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The WWE Thread

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Really? Jack swagger over randy orton/chris jericho?

are you kidding me wwe?

I'm happy with Orton losing. I'm shocked Swagger is getting a big push since it seemed like he wouldn't get one for a while with his mic skills.. I can see him winning at Wrestlemania and Ziggler cashing in and winning right after that. I hope we get Ziggler/Jericho at Wrestlemania. Would have been nice if it was for a title but oh well.
As soon as they started playing up the whole "border hopping" angle with Swagger's new manager it seemed fairly obvious to me he'd win the Chamber, but didn't think they'd actually be stupid enough to go in that direction. Welp. :lol:

And Rock/Cena 2? Come on. Once in a lifetime? It's just stupid. This coming WrestleMania feels like a big time filler for next year in New Orleans. I'm glad I live in NY cause if I was traveling here for Mania I'd be upset.
That new WWE Championship Belt is somehow even worse than the spinner belt. Bring back the winged eagle belt!

At least after that last segment with Punk attacking Cena in front of Rock, we may get a triple-threat match at Wrestlemania.
I don't hate the new title. Definitely didn't like the spinner. Always found it weird when guys like Edge, Triple H, CM Punk etc had it. Didn't look right. More convinced than I was yesterday about the triple threat happening. I'm expecting some kind of screwy finish in the match next week. Whether its a DQ or a draw, this match will not have a clear winner.
Besides the Rock will soon need to take time off to promote GiJoe 3 :thumbs: I haven't watched wrestling since WWF...what's WW"E" :lol: bought out WCW and ECW. I jusr lost all interest in it.

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I meant GiJoe 2 :lol:
I'm guessing it's going to be a triple threat at Mania, which means we won't see the Undertaker this year.

The Rock (C) vs. CM Punk vs. John Cena

and HHH vs. Brock Lesnar will headline. Guessing Brock/HHH will be a stipulation. Maybe hell in a cell.
Yeah it's looking more and more like there will be no Undertaker this year. Unless Cena wins clean next week and he comes out after and confronts Punk. But I'm leaning towards a screwy finish leading to triple threat. Maybe it's best if Undertaker takes a year off and rests and has his swan song at WrestleMania 30 next year. Who he'll face, I don't know.
Brock and HHH are wrestling?????? I didnt see much of this weeks epsiode. fill me in!

It's rumored, nothing official yet. But with Brock F5ing Vince two weeks ago, and them using that as an excuse for his real life hip operation, and then on Raw, Vince calling out Heyman next week for a fight, one can assume Brock will get involved, and HHH will make the save of his father-in-law.

WWE has become sort of, well, very predictable.
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Thor- It is very predictable. But for some reason we still watch it haha

And DK- Thank God....That was going to be an awful wrestlemania match...
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Thor- It is very predictable. But for some reason we still watch it haha

And DK- Thank God....That was going to be an awful wrestlemania match...

You are right. It is like a car accident. We know we shouldn't stare but, we do. :)

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We might not have to worry about Swagger/Del Rio at Wrestlemania anymore.. TMZ reports that Swagger was arrested Tuesday night for DUI and possession of pot after being pulled over for speeding.

I wonder what their back-up plan is for this match..

Just like a real American. LoL.
It shouldnt be a problem... Those are only misdemeanors... He'll pay a fine and go to court on his own dime on his own time... It shouldn't have changed anything...
It shouldnt be a problem... Those are only misdemeanors... He'll pay a fine and go to court on his own dime on his own time... It shouldn't have changed anything...

RVD getting caught with weed killed his push in 2006. Jack Swagger is no RVD. The fact he was caught, there's a drug policy in place now, and he had a DUI? It's pretty serious. If they keep him in the title picture it makes WWE look like hypocrites who won't enforce their own policy.
It shouldnt be a problem... Those are only misdemeanors... He'll pay a fine and go to court on his own dime on his own time... It shouldn't have changed anything...

He will more than likely face a suspension. Probably 30 days. WrestleMania is 45+ days away. He can still be in the match, there will just be NO build.
Undertaker made a surprise appearance at a house show and wrestled in a match. Maybe he was just seeing what he can do in the ring before saying he'll come back for Wrestlemania. This could make things interesting.
As much as I love the Undertaker, he has to go. They dont wrestle him anymore and this whole once a year come back from the dead speel to keep his reign alive is old...and boring...just like he is.
As much as I love the Undertaker, he has to go. They dont wrestle him anymore and this whole once a year come back from the dead speel to keep his reign alive is old...and boring...just like he is.

Old yes. Boring no. He may only wrestle once a year but it's hard to top his match at each Wrestlemania. I don't think he'll be around much longer (maybe finished at Wrestlemania 30) but he can still put on good and entertaining matches.