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The WWE Thread

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I really think the talent in the WWE has gone down a lot. Whether it be in the superstars or the writers. (I blame the writers) but some of the superstars they have are just....boring and have no charisma at all
I really think the talent in the WWE has gone down a lot. Whether it be in the superstars or the writers. (I blame the writers) but some of the superstars they have are just....boring and have no charisma at all

I like The Shield, Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, Dolph Ziggler and a few others. Hell I even enjoy The Miz (though I liked him as a heel during his title run.) It doesn't seem like it's all big guys with no talent like it was in the past though they still have some big guys with no talent.
You would think that with all the kids my age that grew up watching the Attitude Era, they would have a bunch on youngsters about to take the reigns and perhaps create a new golden age in wrestling. Not really. Only big bright stars I see are the Shield and Ziggler. Not including Punk and Bryan of course since they are already former World Champs. So is Ziggler, but not really.

This WrestleMania seems really disappointing right now. It's alot of rematches. It's funny though, cause in 6 years when you look back at this Mania, it will probably be awesome. 6 of their biggest stars of all time are headlining. Even the undercard matches have some talented guys who's potential is through the roof or have at times been top guys.

I've learned to just enjoy it for what it is now. Don't overthink it. I'm looking forward to HHH/Lesnar the most mainly cause Brock is one of my favorites of all time and never thought I'd see him back, let alone be able to go in person. I think HHH will ultimately win, although it makes no sense. Can't see HHH losing with his last 4 matches being losses to Taker and Lesnar.

Side note, I really hope it warms up cause it is regularly been 30 degrees here in NYC. Can you imagine WrestleMania in the snow? It's actually possible at this point unless there's a drastic change in 2 weeks. :lol:
I've learned to just enjoy it for what it is now. Don't overthink it. I'm looking forward to HHH/Lesnar the most mainly cause Brock is one of my favorites of all time and never thought I'd see him back, let alone be able to go in person. I think HHH will ultimately win, although it makes no sense. Can't see HHH losing with his last 4 matches being losses to Taker and Lesnar.

He does have a win against Nash in there at TLC in 2011. I loved going to that PPV: seeing Keven Nash attempt to climb a ladder was hilarious. :lol:
I got a feeling that next year at WrestleMania 30, is the last time some of these part timers will headline WrestleMania. I'm talking about Rock, HHH, Undertaker, Lesnar. So WWE needs to start grooming some of these guys for the big time cause WrestleMania 31 will be lacking star power if they don't.

Personally for 30 I think it would be great if it's Punk and Cena in the main event. Those guys would tear the house down and always put on a classic. It would only work if they stay away from eachother for the rest of the year though. However, in June WWE is having their PPV in Chicago and the prospect of Punk/Cena in Chicago 2 seems to good to pass up. Hopefully one of these scenarios plays out, I just want to see Punk finally get the last match at WrestleMania
I got a feeling that next year at WrestleMania 30, is the last time some of these part timers will headline WrestleMania. I'm talking about Rock, HHH, Undertaker, Lesnar. So WWE needs to start grooming some of these guys for the big time cause WrestleMania 31 will be lacking star power if they don't.

Personally for 30 I think it would be great if it's Punk and Cena in the main event. Those guys would tear the house down and always put on a classic. It would only work if they stay away from eachother for the rest of the year though. However, in June WWE is having their PPV in Chicago and the prospect of Punk/Cena in Chicago 2 seems to good to pass up. Hopefully one of these scenarios plays out, I just want to see Punk finally get the last match at WrestleMania

For Mania 30 I see...

Rock vs. Brock

Cena vs. Undertaker

Austin vs. Punk (if they really want to go all out for one last HUGE show.)

That leaves HHH off the card. Maybe he loses to Lesnar and stays behind the scenes. Or maybe he faces Punk instead of the unlikely Austin match.
I think the first 2 are very possible. As much as I'd like to see Austin/Punk, I think Austin has said that if he's gonna wrestle one more match he has to be the focal point of the show and how he doesn't want to share the spotlight. Something along those lines. If those matches happen, you have arguably the biggest threat to the streak, and a rematch from SummerSlam 2002 with the Rock looking for redemption against the one guy he hasn't beaten.

What match would go on last? One of those matches would have to be for the WWE Championship too. Would be a super card indeed, but it's the 30th annual WrestleMania so it has to be big.
I think the first 2 are very possible. As much as I'd like to see Austin/Punk, I think Austin has said that if he's gonna wrestle one more match he has to be the focal point of the show and how he doesn't want to share the spotlight. Something along those lines. If those matches happen, you have arguably the biggest threat to the streak, and a rematch from SummerSlam 2002 with the Rock looking for redemption against the one guy he hasn't beaten.

