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The WWE Thread

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Old yes. Boring no. He may only wrestle once a year but it's hard to top his match at each Wrestlemania. I don't think he'll be around much longer (maybe finished at Wrestlemania 30) but he can still put on good and entertaining matches.

I meant the storyline they have him on. His matches are incredible and have made recent classics which im grateful to have been alive for. I just think they need to let the man rest in peace.
What a match by Cena and Punk on Raw. Rock vs. Cena is official and I think we can count on Punk vs. Undertaker as well. Btw what a nasty gash Lesnar suffered, he was a mess.
What a match by Cena and Punk on Raw. Rock vs. Cena is official and I think we can count on Punk vs. Undertaker as well. Btw what a nasty gash Lesnar suffered, he was a mess.

That was a great match. It had a sloppy Cena hurricanrana, but it had a piledriver!!!!!!!! Nice to see the return of that. I'll take Punk vs. Taker at this point. That'll be Match of the Night.
The piledriver was awesome! Those two always bring out the best in eachother. Hopefully they stay away from eachother for a while now so the next time they face eachother it will feel that much bigger.
Sounds like Taker has committed to Mania. So that means the top 4 matches are...

Rock vs. Cena for the WWE Championship
Del Rio vs. Swagger for the World Heavyweight Championship
Undertaker vs. CM Punk
HHH vs. Brock Lesnar

Personally, I'm looking forward to Lesnar/HHH the most. A stipulation will DEFINITELY be added. Last man standing, hell in a cell, something. The other matches I'm really on the fence about. Either way, it'll be a fun night at the Meadowlands.

I also fully expect Ziggler to finally cash in.
When did Taker commit?

I missed something.

Really the only matches I look forward to are HHH/Lesnar and Taker's match. Swagger bores me and so does Del Rio.

Rock and Cena is just hype. We saw this match coming the second the Rock announced he'd be in the Royal Rumble. Give me a break.

I fully expect a Sheamus, Orton, ryback 6 man tag with the shield. Maybe a elimination ladder match?
Sounds like Taker has committed to Mania. So that means the top 4 matches are...

Rock vs. Cena for the WWE Championship
Del Rio vs. Swagger for the World Heavyweight Championship
Undertaker vs. CM Punk
HHH vs. Brock Lesnar

Personally, I'm looking forward to Lesnar/HHH the most. A stipulation will DEFINITELY be added. Last man standing, hell in a cell, something. The other matches I'm really on the fence about. Either way, it'll be a fun night at the Meadowlands.

I also fully expect Ziggler to finally cash in.

A Street Fight between Lesnar/HHH would be awesome. Also looking forward to Taker/Punk if it happens, and hoping I can be pleasantly surprised by Del Rio/Swagger. That might have a chance of turning into a decent match.
When did Taker commit?

I missed something.

He hasn't definitely committed, but he just showed up to a house show last week and it's pretty heavily rumored that he's going to turn up getting booked for another match this year.
No Holds Barred between HHH and Lesnar would be good. Especially with Brock going all out to make it look legit lol. The man is a complete animal, how are they gonnna let us believe 40 something, broken down, COO Triple H can beat him?

The undercard should be intersting, we still have no idea what it's gonna be. Looks like the Shield will face some combination of Orton, Sheamus and Jericho/Ryback.

I think they should just focus on match quality instead of making sure EVERYONE gets on the card. I think the past few Wrestlemanias have suffered from that. The Team Teddy vs. Team Johnny from last year is an example. That's why Sheamus beat Daniel Bryan in 18 seconds last year, that would have been a solid opening match if given 10-15 minutes. Usually there's a musical performance too that's a waste of time.
No Holds Barred between HHH and Lesnar would be good. Especially with Brock going all out to make it look legit lol. The man is a complete animal, how are they gonnna let us believe 40 something, broken down, COO Triple H can beat him?

The undercard should be intersting, we still have no idea what it's gonna be. Looks like the Shield will face some combination of Orton, Sheamus and Jericho/Ryback.

I think they should just focus on match quality instead of making sure EVERYONE gets on the card. I think the past few Wrestlemanias have suffered from that. The Team Teddy vs. Team Johnny from last year is an example. That's why Sheamus beat Daniel Bryan in 18 seconds last year, that would have been a solid opening match if given 10-15 minutes. Usually there's a musical performance too that's a waste of time.

Agreed. If HHH/Lesnar put on a type of match similar to the brawl they had on Monday night, it'll be fun to watch.

Im guessing Shield vs. whomever will be their way of getting 3 top guys with absolutely no direction on the card. I would guess the Shield are due for a loss unfortunately.

Just seems like all the faces are going to be victorious. I would love to see Lesnar pummel HHH, though. :lol:

I'm most excited to see Brock in person again.
Looking forward to the Old School Raw on Monday. Probably gonna be 3 hours of nonsense but the last time they did it in like 2010 with the old theme and set was pretty cool. Also most likely the logical time for the Undertaker to return, with about a little more than a month until Mania
I'd be there without a doubt.

Yeah, it looks like WWE have basically confirmed it. I've been waiting for it for the past few weeks, but tonight really seems fitting. Should be fun to watch.

I'd probably be down for an Orlando WM as well... weekend at the parks and Mania sounds awesome. Except the Citrus Bowl looks like a wreck.

I'll be going for the 2nd year in a row this year. :lol:

Tempted to go in New Orleans.. moreso cause I've always wanted to go there. WrestleMania is just an added bonus.
I'd probably be down for an Orlando WM as well... weekend at the parks and Mania sounds awesome. Except the Citrus Bowl looks like a wreck.

I'll be going for the 2nd year in a row this year. :lol:

Tempted to go in New Orleans.. moreso cause I've always wanted to go there. WrestleMania is just an added bonus.

Definitely and the fact that I wouldn't have to travel much would be a nice plus. :lol:

Insanely jealous. I really wanted to make it out to last year's in Miami, but I just couldn't make it work. It'll happen eventually. :lol:

New Orleans is a pretty nice spot for a vacation. I enjoyed the brief time I spent there and going for a WrestleMania would be a great way to visit.
Well, Undertaker returned as expected. I would have liked for them to just get to the feud instead of having a fatal four way when we all knew it was gonna be CM Punk. But I guess the promos with each other will start next week.

For some reason, that Cena/Rock promo got me more interested in the match. Some of the stuff Cena said leads me to believe theres an outside chance he could turn heel in this match. Reminds me of Stone Cold at Mania 17 when he said he "has to win" and he wound up turning heel aligning himself with McMahon. The obsession with beating The Rock could lead to Cena doing something to cheat, what that is I don't know. But a Cena heel turn would be HUGE, and could get more people watching again.

But I'm sure he'll just win clean, him and Rock will shake hands, and that's your show.