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The WWE Thread

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Royal Rumble was a good PPV spoiled by two things:

Cena winning the rumble. Didn't need to happen and was predictable from the get go, personally they could have chosen someone in need of a push. It's the WWE so you know there are a million and one ways to take the number one shot of them.

Rock beating Punk. Pointless, why let Punk reign for so long only to have him get beaten by someone who will be gone in a few months. It should have been someone who needed a push / elevating.

Only problem with that is "All these established guys can't beat him, but this underdog can?" Hell, I mean I was happy The Rock beat Cena at WM despite that being a guy not there at all beating a guy who is there all the time. It's still The Rock. Doesn't look as good in the ring or on the mic as he used to be, but it's hard to be better than Punk is right now anyway. They established the title, let him hold it for a long time, and now he's angry and fighting to get it back. It's something different than someone getting screwed over to help Punk win for like 3-4 PPV matches in a row. I wish Punk had kept the title but he has to lose at some point anyway. Slowly coming around to The Rock as champ now but Punk is still outshining him.
I really hope none of you ordered that PPV on Sunday. I would be calling my cable company demanding a refund if that was the case. Message me next time and I'll give you a link where it's streaming for free.
Not really wrestling related until the end but..

77 year old man shot in the eye and robbed in his own liquor store and he's understanding of it, but wrestling is what really ruined his week with Rock beating Punk. So even this guy didn't like it.

"All things happen for a reason that preclude, maybe, present understanding, but you deal with the cards that you have dealt,” he said.

Yet, after all this, he joked that wrestling was what really ruined his week. "That's the worst thing that happened to me all week, the Rock beat Punk. Did you know that?"
Only problem with that is "All these established guys can't beat him, but this underdog can?" Hell, I mean I was happy The Rock beat Cena at WM despite that being a guy not there at all beating a guy who is there all the time. It's still The Rock. Doesn't look as good in the ring or on the mic as he used to be, but it's hard to be better than Punk is right now anyway. They established the title, let him hold it for a long time, and now he's angry and fighting to get it back. It's something different than someone getting screwed over to help Punk win for like 3-4 PPV matches in a row. I wish Punk had kept the title but he has to lose at some point anyway. Slowly coming around to The Rock as champ now but Punk is still outshining him.

...but the The Rock is gone in 3 months and the feud will have done nothing then increase the ratings for a few RAWS and up the PPV Buy Rate a little. You don't have to let an Underdog beat him when you they keep semi pushing Ziggler (yet keep having him get beat).

Ryback could have been given the push but it looks like what would have been a Goldberg style run has been cocked up by having him loose indirectly at the last 3 PPV's.

Punk is current and he isn't leaving so to me its just logical to develop or push one of your faces so that he has someone to feud with. I love The Rock but if they aren't here long term it just cheapens the matches / title changes. Seriously no one on the roster can beat Punk but a guy who has wrestled once in 10 years can?

I would have let Punk beat Rock via The Shield interference. Have Vince strip the title off him and put it up for grabs and in doing so you can keep the title picture fresh by adding more people into the mix but also have Punk become a Stone Cold style character but in heel form, doing anything he can to get back his title regardless of the consequences.

....I did not pay for the PPV.
I ordered the PPV. It's tradition I always order Royal Rumble and WrestleMania. The Rumble is definitely my favorite PPV, just because of the Rumble match and the surprises. I agree that Cena winning was predictable. But the match was entertaining and that's all I care about. The highlight for me was definitely Chris Jericho making that unexpected return. Jericho is one of my all time favorites so seeing him come out made me smile and it was worth it for that alone. Goldust was cool, The Godfather was kind of pointless, he got eliminated right away! At least Goldust got offense in.

Rock/Punk I was torn. Rock, like Jericho is an all time favorite and the prospect of him winning the title again is cool. CM Punk is definitely my current favorite and was definitely enjoying the run. So the kid in me was pulling for The Rock, the adult in me kinda wanted to see Punks reign continue. But the kid in me took over and when the Shield attacked the Rock and Punk pinned him, I was dissapointed. So I was happy when it got reversed and Rock won, little anticlimactic with the People's Elbow but it was satisfying.

I'm still hoping the WrestleMania main event is Rock/Cena/Punk and not Rock/Cena 2. I don't want to see Punk get lost in the shuffle and anything less than the main event for him would be a dissapointment. Even if the match that's rumored for him takes place.
I ordered the PPV. It's tradition I always order Royal Rumble and WrestleMania. The Rumble is definitely my favorite PPV, just because of the Rumble match and the surprises. I agree that Cena winning was predictable. But the match was entertaining and that's all I care about. The highlight for me was definitely Chris Jericho making that unexpected return. Jericho is one of my all time favorites so seeing him come out made me smile and it was worth it for that alone. Goldust was cool, The Godfather was kind of pointless, he got eliminated right away! At least Goldust got offense in.

Rock/Punk I was torn. Rock, like Jericho is an all time favorite and the prospect of him winning the title again is cool. CM Punk is definitely my current favorite and was definitely enjoying the run. So the kid in me was pulling for The Rock, the adult in me kinda wanted to see Punks reign continue. But the kid in me took over and when the Shield attacked the Rock and Punk pinned him, I was dissapointed. So I was happy when it got reversed and Rock won, little anticlimactic with the People's Elbow but it was satisfying.

