The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 96 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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I think it's highly possible that the projectors for the domes will be built into the base of the ride vehicles.
Ok, so I've missed all of the posts from today completely, and let's be honest, I do NOT want to go through all of those pages of information if there's no real information. I saw something for a second about pictures of the dome screens. Can someone give me a quick summary of today's posts?

Scott has been dropping hints from his source. We've made it to the point where we almost know for certain that the ride will contain transitions between real sets with props and domed screens that provide a full range of vision, and are painted with Screen Goo, which allows very high quality projections. This is possibly for the willow scene as well as the background could really make us feel like we're outside.

There was also some dissection of the Apprentice scenes. We saw lots of cool merchendise. Also, there was a model of the Willow and Aragog, pretty much confirming them for the ride.
^That seems pretty accurate aside from the fact that there will be multiple domes NOT attached to the vehicle. I wondered where the projectors would be that is possible.

EDIT: Talking to just some dude.
From what we've heard, I'd say the screens are positioned in these ways, maybe all three: Stationary on the wall, on a rotating carousel that we sync up to, and on another Kuka.
Scott has been dropping hints from his source. We've made it to the point where we almost know for certain that the ride will contain transitions between real sets with props and domed screens that provide a full range of vision, and are painted with Screen Goo, which allows very high quality projections. This is possibly for the willow scene as well as the background could really make us feel like we're outside.

There was also some dissection of the Apprentice scenes. We saw lots of cool merchendise. Also, there was a model of the Willow and Aragog, pretty much confirming them for the ride.

Thanks! I'll watch the Apprentice episode now, it's on my DVR.
Thanks for the riddle ScottinNY. I've been following from my phone but now that I am able to be online, I have to say everything we are learning sounds truly amazing so far. I REALLY can't wait til I go, and get to ride this for myself.

To me too. Remember, I am not an insider. I'm trying to figure this out just like everyone else. I just have access to some additional information. It comes to me in a cryptic form. No one is allow to get hurt in this relationship. It's whole purpose is to honor the brilliant and dedicated work of all the people who are creating what we've been dreaming about for years. (God, I'm starting to sound like an ad for Universal Creative.)

--- Update ---

So on the thought of carousels, maybe there are several smaller carousels between certain scenes for transition. Lets say the smaller carousels contain about 5 or 6 dome screens. The diameter of these screens has to be enormous in order for there to be front projection. Im talking 15-20' in diameter perhaps...This would put the carousel diameter somewhere between 35-40 feet depending on the number of screens! are we getting warmer?

Lets see if someone can't find that photo of the domes. I too would like to look at that image much closer. Anyone?


I think it's highly possible that the projectors for the domes will be built into the base of the ride vehicles.

This is a wonderful image. Sort of begins to give you the idea...

--- Update ---

Scott has been dropping hints from his source. We've made it to the point where we almost know for certain that the ride will contain transitions between real sets with props and domed screens that provide a full range of vision, and are painted with Screen Goo, which allows very high quality projections. This is possibly for the willow scene as well as the background could really make us feel like we're outside.

There was also some dissection of the Apprentice scenes. We saw lots of cool merchendise. Also, there was a model of the Willow and Aragog, pretty much confirming them for the ride.

mantaguy, you rock! That is an amazing summary. You can take notes at any of my meetings, anytime.

--- Update ---

From what we've heard, I'd say the screens are positioned in these ways, maybe all three: Stationary on the wall, on a rotating carousel that we sync up to, and on another Kuka.

Definitely not on another KUKA. I asked.

--- Update ---

More to come soon...
Mookie sweet pics thanks for the update. Reminder I am heading to the parks tomorrow I will try to grab a few pics of anything interesting & maybe tweet a live pic or two night everyone
Ok, so I've missed all of the posts from today completely, and let's be honest, I do NOT want to go through all of those pages of information if there's no real information. I saw something for a second about pictures of the dome screens. Can someone give me a quick summary of today's posts?

In addition to what manta said,


I think it's a common assumption that these are scaled concepts (don't know the "professional" terminology) of actual props to be used in FJ. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong about that.

Also, someone might have confirmed that the dragon is a horntail, I wasn't sure though.

And I stand corrected that there are only four things there, not five as I once thought and posted earlier.

--- Update ---

Thanks for the update Mookie! :rep:
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Whoah, hold up. Is that the entire FJ show bulding painted with a sky mural???
It's the sunlight reflecting off the top of the greenhouse.

--- Update ---

Here are my two theories for how the projectors could be positioned.

On the right is my rudimentary sketch of sort of what a flying bench on an arm would look like (severely simplified so as not to actually look remotely like what the real robotic vehicles might look like, in compliance with forum policy :smiley: ). For option 1 for the projectors, the projector would be embedded in the base of the vehicle, so as to travel at a constant speed and the same rate as the carousel screen. The bench would still have a freedom of movement. For option 2, the projector is attached to the top of the screen, basically out of view. This would probably make it easier to sync the projector and screen.

