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The WWE Thread

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Saw some interviews with some guys and they picked the Jericho vs Fandango match as a possible show stealer. Looking forward to it, wouldn't be surprised if it opens the show to get the crowd going

They'll probably open with Del Rio/Swagger. They usually seem to open with that title first. Makes it hard for the predictions of Ziggler cashing in and winning it to happen though unless he still plans on going through with his match later.
I saw a rumor that they might open with the tag title match first. That will definitely lead people to believe he could cash in. They wouldn't have him cash in and win the title than compete in a tag title match.
I saw a rumor that they might open with the tag title match first. That will definitely lead people to believe he could cash in. They wouldn't have him cash in and win the title than compete in a tag title match.

Wouldn't be surprised if that opens now just so WWE can troll us all. :lol:

They revealed the Set last night and holy wow.

Wouldn't be surprised if that opens now just so WWE can troll us all. :lol:

They revealed the Set last night and holy wow.


So many iconic NJ landmarks in there for a Wrestlemania in NY/NJ..

That means Undertaker will take 5 minutes to make his entrance with that long ramp. It does look really neat though.
god I haven't watched WWE in a couple years, last time I watched it was when Sin Cara started appearing. I think the product has dropped quite a bit and they seem to be living off old stars from the past(Undertaker, Kane, Jericho). Theirs only a few new guys I like, those are CM punk and Dolph Ziggler.
I really hope they bring out JR to announce a match. Hell he should still announce full-time on Raw and be their lead guy. Even when the show was bad he was still good. I mean how can you not love something like this:

Well it's officially the day of WrestleMania! I bet they have JR at least do Undertaker/Punk. I wish he would do the whole show because I can't stand Michael Coles announcing. Can't wait to hear him yell "THE STREAKS OVER THE STREAKS OVER" making it obvious Taker will kick out. Really makes me wish I was attending live :'(

With that said. Looking forward to the top 3 main events. Hope HHH/Lesnar is a bloodbath. Taker/Punk will probably be match of the night. And I can only hope WWE surprises us with the outcome of Cena/Rock, because if Cena wins cleanly standing tall with that goofy smile, well I hope the cleaning crew is ready to clean a ton of garbage.
I'm sitting up high so I'll be able to get a nice picture of the setup once night time hits.

Going early tomorrow... well... today.. to tailgate and enjoy the day. I'll post some photos on Monday.
I'm sitting up high so I'll be able to get a nice picture of the setup once night time hits.

Going early tomorrow... well... today.. to tailgate and enjoy the day. I'll post some photos on Monday.

Have a good time! Looking forward to the pics.

Watching my WrestleMania 17 VHS and I think it's safe to say no Mania will ever match up to this one. Every match was stellar
Well it's officially the day of WrestleMania! I bet they have JR at least do Undertaker/Punk. I wish he would do the whole show because I can't stand Michael Coles announcing. Can't wait to hear him yell "THE STREAKS OVER THE STREAKS OVER" making it obvious Taker will kick out. Really makes me wish I was attending live :'(

With that said. Looking forward to the top 3 main events. Hope HHH/Lesnar is a bloodbath. Taker/Punk will probably be match of the night. And I can only hope WWE surprises us with the outcome of Cena/Rock, because if Cena wins cleanly standing tall with that goofy smile, well I hope the cleaning crew is ready to clean a ton of garbage.
Man was there a lot of garbage thrown at the end of that match. :rolleyes:
Seriously though i think there was only two good matches maybe three on the whole card. Punk v. Taker was by far the best, I think the Shield match was probably second best. I also kinda liked the tag match
Well, the event went pretty much as everyone expected. No surprises, no heel turns, no great matches besides Undertaker/Punk, which was fantastic. Can't say enough about how great The Undertaker is. Wrestles one match a year and it's always the best one. Having someone like CM Punk as an opponent didn't hurt either. Great match, loved the GTS into Tombstone combo. Both entrances were great

Everything else was blah. Jericho losing really got me mad, wasn't really that great of a match and the botched ending didnt help. Fandango didn't really impress. HHH/Lesnar was a let down. Was just really slow and didn't really seem to get going. Rock/Cena was probably better than last year, but unfortunately with the ending we all saw coming. I actually thought Rock had it after the third Rock Bottom. No cash in from Ziggler was also dissapointing, the crowd seemed to be behind him.

Speaking of the crowd, seemed really dead. Maybe Drew can shed some light on this, could be cause there's 80,000 people and the noise just got drowned out. I've noticed this in the past in these stadiums. A great crowd makes all the difference.

Overall, just a predictable PPV. But the Undertaker vs CM Punk match made it worth it alone. Unbelievable match.
I agree about the HHH/Lesnar it was way to slow. My biggest gripe with the Cena/Rock match was for the last ten minutes the only moves attempted was rock bottom, peoples elbow, 5 knuckle shuffle, and FU(or AA for the PG audience out there) it just seemed way to repetitive
Taker/Punk was the best match overall. Agreed on HHH match. I was disappointed no one bled profusely haha. Rock/Cena was a let down. Glad cena won but as Ive stated before...WWE creative has lost all its creativity. But the Shield match was good as well. Overall nothing too special about it all

I'll be back in the morning/afternoon to elaborate more, but brutal.

Yikes. I'm going to Raw tonight, hopefully something awesome happens. The night after Mania is always good. Last year Lesnar made that epic return

- - - Updated - - -


I'll be back in the morning/afternoon to elaborate more, but brutal.

Yikes. I'm going to Raw tonight, hopefully something awesome happens. The night after Mania is always good. Last year Lesnar made that epic return
- There is said to be absolute panic at RAW this afternoon. Tonight's show was scheduled to build to a segment where Brock Lesnar beat up The Rock to set up a WrestleMania XXX main event.

The Rock is not at RAW and word going around is he went home. Vince McMahon and WWE writers and producers are busy re-doing the show and apparently the angle has been nixed.

Nobody knows any details as to what happened past that. The belief now is that Rock won't be appearing tonight.


I'm guessing he had enough. Why would he come out on Raw tonight and say Cena was the better man only to get beat down by Brock? Makes him look awful.

Especially after losing to Cena when they built it up as Cena beat Cena and not the Rock beating Cena. Makes it look like he got lucky and has no business being around the WWE. It's like Vince was taking a giant **** all over him. I can't blame him.

Speaking of last night.

What a sad excuse for WrestleMania. An even SADDER excuse for WrestleMania in NY/NJ.

I had a fun time attending, but my lord, the most predictable show I've ever seen. It was so predictable it was sort of unpredictable. You figured there had to be one swerve. Nothing. What you saw coming is what you got.

Undertaker and CM Punk were awesome. Their entrances were awesome. That's all I really got. Last year in Miami was a way better experience, better show, etc.



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