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The WWE Thread

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Such sad news. I've never heard a negative thing about the guy and he was always one of my favorites when I was growing up. He was involved in several really memorable moments around the time when I first got into wrestling and he definitely helped draw me in.

Well, Undertaker returned as expected. I would have liked for them to just get to the feud instead of having a fatal four way when we all knew it was gonna be CM Punk. But I guess the promos with each other will start next week.

For some reason, that Cena/Rock promo got me more interested in the match. Some of the stuff Cena said leads me to believe theres an outside chance he could turn heel in this match. Reminds me of Stone Cold at Mania 17 when he said he "has to win" and he wound up turning heel aligning himself with McMahon. The obsession with beating The Rock could lead to Cena doing something to cheat, what that is I don't know. But a Cena heel turn would be HUGE, and could get more people watching again.

But I'm sure he'll just win clean, him and Rock will shake hands, and that's your show.

If they wanted to get away with round 2, that'd be the way to do it. But that would be the biggest risk they've taken in years. I don't see them going with Bizarro Cena.
I wonder if Undertaker will do anything to pay tribute. Maybe he can bring the urn out and put it in the middle of the ring and do his pose. Kane too, since that was his "father"
The Rock has agreed to do post WrestleMania dates including the Extreme Rules PPV.

Hopefully that means he will beat Cena at WM. I'd be okay with Cena going over at the next pay per view... maybe turning heel cause he simply cannot beat the Rock and needs an extreme rules type match where he can beat the hell out of him to do it.
If the Rock is gonna wrestle he needs to do it consistently. I hate this "The Rock will be here for..Rock Concert!" but he never wrestles until you have to pay 60 bucks. Hate it. Especially since he's just around promoting his new movies.
If the Rock is gonna wrestle he needs to do it consistently. I hate this "The Rock will be here for..Rock Concert!" but he never wrestles until you have to pay 60 bucks. Hate it. Especially since he's just around promoting his new movies.

Blame the WWE, not the Rock. If you were running a business and had the biggest attraction in your profession and one of the biggest movie stars on the planet, you wouldn't waste him and potentially put him at risk to face Heath Slater on Raw. It makes no sense.

The Rock didn't have to come back. If you told me in 2011 that he would still be around, wrestling, showing up on Raw every week pretty much.. I would've laughed and said not a chance.

WWE can't have John Cena win the title in NYC over the Rock. I've seen Cena win main events at Raw at the Garden and it's just been deafening boos. For him to beat the greatest of all time... at WrestleMania.. it would be perhaps riot inducing.
Blame the WWE, not the Rock. If you were running a business and had the biggest attraction in your profession and one of the biggest movie stars on the planet, you wouldn't waste him and potentially put him at risk to face Heath Slater on Raw. It makes no sense.

The Rock didn't have to come back. If you told me in 2011 that he would still be around, wrestling, showing up on Raw every week pretty much.. I would've laughed and said not a chance.

WWE can't have John Cena win the title in NYC over the Rock. I've seen Cena win main events at Raw at the Garden and it's just been deafening boos. For him to beat the greatest of all time... at WrestleMania.. it would be perhaps riot inducing.

I mean I get it. Its money, its business and thats all that matters. It just bothers me, I like the Rock but Im not saying he should face heath or any of those guys. He could be a huge ratings kinda guy if they have him in weekly rivalries with the likes of cena, punk, orton etc...Heck even brock. I just dont like the once a few PPV's deal.
I mean I get it. Its money, its business and thats all that matters. It just bothers me, I like the Rock but Im not saying he should face heath or any of those guys. He could be a huge ratings kinda guy if they have him in weekly rivalries with the likes of cena, punk, orton etc...Heck even brock. I just dont like the once a few PPV's deal.

But they get huge ratings just by advertising that he's going to be there for an in ring promo every week. They are maximizing their potential as far as business goes. Give a little, get a lot.

I'd love to see him and Brock and them face eachother and others week after week but simply put, they are up there in age also and probably can't do it anymore anyway.

The only way I can see them on TV anytime soon is maybe the Raw after Mania... something like Rock & Cena vs. Punk and Brock. Setting up for Rock vs. Brock at Mania next year.
I mean I get it. Its money, its business and thats all that matters. It just bothers me, I like the Rock but Im not saying he should face heath or any of those guys. He could be a huge ratings kinda guy if they have him in weekly rivalries with the likes of cena, punk, orton etc...Heck even brock. I just dont like the once a few PPV's deal.