What match would go on last? One of those matches would have to be for the WWE Championship too. Would be a super card indeed, but it's the 30th annual WrestleMania so it has to be big.

Main event would likely be Rock vs. Brock. Movie star vs. UFC champion. Biggest draw.

IF the streak were to end, it'd have to be Cena/Taker.

I could see someone like Ziggler being champion going into Mania. Maybe set up a new age while fading out the old. The next year will be VERY interesting.
They need to pull the trigger on Ziggler, and soon. Start by putting him by himself after he cashes in. He's been on a winning streak lately, but before that he literally lost every match this year. I'd have him cash in at Mania, no ones done that yet.
Rock n brock is highly likely IMO and i think itll happen soon. and i agree. ziggler is of the few "freshies" thats really got potential. They need to unleash him and the Miz. Like what happened with him? He was great but now all they got him doin is crap talk show stuff? C'mon WWE. Though I do have to say that Big E Langston bores me.
They need to pull the trigger on Ziggler, and soon. Start by putting him by himself after he cashes in. He's been on a winning streak lately, but before that he literally lost every match this year. I'd have him cash in at Mania, no ones done that yet.

I think he may finally cash in at Mania and "steal the show".

Tonight's Raw had excellent buildup for Mania for Rock & Cena. I'm genuinely looking forward to their match now. I'm really beginning to think Rock goes out on top, again.
I think he may finally cash in at Mania and "steal the show".

Tonight's Raw had excellent buildup for Mania for Rock & Cena. I'm genuinely looking forward to their match now. I'm really beginning to think Rock goes out on top, again.

Eh..I'm feeling the opposite. I don't think they would have Rock win 2 Wrestlemania's in a row (hell I didn't think he would win last year), and tonight did cast doubt about Cena winning but that's what they want so it seems more surprising when he does win and finally wins "the big one" (despite winning like 98% of all the big matches in his career).

I have no idea why they're going with Jericho vs Fandango but if JR says it will surprise people then it might turn out to be a good match.

Ziggler..I really hope he cashes in and wins since it would be awesome. I don't know if they'll let him do it though.

CM Punk vs. Undertaker will still be match of the night. Between that, Rock/Cena starting to look better, and a hopefully good No DQ/street fight/No Holds Barred/whatever match with HHH and Lesnar, that should be a solid 90-120 minutes of the show; that includes 45 minutes for Taker's entrance. :lol:
Yeah I'm definitely interested in Rock vs Cena now with the potential of a Cena heel turn possible after that promo tonight. Also good to see Undertaker get physical. He looks to be in good shape
Where did this fandango crap come from?

Really WWE?


And now dragging Jericho in just to get him a match?

Y2J is now apparently barely getting into wrestlemania?

Ohhh this company is seriously lacking.

EDIT: Cena really needs to go back to his attitude days.
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Too soon for predictions on the main matches? I'll give mine anyway with 9 days to go.

John Cena def. The Rock
The Undertaker def. CM Punk
Brock Lesnar def. Triple H
Alberto Del Rio def. Jack Swagger
The Shield def. Randy Orton, Sheamus and The Big Show.

I'm really hoping for some kind of screwy finish with the main event. Cena heel turn hopefully. The New York crowd will probably fill the ring with garbage if Cena goes over clean. I'm not even so sure how behind The Rock they'll be. Could be looking at a Lesnar/Goldberg WMXX situation, which could be disastrous.
Here are my predictions... but with Raw tonight they could change very easily.

The Rock def. John Cena
Undertaker def. CM Punk
HHH def. Brock Lesnar *facepalm*
The Shield def. Sheamus, Randy Orton, and Big Show
Alberto Del Rio def. Jack Swagger.... Dolph Ziggler def. Alberto Del Rio, cashing in Money in the Bank
Team Hell No def. Dolph Ziggler & Big E Langston
Fandango def. Chris Jericho
Ryback def. Mark Henry
No one cares about Miz vs. Wade Barrett or the Brodus/Tensai vs. Rhodes/Sandow disasters.
Here are mine!

HHH def. Lesnar
Cena def. Rock
Taker def. Punk but ends screwy
Sheamus, Orton, and Show def. Shield
Del Rio def. Swagger
Ziggler and Big E def. Team Hell No
Jericho def. Fandango
Ryback Def. Henry
Miz def. Barrett
Team Rhodes Scholars defeats the chunky monkeys