I was expecting a far more dazzling fountain display; far more dense. I figured the promo videos were just a peek with a couple of them turned on. Perhaps the search lights added something to the sky that was not evident in the two vids so far. Short of a few moments that started to work for me, I didn't expect the editing to be so much like a DVD studio promo. Despite the fact that it is a 100 year celebration, we all know that they did not show EVERY film Universal has ever made... so I believe fewer films would have delivered a better, more emotional show.
I am hoping that Skip is correct and the winds caused them to cut back on the fireworks. I understand the laws governing the area however I can't imagine that it applies to noiseless shots such as flares and roman candles.
I always imagine the stars and when all I get is the moon, I am always a bit disappointed. :wave:
I agree with you, the show to me seems a lot like Fantasmic at Tokyo Disney Sea, at first I hated it because it seemed very disjointed. As I have watched it more times however I have grown to love it. The pacing seems a lot better than what 360 was and that is a good thing, but at the same time the rapid showing off multiple movie clips in a scene was still there.
SCENES::- The comedy, horror, and Good vs. Evil scenes felt dreadfully out of place and seemed to be swapped.
- The fire effect with the mist screen was awesome looking
- The finale was amazing as well
- The Triumph scene felt very rushed
- The beginning was executed amazingly and really helps to draw people in.
PYRO::- The pyro is probably the best Universal has ever done and I thought the use of pyro only enhanced the show.No complaints except I would have like to have seen some fire effects.
FOUNTAINS:: - I know I'll probably be eating my words after I see it live, but it seemed that the fountains were sparse and only one of them moved (moved very seaizure-like as well) I would have liked to see more since they do tie us over between pyro shots
MOVIE CLIPS:: - This show seems to rely too heavily on our attachment with movies. Not every person at the park is going to necessarily be a 'movie-buff' and perhaps may not even like Universal movies that much. Disney gets away with just showing a picture of Bambi and everyone goes awww... It seems like Universal almost feels bad or is scared to get too too sentimental. The Morgan Freeman voice over was a stupendous addition though.
Are the fountains, lights and screens a great idea? Yes! x4000
Did the show go through more planning and better execution? Yes
Was I impressed by the show? Yes...and no sometimes
Is it better than WOC? At this point no
Is it better than Fantasmic? YES! Fantasmic is the most glorified Disney show for some reason and I can't stand it
Will I see this every time I go to Universal? you bet!
Better than 360...still not their 100% best..great leap forward though..