I have a great idea! How about from now on if anyone has info, JUST POST IT!!!!!
all this teasing and riddle crap and hinting is beyond ridiculous. Seriously. Who has time to spend hours each night wading through ten pages of junk to get the info that could have been put into one post and let the discussion follow?*
Anyone remember in Goblet of Fire when Harry is in the Gryffindor common room after the dragon challenge, and he hoists the golden egg up to a cheering crowd and asks "who wants me to open it?"..... Uh, the already cheering crowd, idiot. It was obnoxious of him to get them to 'beg him' to open the egg, and it's equally obnoxious tp say you found something out and then make people wait and drag the info out over bunches of cryptic and vague posts. I know everyone wants to be the center of attention but it's getting old. And boring. Really boring.*
While Im being unpleasant I'll also go ahead and say that any source that requires the level if ego stroking and ass kissing I've seen here lately, isn't a source worth having. Your sources are magical and wonderful. We get it. I'm sure they do too.*
Sheesh guys! *129 pages in less than two weeks?! There is nowhere near that much info on this thread. I dont think the last one moved this fast and we had photo updates every few days!
Let's be practical here. This is a thread for news and info not stupid riddle games. *
In case you did not know, Scott took our preferences into consideration and asked for a vote. Only two people voted for straightforward facts, so he went with the riddle. I know you are, like most of us, anxious for information but the fact of the matter is that we've
all waited years for this and I fail to comprehend how a few days more will be such a tremendous burden. Riddles are not a "waste of time," nor are they obnoxious. As Teebin stated, they allow us to think more deeply into aspects of the ride in detailed ways as well as bring forth new thoughts, ideas, and information. Not to mention it gets all members involved, not just a few people graciously allowing us information and the rest monotonously replying.
As for these "ego-stroking," allegations, members like Scott and Teebin are valued and looked up to because they are avid and informational members of this thread. They are consistently churning out new ideas, thoughts, information, questions. Would it not be for them, we'd be like every other forum out there, still wallowing in probably false speculation. I've never seen anybody "ass-kissing," on here, because we know little about such members beyond what they present to us in this thread. We don't compliment their hair, their clothes, or any superficial aspect of them whatsoever. If we compliment or rep or present them in a flattering light, it is with good reason and should not warrant a rant such as yours. As I said, they've provided us a new outlook and are allowing this thread to move forward. And, yes, we've gone through 129 pages in a couple of weeks. That is a testament to the amount of passion we have for this project, not to any of the accusations you have presented.
I do not wish to spark another argument, but this was something I simply needed to say.
As for the domes, they were hinted at months ago by someone claiming to be involved in the project, but we did not know the scale on which they would be used. I think they'll be yet another contribution to the already high technological caliber of this ride in its field. I hope they're thoroughly reliable, though, because a defective dome would ruin the entire experience.