I wonder what the hourly rate needs to be to help pull these workers out of poverty.
Depends on how far they want to drive to work
But the Valley costs around 2,000 bucks just to live, if you go to LA and Hollywood those will cost the same if not more. Also 2,000 before utilities most the time, not including you need a car, car insurance, health care/dental/maybe vision?, gas and food
Maybe you can cut back on some of those things but thats what you need just to live near LA, not including you know having fun
So its sad but....makes sense how some are homeless if they aren't getting near 3 thousand dollars without a partner...you either need roommates, family supporting you or have someone who is willing to rent something cheap to you like room at their home
Older generations will say these jobs should all be done by teens....but most people I come in contract with at the parks seem to be at least over 18 for the most part.
The problem is it's kinda a country wide issue
The 1% now has as much wealth as the entire middle class and they want profits to keep climbing, so unless a law passes or revolution happens I sadly don't see this getting any better anytime soon. I know the union could get more but Universal refuses to talk with them per the article and even if they do....I bet it won't be enough to help most people be able to live in LA.