Just got out of the park a little while ago. I only got there around 3-4 pm, but just in time to see Bumblebee! I really like how the meet and greet is set up for now. It had a decent line. I didn't get to see Optimus because it was the back-end of the greet, so I'll try to catch him tomorrow and Saturday. I agree that the Supply Vault is a little roomy. And the door by the register definitely looks like an exit. I wanted to reserve my opinion on the exterior until I got to see it in person. Now I can honestly say that while I'm not in love with it, it's certainly not as terrible as it looked in pictures, IMHO. I certainly can't wait to see what the finished product will look like. While it does not completely fit Production Central, I'll take it as it is, seeing that nothing that was already in Production Central actually fits already there either. The place is MASSIVE. Now that the walls are down and you can touch it (yes, I joined the club), the scope of the project really is much more clear.
Just my two cents.