Transformers: The Ride - Summer 2013 | Page 373 | Inside Universal Forums

Transformers: The Ride - Summer 2013

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Is it Transformers?

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    Votes: 145 91.8%
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    Votes: 13 8.2%

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The whole "be happy with what you're given" attitude will forever keep Universal playing second fiddle. If fans don't push Universal to go above and beyond at all times, you create the "no matter how we build it, they'll still come" attitude that's destroying WDW.
The whole "be happy with what you're given" attitude will forever keep Universal playing second fiddle. If fans don't push Universal to go above and beyond at all times, you create the "no matter how we build it, they'll still come" attitude that's destroying WDW.

QFT. A themed fence and prop or two would go a long way. Spider-Man's extended queue is distinctly separated (borderline hidden) from the main walking path and includes extensive theming. No reason Transformers' queue can't have a little effort applied.
The whole "be happy with what you're given" attitude will forever keep Universal playing second fiddle. If fans don't push Universal to go above and beyond at all times, you create the "no matter how we build it, they'll still come" attitude that's destroying WDW.

Im not saying dont push, I want a covering but some attitudes are coming across as small children who have been spoiled.
The whole "be happy with what you're given" attitude will forever keep Universal playing second fiddle. If fans don't push Universal to go above and beyond at all times, you create the "no matter how we build it, they'll still come" attitude that's destroying WDW.


I give credit to Uni for getting a huge E-ticket built in such a short period of time, but I can't ignore the fact that basically everything else they've done about it has been straight up bad, especially when one of the most hyper-detailed lands of all time is being built across the lagoon.
I believe that much of the outdoor queue is under the overhang that runs the length of the building. This area could easily handle a dual line. So, I believe the uncovered queue will only get used during wacky times of the year.
Do we know for sure if they are done with the outside portion?

I don't think we do.

Tom Smykowski must post on this board. That or someone stole his Jump to Conclusions mat.

If there is still no covering once the attraction opens, then yes, it was poorly designed. However, until that happens, I think it's unfair of us to criticize a company that's been building attractions in the Florida sun for the past 25 years.

Just my opinion.

Once you exit the dungeon part of the queue for Harry Potter and The Forbidden Journey and go into the greenhouse, there is a drink stand to the left :thumbs:

Ehh Im not a big Harry Potter fan at all. Could care less for the boy! But The way they create things in the theme park are awesome.I did get a pumpkin juice or whatever from a wizard cart! It has an ummmm "colorful" taste haha. I hope Transformers is the same. Many have been to Cali so they know what to expect, but this is all new to me and as a local I can enjoy Uni as often haha!
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LA and Orlando do not have the same weather. Hence why the DLR queue plans for WDW were quickly altered (see HM awning).

A massive outdoor uncovered queue on pavement is stupid. Plain and simple.
I'm well aware of the different climates, but this project is very much a copy and paste so that's a big part of why we're seeing such a short indoor queue.
I think we all knew from the start that the building was going to be smaller in USF. The building in Cali would take up the whole area in the Orlando version, and there would be no sidewalks unless they built new ones. A TF store would be off to the side somewhere, and the outdoor queue would basically be the streets.

So it makes sense that the queue is smaller, becasue of the Supply Vault, and the need for sidewalks. If they tore down Monsters cafe with SS44 last summer, there would be no outdoor queue.

As for the "failures" of this bad outdoor queue and bad theming, I agree it could be better, and it should be better when you look at the money you had to pay just to enter the park. So why are they underperforming with TF? Here are my reasons why: They are pushing to get this open in 11 months, they are making 3 new and complex Harry Potter areas in two countries, the many other projects going on everywhere else in the 5 theme parks, there are better things to spend on than a queue and an exterior, and maybe they decided that a TF store to make millions on merchandise was more important than those two.

Obviously, most of you will disagree with me. Heck, I was one of the 10 that said it wasn't TF. So this isn't where my thoughts have been accepted by all people, but there has to be reasons why the exterior and the queue are not up to "standard." In my opinion, who cares about an outdoor queue, and the ride is going to be great anyway, and this is located in the greatest jigsaw-puzzle theme park out there! And let's not forget, no one on this fourm has waited in the queue to go on this ride! Unless Universal listened to HTF's demands.:hail:

Bottom line, this is what happens when you Rip, Tear, Kill a soundstage and build a mega E-Ticket in an unprecedented span of 11 months. Some things will be great, and others will be not, and at the end of the day it's all about the money. They will make money with people going into the park, and buying the merch as it is. Besides, they have bigger fish to fry.

Note: I apoligize if this is too big of a post, and if people start getting really mad. I already have made Skip write multiple tirades since I join in July. Ooops. :peace:
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I think the entire outdoor queue problem will be mostly solved. I'm betting either Universal will add some kind of tarp or shade by the time this ride officially opens and if they don't, enough guests will complain about standing out in the sun while waiting for this ride that they'll eventually improve the queue.
I'm really not too worried about a small amount of uncovered outdoor queue. It's not like we've NEVER had to deal with a little waiting in the sun. Just as long as it's not a huge portion of theoutdoor queue, which it doesn't look like it now. Like I said, if it starts baking guests alive they can just put "Splash Mountain" tarps over it. :look: Seriously though, they could install a very simple overhang or shading situation in coming months. It seems like it's a huge concern that I feel is getting a bit too much attention. As for theming, I also trust they'll spice up the place when the time comes. We haven't even seen the main statues yet!
Im not saying dont push, I want a covering but some attitudes are coming across as small children who have been spoiled.

It's not being 'spoiled' if people are asking for high quality when they're paying good money to get in. High-paying customers in a world-class theme park shouldn't have to compromise or be expected to be content with mediocrity. Now when Universal starts charging free admission or at least reduced prices, you and I can talk about being spoiled :thumbs:
I will respectfully disagree. A new, high tech dark ride from demo of previous occupant to open in less than 9 months means the least thing I'll be worried about is the outdoor queue. That IS high quality to me. Of all the things we're getting right now, to get bent out of shape about one outdoor queue does seem like a spoiled child. If this were the only ride we were getting, then I would agree with you, but so much else is happening that you can only expect Universal to spend so much money. If they have to cut a little cost, the outdoor queue will work.

It's not being 'spoiled' if people are asking for high quality when they're paying good money to get in. High-paying customers in a world-class theme park shouldn't have to compromise or be expected to be content with mediocrity. Now when Universal starts charging free admission or at least reduced prices, you and I can talk about being spoiled :thumbs:
For those of you freaking out about a 17 minute indoor queue, you have to consider some things...

First off, that time sounds oddly specific and is probably guestimated based on theoretical max capacity for a ride. The idea behind a small indoor queue is probably that they intend to move people through it fast, not hold them in the building to immerse their experience. If the ride is to be an exact clone of the other TFs, you can expect dual loading and unloading platforms to help push capacity.

Another thing to consider is that the ride is STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION. It's not like this ride opens next week and you all are freaking out over an unfinished product. You all need some patience cause for all we know, there is 2 hours of covered queue being built behind the scenes.