I'm still hoping the WrestleMania main event is Rock/Cena/Punk and not Rock/Cena 2. I don't want to see Punk get lost in the shuffle and anything less than the main event for him would be a dissapointment. Even if the match that's rumored for him takes place.

Yeah I always order Royal Rumble and Wrestlemania too. Jericho was a nice surprise, even better that he lasted a long time.

I wouldn't have a problem with Punk/Taker at WM. He's upset about his streak ending, he'll attempt to end another streak. It would be a great match. Hell I hope he beats Undertaker; that would set up nicely for him to go against the champ after WM, but part of me thinks that Taker's streak should never end. I really thought Rock would lose last year at WM and got surprised, who knows that could always happen again.
So, ratings for Raw on Monday was the highest it has been in a long while. I guess they pulled in viewers who used to follow the Rock 10 years ago. But what happens when the Rock leaves and Super Cena is champ again? Ratings will fall again. And I'm not sure why Bo Dallas is already getting a push and a program with Wade Barrett for the IC title. Maybe daddy has major pull. There are other guys who should have that spot. But good for Bo. WWE needs younger guys in there who could potentially be stars. But putting them in championship programs right away, in my opinion, hurts their careers. should be interesting to see how Bo plays out.
So, ratings for Raw on Monday was the highest it has been in a long while. I guess they pulled in viewers who used to follow the Rock 10 years ago. But what happens when the Rock leaves and Super Cena is champ again? Ratings will fall again. And I'm not sure why Bo Dallas is already getting a push and a program with Wade Barrett for the IC title. Maybe daddy has major pull. There are other guys who should have that spot. But good for Bo. WWE needs younger guys in there who could potentially be stars. But putting them in championship programs right away, in my opinion, hurts their careers. should be interesting to see how Bo plays out.

Yeah ratings will fall again; hell they will probably fall again next week. As long as it's above normal and going into WM they have 2 months to sell people on other things and keep them hooked. They really need to convince people to stick with it and sell them on Extreme Rules and everything post-Mania.
I tuned into Raw for the first time a long time on Monday. But when I realized nothing had changed, and it literally was an ad for the Rock and upcoming shows. I lost interest quickly.
Raw was pretty brutal this week aside from Lesnar returning. That's what happens when they have to have gimmicky themes like Raw Roulette. It'll get better in the coming weeks when the WrestleMania feuds start shaping up.

Punk/Taker wouldn't be bad for a future WrestleMania, at number 30 next year perhaps. But I think Cena/Rock/Punk is too good of a prospect to pass up. I kinda think they teased that Monday with Cenas promo. Basically saying that he hasn't been able to beat CM Punk in however many attempts since Money in the Bank 2011. And with the Rock beating him last year, he said he has virtually no shot against either of them. So what better way to build Super Cena back up the beating BOTH of them on the grandest stage?
Have Punk/Taker at WM29 this year, and have Punk/Austin at WM30 if he can get back in the ring and still be decent. Triple threat matches are hard to pull off. It's hard for them to be great like HBK/HHH/Benoit was at WM20.

Raw is bad because they have 3 hours to fill. Raw Roulette means more gimmicky stuff too, but they tend to have dumb skits every week. At times it's more of a variety show that just happens to feature wrestling from time to time. At least JBL was there commentating. I wish he was on RAW more often.
I think this particular triple threat match could be as good as that one. Plus The Rock can take a couple of breathers and let Cena and Punk go at it for a while. I've noticed in has past 2 matches he got winded really quick. I'd like to see Undertaker make a younger guy look good this year. Keeping the streak in tact of course, but if a younger guy has a good showing against him, it could help create a star. My choices would be Dolph Ziggler or Wade Barrett.
If you had Taker vs. Ziggler, then you couldn't have Ziggler vs. Jericho. Now that would be a great WM match. Just give them 25-30 minutes to do whatever the hell they want and put on a great match.
I only really watch (or follow) WWE around this time of year for Wrestlemania, Had the privillage of being at Wrestlemania 24, I just wish it was like the WWF days again
Undertaker is over, his body is in no condition to work any form of decent schedule apart from his 1 Wrestlemania match a year. The streak needs to end either via him winning one last time and retiring or he has to get beat.

If he gets beat then it has to be seen as an opportunity to push someone into the long term title reign.
His body did have enough juice to knock up Michelle McCool, so maybe he could do a few more matches.
His body did have enough juice to knock up Michelle McCool, so maybe he could do a few more matches.

He used Mae Young / Mark Henry's hand child to extract the Taker Juice before The Rock took it, turned that sonbitch sideways and stuck it straight up her candy snizz!

If ya smell-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la what The Rock......IS............Inseminating!

Well after the Elimination Chamber PPV, the two title matches are Jack Swagger vs Alberto Del Rio for the World Heavyweight Title, and John Cena vs The Rock for the WWE title. I still really hope CM Punk gets put in and makes it a Triple Threat. Whatever happens with him, I'm sure we'll find out on Raw tomorrow.