I might also add that with regard to the sound: While it's true big theater screens have speakers behind the screen, with a situation like the domes, with the "audience" being only 4 people, stereo speakers placed on each side of the screen will be adequate to simulate a phantom center channel. In big theaters, the reason they put the speakers behind the screen is that 1) the speakers have to be HUGE to fill the large theater 2) it saves real estate for the screen, and 3) for audience on the sides of the theater, you need a center speaker or else the on screen action and dialogue will sound as though it's coming from the side rather than the center.

Additionally, due to the parabolic shape of the screen, they can actually "project" sound into the dome, much the way they do with the video. The sound will bounce off the screen back towards the ride vehicle, making it seem as though the sounds are coming from the screen itself. They can easily design the screen with this in mind (making the screen material very acoustically reflective) and hence the application of screen goo wouldn't disrupt the sound because the screens wouldn't need to have holes... not to mention that if you're going to be that close to a screen, essentially only a few feet from it, you can't really have holes in it since they would be visible to the naked eye, unlike large theaters where you're usually a minimum of 20 or more feet away, in which case you can't see the holes. For the best visual quality in an "up close" situation, the screen should be flawless for the best illusion of "being there."
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It's the sunlight reflecting off the top of the greenhouse.

Then why is is over the entire surface and on the right side of the castle? Reflections don't produce cloud paintings. We saw this on small scale in a previous photo update, and it looks like they expanded it. Looks really fake imo.

I like your option 2 better because the screens won't be connected to the ride vehicle. They need a full range of moement and visuals for the set scenes.
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Then why is is over the entire surface and on the right side of the castle? Reflections don't produce cloud paintings. We saw this on small scale in a previous photo update, and it looks like they expanded it. Looks really fake imo.

I like your option 2 better because the screens won't be connected to the ride vehicle. They need a full range of moement and visuals for the set scenes.
I don't see what you mean on the right side of the castle, but the reason it might have seemed like a smaller section of "clouds" in the previous update could have been due to it being a different time of day, therefore the sun would be at a different angle and only reflecting on a smaller portion of the blue wall. I can't say for sure that it's not painted like clouds, but it really looks to me like it's reflected sunlight. Plus, if you look really closely at the full size image, you can almost see how the cloud pattern abruptly stops about 5 feet from the top of the blue wall. It would be odd for them to paint clouds and then have such a "sharp" edge of the top of the clouds along that line. That sharp line looks like it's where the edge of the glass roof is, meaning that's where the reflection ends.

Edit: Notice all the parallel lines that are present. A cloud mural (real clouds) wouldn't be that geometric, but a reflection off of a large glass surface would.

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It's the sunlight reflecting off the top of the greenhouse.

--- Update ---

Here are my two theories for how the projectors could be positioned.

On the right is my rudimentary sketch of sort of what a flying bench on an arm would look like (severely simplified so as not to actually look remotely like what the real robotic vehicles might look like, in compliance with forum policy :smiley: ). For option 1 for the projectors, the projector would be embedded in the base of the vehicle, so as to travel at a constant speed and the same rate as the carousel screen. The bench would still have a freedom of movement. For option 2, the projector is attached to the top of the screen, basically out of view. This would probably make it easier to sync the projector and screen.

I might also add that with regard to the sound: While it's true big theater screens have speakers behind the screen, with a situation like the domes, with the "audience" being only 4 people, stereo speakers placed on each side of the screen will be adequate to simulate a phantom center channel. In big theaters, the reason they put the speakers behind the screen is that 1) the speakers have to be HUGE to fill the large theater 2) it saves real estate for the screen, and 3) for audience on the sides of the theater, you need a center speaker or else the on screen action and dialogue will sound as though it's coming from the side rather than the center.

Additionally, due to the parabolic shape of the screen, they can actually "project" sound into the dome, much the way they do with the video. The sound will bounce off the screen back towards the ride vehicle, making it seem as though the sounds are coming from the screen itself. They can easily design the screen with this in mind (making the screen material very acoustically reflective) and hence the application of screen goo wouldn't disrupt the sound because the screens wouldn't need to have holes... not to mention that if you're going to be that close to a screen, essentially only a few feet from it, you can't really have holes in it since they would be visible to the naked eye, unlike large theaters where you're usually a minimum of 20 or more feet away, in which case you can't see the holes. For the best visual quality in an "up close" situation, the screen should be flawless for the best illusion of "being there."

What a cool post. I don't know if either theories is accurate, my knowledge is limited, but I believe people who do know are reading this and they're totally amused - in a positive way - by our imagination and ideas. Our energy is what charges them. Honest.