Well, Undertaker returned as expected. I would have liked for them to just get to the feud instead of having a fatal four way when we all knew it was gonna be CM Punk. But I guess the promos with each other will start next week.
For some reason, that Cena/Rock promo got me more interested in the match. Some of the stuff Cena said leads me to believe theres an outside chance he could turn heel in this match. Reminds me of Stone Cold at Mania 17 when he said he "has to win" and he wound up turning heel aligning himself with McMahon. The obsession with beating The Rock could lead to Cena doing something to cheat, what that is I don't know. But a Cena heel turn would be HUGE, and could get more people watching again.
But I'm sure he'll just win clean, him and Rock will shake hands, and that's your show.