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The WWE Thread

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I'm sure I'll be completely wrong since I thought there was no way Cena would lose last year but..

The Rock def. Cena.
CM Punk def. Undertaker. (Might be more wishful thinking on my part. Really torn..don't want to see streak end, but if anyone were to end it it should be Punk. It would only help him.)
Shield def. Sheamus, Orton, Show.
HHH def. Lesnar
Del Rio def. Swagger. Ziggler cashes in and wins.
Team Hell No def. Ziggler and Big E.
Jericho def. Fandango.
Ryback def. Mark Henry.
Barrett def. Miz
Brodus/Tensai def Rhodes/Sandow

This card seems a little lackluster right now. Could be surprising but they definitely haven't helped sell the card that well. It may be Wrestlemania but doesn't quite feel that way at times.
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No way The Undertaker is losing after the way Raw ended. Also don't see Fandango beating Jericho either, I think he'll put in a good effort but come up short. It's been said, but it doesn't feel like WrestleMania. The 2 guys in the main event don't have a face to face confrontation, but I guess what else can be said between the 2 at this point. Would have liked a little brawl, maybe with Cena getting the upper hand this time.

The Punk/Undertaker segment was good, guarantees Undertaker winning, as if there was doubt anyway.

I'm excited for it cause it's WrestleMania, gonna hope to be surprised in some capacity, but it doesn't hide the fact that this is one of the worst Road to WrestleManias in recent memory
They dont build their matches for Wrestlemania like they used to. Creativity is lacking in this company.

It's hard to do when two of the top matches are rematches, one of which was at Wrestlemania last year. Need more original top matches.
It's hard to do when two of the top matches are rematches, one of which was at Wrestlemania last year. Need more original top matches.

Agreed. Since the start I feel like the best route to go would've been..

Cena vs. Undertaker
Rock vs. Brock
Punk vs. HHH

but you know WWE really wanted Rock/Cena 2. I would've been happy with that + Taker/Brock and HHH/Punk.
I've been out of the WWE loop since before the name change. I was wondering though how my boy, Jericho is up to these days. Still wrestling? Still hilarious? I know he was heel for a while but I also know they cycle faces and heels like noone's business.
Will Doink the Clown make an appearance at WM?

If they have a last minute gimmick battle royal since a match gets cancelled or something, sure. I know you're probably joking but they do bring the character back for one-off appearances from time to time.
I've been out of the WWE loop since before the name change. I was wondering though how my boy, Jericho is up to these days. Still wrestling? Still hilarious? I know he was heel for a while but I also know they cycle faces and heels like noone's business.

He's still wrestling, he's a face right now so he's back to being classic Y2J. He's kind of a part timer these days, because he balances wrestling and his band. He'll be gone for months then return for another run. But when he's back, he's back. He wrestles on all the shows. It's not like guys like The Rock, Triple H, Brock Lesnar and The Undertaker where they are just strictly wrestling on PPVs these days. Jericho is one of my all time favorites too so it's always good to see him back. Still at his age he usually has the best match on the show
^^Agreed. I love Jericho but I hate this fandango crap. Give the guy some good matches!

I think Jericho/Fandango is a sleeper match. I don't see Jericho doing this if he can't get a good match out of someone.
True but this guy is a newbie and I feel that Jericho deserves better than some small card match. Him and Ziggler had a great rivalry going!
I think WWE missed the boat on not booking Jericho vs Ziggler, with Ziggler cashing his MITB in on the World Champion earlier on the show, thus making this match also a championship match. How awesome would that have been?
Freaking incredible. But some part of me says they dont want Jericho being champ due to his part-time schedule but to that I say....The Rock.

The man comes back twice a year but gets to be champ while the rest of the WWE works their buttes off to take second seat to superstars looking for attention?
Freaking incredible. But some part of me says they dont want Jericho being champ due to his part-time schedule but to that I say....The Rock.

The man comes back twice a year but gets to be champ while the rest of the WWE works their buttes off to take second seat to superstars looking for attention?

But the Rock has all the bargaining power. Fact of the matter is, they need him more than he needs them. Rock means ratings and attention from media that otherwise could care less. If they could get away without him, they would. But he's brought back because of all the hard work he put in before made him the WWE's biggest star.
But the Rock has all the bargaining power. Fact of the matter is, they need him more than he needs them. Rock means ratings and attention from media that otherwise could care less. If they could get away without him, they would. But he's brought back because of all the hard work he put in before made him the WWE's biggest star.

I completely agree. WWE was and is in desperate need of better ratings and I dont blame them for bringing him back. They need star power but they also have great talent in the locker room if only creative had some freaking creativity! :lol:
This dude is getting his chance and running with it. Making a really stupid gimmick work.

Love it.

Saw some interviews with some guys and they picked the Jericho vs Fandango match as a possible show stealer. Looking forward to it, wouldn't be surprised if it opens the show to get the crowd going