He's on an Undertaker-type schedule. Undertaker has had like 3 matches in the last 3 years, all at WM. Just show up for a month, win at WM, and disappear but he's still one of the most popular superstars and biggest draws that they have. Rock has earned a schedule like that; hell he didn't even have to return he's just doing that because he wants to. They don't need him to wrestle regularly, people would probably get tired of it and lose the ratings bump (people were pretty split on Punk/Rock feud with Rock doing his same-old promos and insults.) They'll get the ratings bump when he shows up every few months ala Taker, HHH, and Lesnar.
Theres no way Cena is losing at WrestleMania. I bet the deal was, "Lose to Rock at 28, but at 29 you will beat him for the title". I think at Extreme Rules it will be the long rumored Triple Threat match with Rock/Cena/Punk. I will honestly be shocked if Rock wins at Mania, as much as I'm hoping it will happen. Definitely will be an anti Cena crowd but nothing will compare to One Night Stand 2006 and Money in the Bank 2011, if he won at either of those events I can't imagine what the fans would have done
Theres no way Cena is losing at WrestleMania. I bet the deal was, "Lose to Rock at 28, but at 29 you will beat him for the title". I think at Extreme Rules it will be the long rumored Triple Threat match with Rock/Cena/Punk. I will honestly be shocked if Rock wins at Mania, as much as I'm hoping it will happen. Definitely will be an anti Cena crowd but nothing will compare to One Night Stand 2006 and Money in the Bank 2011, if he won at either of those events I can't imagine what the fans would have done

I'm pretty sure One Night Stand was one of the most dangerous moments of his life :lol: And the hate wasn't even where it probably is today. But a bunch of lit up ECW fans would love to get their hands on Cena. However, if they want all the boos possible: give them managers and put Mark Sanchez in his corner and Tebow in the Rock's :lol:
Theres no way Cena is losing at WrestleMania. I bet the deal was, "Lose to Rock at 28, but at 29 you will beat him for the title". I think at Extreme Rules it will be the long rumored Triple Threat match with Rock/Cena/Punk. I will honestly be shocked if Rock wins at Mania, as much as I'm hoping it will happen. Definitely will be an anti Cena crowd but nothing will compare to One Night Stand 2006 and Money in the Bank 2011, if he won at either of those events I can't imagine what the fans would have done

The only way I and most of the people in attendance at MetLife Stadium won't get ridiculously angry is if Cena turns heel. Which I can also see... albeit unlikely.
The only way I and most of the people in attendance at MetLife Stadium won't get ridiculously angry is if Cena turns heel. Which I can also see... albeit unlikely.

Well be sure to bring your pitchforks and torches! :lol:

But in all seriousness, this is gonna be the year of Cena. I see him carrying the belt throughout the summer leading to a big main event at SummerSlam. Possibly against Punk or Ryback.

Speaking of Ryback, it looks like he's gonna fight Mark Henry at WrestleMania, does anyone think there's a chance in hell he can get him up for the Shell Shock?
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Speaking of Ryback, it looks like he's gonna fight Mark Henry at WrestleMania, does anyone think there's a chance in hell he can get him up for the Shell Shock?

Yes & no. He can lift him... but I don't think he can really march around the ring with him. Maybe he can..

Ryback was originally going to face Show and lifting Big Show for Shell Shock was going to be his "WrestleMania Moment". So I guess they went a tad bit lighter with Henry. :lol:
Yes & no. He can lift him... but I don't think he can really march around the ring with him. Maybe he can..

Ryback was originally going to face Show and lifting Big Show for Shell Shock was going to be his "WrestleMania Moment". So I guess they went a tad bit lighter with Henry. :lol:

If Cena can do the AA on Big Show and Mark Henry, and Goldberg can do the Jackhammer on Big Show and Mark Henry, then Ryback should be able to do Shell Shock on Mark Henry.
I don't know, a few months back, Ryback had trouble lifting Albert/A-Train/Tensai up for it. 2 failed attempts and he just finished it with his clothesline. However he did successfully get him up in there next match together
What's everyone thinking about how the WrestleMania card is shaping up? Hard to believe its only 2 weeks from Sunday. Doesn't have that big feel to it, with The Rock not being there for the past 2 weeks that match has had no build. They waste Cena in the opening segment against Darren Young, that whole segment was bizarre. Nothing new with Punk/Undertaker. We finally found out the stipulation for Brock and HHH, that match should be good but the career on the line thing is odd, Triple H only wrestles 2-3 matches a year. Maybe they just wanna finally end his in ring career? But I don't see Lesnar winning so Triple H wins the match then what? Come back for one more match at some point this year then fade to behind the scenes again?
Yeah it seems odd that Wrestlemania is so close but the champ hasn't been on in 2 weeks. They'll have to do something different to make it a good match but right now I'm not looking forward to it. Heck, Ziggler could come and cash in at the end to become champ. I would love that.

Triple H vs Lesnar should be good with the stipulation. It does seem odd though that if HHH loses he retires considering he just came out of a sorta retirement just for this match, and he's still the COO and married to the boss's daughter so it's not like he couldn't get his job back. Maybe he really wants to focus more on the business side of it and be done with the in-ring stuff, in which case they should make this the main event. Unless Punk beats Taker..that should be a great match. If anyone should beat Taker it should be Punk. It would more than make up for the fact he doesn't have the title, and this match should be the main event if Taker is going to lose. It really feels like he has a chance right now.

The rest of the card is just OK. Don't care for the 6-man tag with Shield and Ryback vs. Mark Henry..why??:bang: Hoping the talent in the undercard can make up for the mediocre matches they have scheduled.