end, we all suffered. Information that got posted became more than rumor and some of the speculations that we made - are making - are still based on a foundation of misinformation.

I understand this all to well, because I played my part in both the deception and hopefully now the clean up...

I believed SAS. In addition, as I felt one member had been unduly harsh, I defended SAS and even helped support the misinformation. I knew no better. I assure you I was as fooled as those who were fooled. For my gullibility, I am genuinely sorry.

A cool thing came out of this though. Because of my situation, I was privately approached by someone working on the project who I am now messaging with. I am extremely respectful of his/her position and I don't push for information that would compromise this person's position. Perhaps, this person is also gently using me to help correct some misunderstandings. Either way, it's a respectful relationship and I'm very grateful for this new friend. I also now have a fair amount of that "popularity currency" (yes, my ego feels good) and I want to make sure that i use it for the better good of this community.

So... let's correct some misinformation. I don't know who the person is who's writing the posts that Justin quoted a few pages back. I now believe that writer may only have limited information, perhaps is another SAS as some of the "information" is just not factual.

3. The Forbidden Journey is cycling to meet the requirements necessary to open the ride to the public. It is doing extremely well, but there are definitely areas that they are still working on.

4. One of those areas won't be completed until the end of this month and the ride will not open until this work is done. (Softs won't start until late April or May.)

5. The queue is continuous and is not separated by doors between preshow areas. (Initially, this disappointed me.) Basically, you will move into each area as the line permits without any barriers - other than the people in front of you - restricting the flow.

6. You will be able to stay in each area for as long as you like. (At least that is the initial intention.) In fact, there are multiple versions of the preshow "films/tapes/etc." so staying in a room through one cycle would require watching several scenes. (Does this make sense?)

7. Universal really has tried to balance ROI with a tremendous amount of love and affection for this project. They are reading our forum - and others - and listening. They have already made adjustments based on our very words.

9. There are no 3D glasses. The ride vehicle's movement is too abrupt; they would have had to been goggles.

This post is already too long. Enough for now.

--- Update ---

Oh, one last thing for this long post... Universal is extremely proud of Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey. They believe it meets and exceeds the hype. They - more than anyone - want this open and being enjoyed by the public. Everyone who's ridden thinks this is a new height in themed entertainment.

I can't wait!
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Thanks for the info, Scott! Let's all just forget SAS unless he comes back and apologizes.

The only thing that worries me is the queue flow.I think the way Disaster! does it is the way to go for a queue with important dialogue. People are going to be confused because they won't know where to go. Some people might even get mad because people are skipping them while they're trying to listen to Dumbledore or Harry. I know I'll want to listen to the whole thing the first time. How will that work if it's different each time? It's even worse if the line backs up and you have to listen to the same thing over and over. Or if you get swept through a room. People won't be happy if you're trying to backtrack. Seperated pre-show rooms are the way to go.
Thanks for the info, Scott! Let's all just forget SAS unless he comes back and apologizes.

The only thing that worries me is the queue flow.I think the way Disaster! does it is the way to go for a queue with important dialogue. People are going to be confused because they won't know where to go. Some people might even get mad because people are skipping them while they're trying to listen to Dumbledore or Harry. I know I'll want to listen to the whole thing the first time. How will that work if it's different each time? It's even worse if the line backs up and you have to listen to the same thing over and over. Or if you get swept through a room. People won't be happy if you're trying to backtrack. Seperated pre-show rooms are the way to go.

There's still time to install those automatic doors! I just hope that if they do, they theme them very well. Does anyone now that at the top of the greenhouse queue ramps, if those doors are automatic?

PS- I was gone for a while and was wondering, does anybody know who SAS actually was? Was he just a reader who made stuff up as he went along or did he have some sort of inside information?
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I hope this is not a mean thing to say I hope they Install automatic doors who wants to see people arugeing saying you cut me and then this causes problems and then people could get kicked out of the park. I think im concerned how the line will be done or how the line is gonna move.
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