No worries. Don't take my post as way to frighten you. I appreciate all updates, it's just that in my's a special case. I used to be local, but have since moved to Miami. I plan to be local again within the next year though.
My point was, this is a 2nd job for the Staff..and it's not really a job, but more of a hobby. All of us have real world stuff to deal with. Jake has college/work, Hate has work (insane hours), Mike lives an hour away, and Tbadd was on vacation. Granted this trip wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for my g/f wanting to ride DM, most other would have been me driving 3 hours to make sure this site stays updated. I don't see a cent from that trip and none of you guys pay for the gas. I didn't think it was petty thing to say "Hey, at least wait for mine before posting yours." since it's a little bit more time consuming. Our goal is to become #1 for theme park sites, whether that makes us money or not is secondary. In fact, I've spent the past 5 hours trying to fix my main PC (which has the Photoshop and all that jazz) but the motherboard appears to be fried, so I've been getting my work laptop ready to get the updates going.
BTW, Thank you Ryan for the offer, and for the others for your kind support.